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Many weapons of heroes are made legend through incredible deeds. In a way, Mooncutter, the sword of the Polisian hero Athiope the Swift is one of these items. Once the blade of a simple traveling adventurer, it became something more in Athiope's hands despite the infamy of its most iconic wielder.


Like all items created by the black elves, Mooncutter is a work of art. Its mithril surface is covered in mystic writing and decorative engraving that seems to flow like water. Its structure varies as it melts and reforms itself into a shape fit to be wielded by its new wielder.


Mooncutter was created by a black elven mage for his protectors. Due to his abrasive personality, he rarely kept them for long, and so enchanted the sword to change its shape to fit the needs of its various wielders. It remained in the possession of this anonymous mage's protectors for over a century.   This changed when a group of adventurers killed him and his protector in a fit of pique over an unsatisfactory reward for their efforts. They gave the blade to their primary warrior, a man from Aresene. The sword became a greatsword and remained by his side during all his subsequent adventures.   It was still by his side when he was abducted by Eos, Polisian goddess of the dawn. He remained as her unwilling "guest" until the birth of their daughter Athiope. Now returned to the mortal plane, he taught her the ways of battle, gifting her the weapon when he was finished. It became a scimitar to more effectively serve the graceful Athiope.   Unfortunately for all of Polisia, the Apple of Discord surfaced, starting a war that encompassed the whole of the islands. Athiope, a hero, was immune to its power. She used that immunity, her skills as a warrior, and the power of her sword to claim the Apple over and over again, collecting more and more wealth.   Eventually, for unknown reasons she took the Apple and left Polisia. Since so many were still under the Apple's power, she was attacked over and over by those desiring it. Her talents and her weapon's power only lasted so long before she was killed, Mooncutter passing on to her killer.   The sword changed hands over and over again, changing shape each time. Since then, it has traveled the length and breadth of Covenant. At some point, it was lost along with its wielder and many have searched for it since.


Artifacts are often remembered as if they were extentions of their bearers. Few of these items can claim as much as Mooncutter that literally reshapes itself for its wielders. It is believed this weapon has some level of intelligence, but to what level-- if any-- is a mystery.   Still, no matter how many hands wield it, it can never shake the infamy of Athiope the Swift. Despite its black elven origin, it is most associated with Polisia, and there it is associated with her skill and greed in equal measure. Many Polisians distrust the wielders of Mooncutter, even without cause due to the actions of the hero who carved its name in the history of that land.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Base Price

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