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Lord of the Wild Hunt

"In the sky / In the sky / He will fly / To all the children doomed to die"   -Aurandian nursery rhyme
Few omens in all of Covenant are darker than The Wild Hunt. Where they ride, terrible events are sure to follow. Whether war or plague or disaster, the appearance of the Wild Hunt means that life will never be the same again. Even those who see them are forever changed by the experience.   Many have wondered what manner of creature could lead such a vile host. Surely, only a terrible fiend or dark god could do such a thing. Stories from around the world try to explain just what this creature is, but if any have discovered any true answer, they were lost to madness or death before they could share it.

Physical Description

Body Features

Due to his nature, and that of the Wild Hunt he leads, few have ever seen the Lord of the Hunt. Those that have are often driven hopelessly mad by the encounter. A vast majority of those who have had the misfortune to see him, but the good fortune to retain control of their faculties have only seen him over a great distance.   If he does have any detailed features, it is impossible to see them, as no matter how bright the illumination, he only appears as a dark silhouette. The only light that shines in him at all comes from his glowing white eyes. Sometimes long hair can be seen, blowing in a spectral wind.

Apparel & Accessories

The clothing and possessions of the Lord of the Wild Hunt are no more well-defined than his body. The most obvious thing he possesses is his mount. This shadowy creature takes the appearance of a black horse, but what manner of creature it is that would allow the Lord of the Hunt on its back is a complete mystery.   Anything else he wears or carries is only known through his silhouette. He clearly wears a wide-brim hat and what appears to be a heavy coat, but no detail of them can be seen. On the rare occasion he dismounts, the footsteps of his hard-soled boots are heard with an almost unnatural level of clarity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The origins of the Lord of the Wild Hunt are a true mystery. Cultures around Covenant each have different stories of how he came to be. Few of these stories have much in the way of detail, with many even stating that he lost or surrendered his name to become what he is.   In Polisia, it's told that the Lord of the Hunt is the motherless son of Ouranos, the Titan god of the sky. He was born from his fury at his castration at the hands of his son, Kronus. Since that day, the Lord of the Hunt has eternally ridden across the sky, reveling in the pain and destruction he has seen under him.   In Kemet, it is said that the Lord of the Wild Hunt was once a mortal man. When he stood before Anubis and had his heart weighed, he was found lacking. Before his heart could be devoured by Ammut, he stole it and fled. Since he no longer had a place in the worlds of the living or the dead, he could only ride the skies with other unworthy souls he could steal from Ammut's jaws.   The Bjornlanders tell that it was Hel that created him out of the shadows of her realm. When she was banished by Odin to the realm that would come to bear her name, such was her rage that she twisted the shadows into a mockery of Odin, himself. She then unleashed her creation on Covenant, leading a host of the unworthy dead across the sky.   Like the Kemetans, in the kingdoms of Acitern it is said the Lord of the Wild Hunt was once a mortal man. He loved hunting more than anything else in all the world. He claimed before all the celestials that the heavens in which they dwelt were nothing compared to such simple pleasures. Offended, the celestials lifted him into the sky, and cursed him to hunt forever, denied any rest in this life or the next.   In Sakkal, the story goes that when the god Enlil chose to flood all the land, another god, Ea warned two men. The first built a boat of epic proportions and survived, granted immortality by the gods, themselves. The other gathered all he could and tried to outride the rising water. Before drowning, he begged any god that would listen to save him and his people. In response, Tiamat cast them all into the sky and laughed as they were cursed to ride forever.   Some scholars have tried to determine the nature of the Lord of the Wild Hunt, but none have succeeded. Some believe he is an archfey or archfiend of some kind. Since there is no memory of a time he did not exist, it is sometimes believed he is a manifestation of Covenant, itself, much like The Weird Sisters.
Divine Classification
Male (presumably)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Aug 11, 2024 09:46 by Rashkavar

Very cool. I love how you gave mysterious and conflicting explanations from a bunch of different cultural groups - makes it clear this is a global phenomenon but one that nobody seems to have a real explanation for. Neat bit of worldbuilding! (Also, I love how the Wild Hunt idea can be played with in so many ways - I've encountered it in a lot of different bits of fiction and like with your different groups, have never really found any 2 examples that work the same.)