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There are few places in the world more isolated than the continent of Duanjia, and of the lands of that distant continent, Sokoku is the more isolated of them. Few foreigners ever set foot here, and not many Sokokans are found elsewhere.   Consequently, with as much as Jiayuan is seen as a land of mystery, Sokoku is much more enigmatic. Almost none have set foot here, and this makes it a tempting prospect for adventurers. This is a land of strange magic, unknown beasts, and a potentially endless capacity for discovery.


Despite its vast distance from Acitern, Sokoku is ruled in a feudal manner very similar to most of those kingdoms. They are ruled by the emperor, who rules with absolute power from his place in Oketura, and traditionally passes his power on to one of his sons.   The next most important person in the empire is a military leader known as the shogun. This person is appointed by the emperor and serves as his right hand. Traditionally, the shogun is appointed from the same family as the previous one, but this is not technically a requirement.   Smaller communities around Sokoku are ruled by nobles, usually called daimyos. These officials pass on their power in a hereditary fashion and rule their domains with nearly absolute authority. They do, however, swear very serious oaths of loyalty to the emperor and the shogun.


Sokokan culture places a great deal of importance on loyalty and family. It is often treated as a matter of course that the individual is far less important than matters of clan, or of the empire as a whole. Individuals do sometimes seek to improve their lot, of course, but most are careful not to do so at the cost of family or lord.   Even criminal organizations maintain these same traditions of loyalty to clan. These clans are referred to as yakuza, and often are not literal clans, but still consider themselves as such. Many train and use operatives known as ninjas who work as spies and assassins. Some ninjas sell their services to more respectable clans, whose subtlety makes them a valuable asset.   One of the most respected groups in Sokokan culture are the samurai, elite warriors in the service of their lords. Much like their counterparts, the knights of Acitern, they have a code of honor they call bushido, which emphasizes duty, courage, and humility.   As in Jiayuan, many Sokokans study martial arts in an effort to create a oneness in body and spirit. These martial artists can often channel their ki and perform incredible feats. The monasteries where these skills are taught often double as temples of the sun goddess Amaterasu, Isanagi, king of the gods, and sometimes even Suzanoo the storm god.   The Sokokans do value learning, even considering the endeavor sacred to the god of wisdom Omoikane. However, this does not extend to the study of arcane magic, believing it to be inherently suspect. They consider mages to be dangerous meddlers trafficking in forces best left alone.   The peasants, too have their spiritual side. This is reflected in the worship of the dawn goddess Uzume and Ebisu, god of fish and prosperity. These gods are known for being especially joyful, and their worship leads to certain contentment among the lower-class despite their living conditions.


According to Sokokan myth, the whole of Duanjia was once one land. This changed when Isanagi literally cut the continent in two, creating the Straight of Dragons separating Sokoku from Jiayuan. Half would belong to his children, he said, and he was more than willing to fight for them.   They say the gods of Jiayuan did not fight that day, leaving the gods to bring their people to the newly-made land, much like anywhere else in Covenant. According to legend, it was Amaterasu that brought the first of them-- her own mortal children. These children became the first imperial family, and properly founded the empire of Sokoku.   As time passed, and the empire changed hands, the imperial family remained the children of Amaterasu, spiritually if not literally. Still, the power changing hands over and over again left Sokoku's history quite unstable with varying eras of war and peace, prosperity and poverty.   As unstable as this history was, it was never quite as dramatic as when a pair of t'ien lung dragons found an infernal portal in the Straight of Dragons. They became corrupted by this foul magic and tried to rule over Duanjia by replacing the leaders of Jiayuan and Sokoku.   Sokoku's Dragon Empress had a far simpler time taking over. She simply killed the emperor and took his form, immediately working her will upon the empire. This changed when one of the emperor's most loyal servants, a priest of Amaterasu named Ando Haketuro discovered the imposter.   Being careful and cautious, he managed to find others harmed by the Dragon Empress and managed to work together in secret. Eventually, the group grew in power to the point they no longer needed to hide. Now glad that he no longer needed to act so subtly, the rebels battled the dragon through the streets of Oketura while the priest felled the creature.   With the imposter dead and imperial family gone, a new emperor had to be crowned. With the blessing of Amaterasu, herself, Ando took up the mantle. He worked diligently to restore the empire, and the Haketuro dynasty rules Sokoku to this day.

