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Athiope the Swift

Heroes are often complex figures in the history of their homelands. This is especially true in Polisia, where heroes are woven into the fabric of that land, no matter how great and terrible they are, very much like the gods whose blood often flows in their veins.

Physical Description

Body Features

As a demigod, Athiope was incredibly beautiful. The most obvious feature was her piercing eyes, which varied based on the colors of the dawn, such as gold, orange, red, and pink. She had dark brown hair, kept straight and tied back. Her skin had a healthy tan from the Polisian sun.   She was an athletic competitor in the Enotitia Games, and possessed a lean grace. She was fairly short and slim compared to the warriors she often found herself fighting, but they often found themselves unable to compete with her speed and agility.

Apparel & Accessories

Athiope was very famous for the fact that she never wore armor of any kind. Instead she always wore a very plain tunic, even in the most intense of battles. She wore very simple sandles, that seemed to always be a hairs' breadth from falling apart.   Even though she was capable of facing much larger boxers hand-to-hand, she was known primarily as a swordsman. Her weapon was the delicate scimitar Mooncutter. Like all weapons created by the black elves, this mithril sword is a work of art, with elven runes flowing over the blade like water. She carried very little else on her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many of the heroes of Polisia, Athiope is the child of a god. Unlike the many children of Zeus, Athiope is instead the child of Eos, goddess of the dawn with an adventurer from Aresene. Like so many men before him, he was taken from his life by the goddess into her palace in the skies above Olympus.   This is where Athiope was born, but not where she was raised. As soon as she was born, both she and her father were banished back to the mortal world. He returned to his former life in Aresene. As he was gone for years, it was a struggle to find his place again, and he never really did.   He didn't want to raise his daughter as other Aresenians were raised. She didn't train among the other children, instead being trained in battle by her father and teaching herself techniques to create a style that was very much her own. She was a pariah among the other Aresenians, and didn't really consider herself one of them.   Still, her father insisted she compete for Aresene in the Enotitia Games. He even gifted her his sword, the black elven blade, Mooncutter. As the sword reshaped itself to a delicate form more appropriate to its new wielder, the world seemed to melt away, too. This was when she met the Fates, which, among their bickering, told her the world would shake at her passing.   She was doing very well at the Games, particularly at foot and horse races due to her incredible fleetness of foot. In the end, the winners and losers of the Games didn't matter. Eris, goddess of discord, "lost" her greatest treasure, the fabled Apple of Discord. As soon as it was revealed, all who saw it fell under its power, desiring it more than anything-- all but Athiope.   The power of the Apple had sparked a civil war among the two kings of Aresene, and threatened the city, itself. In this vulnerable state, Athiope capitalized on her immunity to the Apple's power and took it from the corpse of Aresene's remaining king, and took it to the consul of Thetera, costing him most of his fortune.   When the other city-states inevitably invaded Thetera, she took the Apple and sold it to the grand admiral of Pasedonis. She continued on in this way for years as the War of the Apple continued to get worse. The money she earned on this war was enough to allow her to create a gilded palace somewhere in the mysterious islands in the south, even now a common prize for would-be treasure hunters.   No one knows why she eventually took the Apple away from Polisia, or where she hid it, but its absence only slowed the war rather than stopping it, as its power over those who had seen it was undiminished. Athiope fought many battles from those desiring the Apple, and eventually her luck ran out, seeing the Apple of Discord lost forever.


As with any of the many heroes of Polisia, Athiope the Swift has collected many tales. Perhaps the most unusual of these states that she never truly existed in the first place. It is said that she was actually a guise used by Eris, herself for the purpose of worsening the already terrible conflict-- an understandable view considering her actions.   The primary breeding ground for stories is the ultimate fate of the Apple of Discord. Some have said that she sailed to the end of the world and threw the Apple into the void. Others have said she tracked down Eris's realm and returned it to the goddess, herself. The most mundane answer is that she hid the Apple in one of the mystical islands where none dare tread.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Daughter of Dawn, Champion of the Enotitia Games, Demigod Hero of Polisia
Circumstances of Death
Killed in battle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 4 in.
105 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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