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"They will descend as if from the heavens unto the mortal world. They shall be wreathed in celestial glory, but their flesh shall be impure. Thou shalt know them as decievers-- Fallen Ones."   -Zaphkiel 10:7, Book of Radiance
All beings of celestial nature feel a deep desire to do good-- an inextricable part of their very nature. Still, it's possible for one to forge their own path. One that seems like the very symbol of peace might prepare for war. Such is the way of the dove-like Peristeri, celestial herald of the Church of the Light in Pranish.

Physical Description

Body Features

Much like many other celestials, Peristeri has white-feathered wings. These wings are beneath his arms, however, rather than on his back. Much of his body is covered in white feathers as well, including a crest on his head. Those are not his only avian features. His legs are also bent more like a bird's than a human's and he has a nose similar to a dove's beak.   Other than these obviously inhuman features, he is very unassuming. He is both short and slim, aiding in flight. Even his wings seem much duller than one would expect from a celestial being. This has somewhat hampered his ability to gain influence with the Church of the Light.

Apparel & Accessories

Due to his unconventional body shape, Peristeri is unable to wear shirts. Instead, he only wears a very simple pair of pants, a sash, and very little else. Occasionally, in more important ceremonial moments, he wears an intricately decorated shawl, mostly white with golden trim and maxims written in celestial.   For the most part, he doesn't carry weapons, preferring instead to use his natural magical abilities. He can also use his talons, and even his wings to deliver surprisingly strong blows. More recently, he has been training with a rapier in an attempt to get an edge over his more powerful enemy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Peristeri is very open about his past, and very matter-of-fact about it and his intentions. He is a an avoral, one of the guardinals of the plane of Elysium. He spent his entire existence serving the cause of good in countless small ways. Aiding the innocent and fighting the forces of evil.   He was summoned to Covenant by a mage in the service of the Church of Light. This wizard was hunting a fugitive in the city of Tarke, one he claimed was a murderer and a heathen. When Peristeri found him, he discovered this "murderer" was a gnome who prevented the unjust executions of several non-humans.   This was his first experiences with the injustices of the Church of the Light, and he swore he would do something. He rebelled against his summoner and spent some time trying to discover what has occurred. He had almost no knowledge of the Book of Radiance, but he claimed it wasn't hard to determine that it was not written by celestial hands.   Eventually, he found himself in the Pranishan city of Anslev and spoke with a priest named Nikolai Chosakev. This priest, a scholar of the heavens, recognized him for what he was. After a long conversation, he shared his belief that the Book of Radiance he knew had been rewritten.   With his help, Peristeri was declared the celestial herald of the Church of Pranish. He set the goals of the church to be two-fold. First, they would protect those who suffered from the abuses of the main church. They would also seek the original Book of Radiance that disappeared from the cathedral in Santania.   In response, Taelafel, the angelic leader of the church, declared Peristeri to be a fallen deceiver, and has declared a crusade against the Pranishan church. She has managed to rally a great many Llaurians and Aurandians to her cause, preparing to slay the heathens for their blasphemy.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Holy Radiance, Celestial Herald of Pranish, Fallen One, Liar of Pranish
White (feathers)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 6 in.
120 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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