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The northernmost continent of Covenant, Skogsmark is known for being a harsh, untamed wilderness with harsher people-- the nations of Bjornland and Fasach. It is colder than any other, and its wild lands deeper. This is a land of magic and mystery, a land of deadly creatures and adventures beyond imagination.


Skogsmark is divided in two in more ways than simply socially. The northwest side is Bjornland, and the southeast side is Fasach. They are connected only by a small land border. This border is marked by heavily wooded hills, said to be a place of power where the magic of the Aesir and Tuatha De meet. No Bjornlander or Fasachan settlements exist here.   Bjornland is mostly made up of temperate woodland. The coastline is dominated by a series of long, narrow bays known as fjords, especially along the southern coastline. Towering over the central countryside is a high mountain range known as Skaddi's Peaks, which includes the black elven community of Enav'ral. The northern stretch of the land is frigid tundra, almost completely uninhabited by anything but savage beasts.   Much like in Bjornland, the western side of Fasach is mostly dominated by forests. The forests grow more sparse further east as the land rises into low peaks. On the southeastern coast, strange columns of stone rise from the sea. This is considered a mystical place and few who travel here ever return.


The environment of Skogsmark is known one of the most inhospitable in all of Covenant. Only Nahrica is harder for humanoid life. Unlike Nahrica, however, Skogsmark is teeming with all manner of life, both magical and mundane, such as the werebears unique to the continent. Even the harsh winters and long days and nights aren't enough to stop life from flourishing here.   Fasach mostly lacks the dense forests of Bjornland, but its highlands and grasslands are no less lively, with such creatures as deer, foxes, and wolves. In particular, Fasach is much closer to the Otherworld than anywhere else in Covenant, leading to a higher population of fey, such as dullahan or puca.   Bjornland, dominated as it is with thick woodland and bitterly cold winters breeds especially hardy creatures, such as lynxes, mammoths, and bears. The magical creatures are no less durable, including the majority of the twisted dragons known as linnorm and the dreaded undead draugr. Fey are not as common as in Fasach, but there are still many compared to other lands, such as the bewitching huldra.


No one is sure how closely the gods created the lands on Covenant. The gods could have simply created the world and found the lands that suited them and their people, or they might have created a land that matched them perfectly. Either way, Skogsmark was claimed by Odin of the Aesir and The Dagda of the Tuatha De.   For Odin, his claim was simple. He met with his subjects and his allies among the Vanir on the highest mountain in the land to survey their domain. The Dagda and his fellows among the Tuatha De weren't so lucky. When they arrived in a grand stormcloud, they found that their ancient enemies, the Fomoire were already there. They continued the war they had been fighting for an eternity on distant worlds.   The first mortal beings that came to Covenant emerged from the Otherworld: the elves. Not long after, the dwarves joined them, brought by the Aesir to craft their great works, according to legend. As the elves met with other races, they fought a terrible civil war over the worth of these creatures. Some believed them worthy only of enslavement, while others valued their differences.   Those who desired only domination lost that war, and they were banished to the Underdark for their crimes. They became the dark elves, and continue to fight their battles against the rest of the world. Other elves avoided the war altogether, allowing the night to cloak them. These elves changed as well, becoming the black elves.   Both the Tuatha De and Aesir brought humans to Skogsmark individually. Odin met with the first humans in Bjornland and divided them into clans himself, that they might fight for the favor of the gods. The Tuatha De, brought humans on ships from the sea. They did not show themselves to their people right away, choosing instead to whisper with the voice of the natural world.   The clans of Bjornland and Fasach fought hard, both with each other and among themselves, but a change would come to Skogsmark. One winter's day, the Wild Hunt rode the skies above the entire continent. Just when the people wondered what that dark omen meant, monstrous folk attacked villages in both nations. These people were the orcs.   Surprised by the sudden aggression, clans on both sides lost ground to the seemingly endless horde. After years of war, heroes on both sides rallied their people. Cinniah Mac Lainne rallied the Fasachans at Chrastlin and Halvar Leifson united the Bjornlanders at Hjalwick. Unable to fight unified forces on both fronts, the orc horde was broken into warring tribes.   Both Bjornland and Fasach were changed forever by that war. The clans of Fasach continued to meet at Chrastlin once a year, creating the Moot. Meanwhile, Halvar was crowned king of Bjornland and they had been ruled by monarchs ever since. In addition, the Bjornlanders sought conflict from elsewhere, especially the people of Acitern across the sea.
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