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"Little blighter, always causing trouble. I'd burn the bugger out if my son didn't love him so."   -Aodh Mac Vaerill, woodcutter
The fey of Fasach are varied creatures. Some are fully malevolent, such as greedy hags or horrifying dullahan. Others, like pixies and korreds, are less overtly dangerous, however. Among these is the puca, unpredictable shapeshifters that can aid or hinder others with their trickery.

Basic Information


As fey creatures, magic is part of the very nature of puca. In particular, they are shapeshifters who are rarely seen in their true form, which resembles a short, hairy, point-eared humanoid that resembles an animal more than an intelligent being. They even walk on all fours more than upright and are naturally able climbers.   The extent of their shape-shifting ability is not well understood. They seem to be able to change quite quickly as many times as they want. Usually, they take the form of animals, often cats, dogs, weasels, horses, or foxes. Conversely, they are not quite so talented at taking humanoid form, often making mistakes such as animalistic ears or a tail.   The inherent fey magic in them gives them a talent for illusions, although their power isn't great. Often they use lights to lure people into the wilds. Their parts are sometimes used for alchemical purposes, though. Their hair is capable of being used for Dust of Disappearance, and their ground-up bones are used for Dust of True Shape, which forces shapeshifters into their true form.

Ecology and Habitats

Puca prefer to live nearer to humanoids than most fey. They often make their lairs on the edges of civilization, not too close to Fasachan villages that their lairs are discovered, but not so far that they can't play their tricks or steal the odd item that catches their eye.   These lairs are usually part of nature, typically in burrows and tree hollows. These humble burrows seem to exist in both the Material Plane and the Otherworld in the same time although usually only the puca can use it cross over. Their lairs are almost always full of the "treasures" the diminutive creatures have collected over the years.


Puca are unpredictable, even by fey standards. Sometimes, they help travelers lost in the woods. Other times, they are the reason they were lost in the first place. The only consistent facet of their behavior is that they are uncomfortable with violence. If threatened, puca will try to escape rather than fight.   Puca love playing pranks on others, whether using their magic to hide a person's trail or disguising themselves as a traveler's horse and bolting with them off in a random direction. These tricks aren't usually dangerous, but some puca-- especially younger ones-- don't always understand the fragility of mortal beings.   Another trait common to puca are their love of collecting things. When they see something interesting, whether a valuable necklace or a shiny rock, they will stop at nothing to take it. Their lairs are treasure troves of these items, most of them worthless to humanoids. If well treated, a puca might give a friend one of these misplaced trinkets.
Average Height
3 - 4 ft.
Average Weight
50 - 60 lbs.
Geographic Distribution

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