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Many things are not always as they appear. Something or someone that seems weak or even foolish might hide great and terrible power. This is true of the tengu, one of the fey creatures the Sokokans call "yokai". In their true form, they appear silly to most, but in reality they are among the most powerful of their kind and woe betide those who laugh.

Basic Information


As yokai, tengu are fey creatures, which means magic is the most utterly vital part of their very being, as much a part of them as their flesh. These creatures are also among the most powerful of the yokai, with only the eldest among the kitsune matching their strange magical might.   They are seen in a few different forms due to their shapeshifting abilities. They are usually seen in humanoid form or in the form of a bird of prey by those who have no idea they are seeing a yokai. They are also sometimes seen in a form that is a hybrid of human and avian features.   None of these are a tengu's true form. They still have wings in their true form, but their appearance is more human. They are distinguished by their unusual skin tones-- most often red, but sometimes blue or green. Their most obvious feature is their incredibly long noses, which look very strange to most onlookers.   These creatures wield powerful magic, mostly controlling wind and storms, but also have many powers involving illusion. They are also capable of laying down curses and polymorphing other beings. They are also able warriors, both hand-to-hand and with weapons.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to the deceptive nature of the tengu, it can be very difficult to find the home of a tengu. Many who have believed they've found one have only discovered later that it was an illusion. The truth is that no two tengu choose a similar place to hide their nests. Some do so by keeping them well away from watchful eyes while others hide them in plain sight, perhaps even Oketura, itself.   The strange magic of the tengu often seeps into some of the items they own. These objects can be any number of things with any number of bizarre effects unseen anywhere else. Tengu seem to horde these items and have a particular fondness for fans and gourds.


Tengu are very unpredictable creatures, seemingly taking joy in tricking others. They do have a code of honor of sorts, but this code is entirely alien to mortal minds. Sometimes a mortal performing some random action might find themselves rewarded. Other times, they might be punished terribly.   These creatures enjoy knowledge and power, the more esoteric the better. They do horde their knowledge and skills, but can be convinced to share it with those they deem worthy. Exactly what this worthiness entails varies a great deal from tengu to tengu, and from situation to situation. This makes appealing to them risky at best.   Most tengu have a strange antipathy towards the gods. This hatred is never explained, and none can even speculate on the reason. The works of the gods tend to draw their ire, and are the targets of many insidious plots. Their wrath is often directed at priests as well, but other times they give the gods' mortal servants a surprising level of mercy.
Average Height
7 - 8 ft.
Average Weight
275 - 375 kbs.
Geographic Distribution

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