Demography and Population

The overall population generally resembles that of its neighbor Jiayuan. It, too has a strong human majority, and it, too has a population of goblinoids referred to as beiren. These non-humans are treated much the same as any other resident of Sokoku.   Foreigners are rare to the point of being practically unheard-of here. Their reception varies based on location. Some communities see foreigners, especially those of races they'd never seen before as wondrous and exotic. Others instead see them as suspicious or dangerous.


The land of Sokoku is generally very heavily wooded, especially in the interior, away from the coast. To the northeast, there is a low mountain range giving way to ocean cliffs. To the south, there is tundra just as cold and harsh as northern Bjornland.   The climate is very temperate, with a wide seasonal variation. Generally, the weather tends to get colder the further south one travels. The spring and fall tend to be especially rainy, which tends to calm a great deal during the summer and winter.   The mundane creatures of this land naturally have more in common with those found in Jiayuan than those of other lands. Such animals include foxes, tanuki, monkeys, tigers, deer, and wild oxen, owing to the land's diverse range of environments.   The magic of this land is quite distinct, leading to the dragons, called lung dragons, being unique and powerful magical beings compared to those found elsewhere. The land is also very close to the Otherworld, much like Fasach, leading fey (called "yokai" by the Sokokans) to be quite common. Some of these include the bewitching kitsune, cunning and powerful tengu, and the murderous nekomata.


Sokoku does not have a single unified military. Instead, every noble has their own troops, from simple footsoldiers to elite samurai. Since all nobles owe fealty to the shogun, he ultimately controls all of these forces. Since he is sworn to the emperor, all nobles' troops are technically his to command.   Due to the Sokokan distrust of arcane magic, they do not have the support of mages. There are, however, priests that aid warriors in combat. The most common serve Yahata, god of war, while others serve Amaterasu, and Isanagi, mostly supporting them using healing magic, although plenty do so through force of arms as well.

Foreign Relations

Generally, Sokoku is too far away from most of the other nations of Covenant to have any real interaction with them. Most who do travel the vast distance to Duanjia find themselves in Jiayuan instead due to its much closer distance and greater overall friendliness.   Its interactions with its neighbor varies quite a lot. While Jiayuan's government is very stable, Sokoku is ruled based on the whims of its rulers. So different emperors of different dynasties have different policies regarding Jiayuan ranging from war to alliance. Currently, Sokoku is in a state of isolation, even from their neighbor.

Agriculture & Industry

Easily the most commonly grown crop in Sokoku is rice, which is both a staple of the local diet and is used for a liquor named sake. Coastal towns also get most of their food through fishing, while inland communities get theirs by herding goats and cattle.   The most distinctive craft the Sokokans are known for is their weaponsmithing. In particular, the forging of the katanas wielded by samurai is considered an art form. This is mostly due to the ceremony involved in their construction. The other weapons made by Sokokan smiths are still solid works, even when compared to those of the rest of Covenant.

Trade & Transport

Currently, Sokoku is strictly isolationist, limiting trade with other lands. Like Cipactli, Sokokan traders do not go to other lands and foreign traders do not go there. This means that there is no large-scale importation or exportation occurring in this land at all.   Occasionally, some foreign goods can be found here. These are normally restricted to single items brought by adventurers, mostly coming from Jiayuan, but also sometimes, Sakkal, Kemet, or Polisia. These items are naturally in high demand whenever they can be obtained.


While many lands have kept their focus on foreign lands, Sokoku's attention has mostly been internal. Their roads are some of the most developed in all of Covenant, and many other towns are connected to one another via river. This has led to a certain internal prosperity within the empire.   The overall building style is similar to that of Jiayuan, mostly made of similar materials and design with the same tiled roofs with upturned corners. Unlike the serene gardens of that land, Sokokans are more martial in their design, favoring strong walls, arrow slits, and other defensive features.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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