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Fey of the Otherworld are creatures that can be found across Covenant, even if they are known by different names. In the nation of Jiayuan on Duanjia, these creatures-- the bewitching and the horrific-- are known as "yaogui". One such creature is the loud and boorish xiao, a creature of the deep forests for whom chaos is a part of its very nature.

Basic Information


The true form of a xiao is a strange thing. They resemble apes with unusually long arms and four bird-like wings on its back. Their fur tends to be patterned like a leapord's and their wings are often very colorful. Still, their coloration tends to vary frequently, with some of them looking quite garish to mortal eyes.   Like many other fey, such as the Fasachan puca, xiao are shapeshifters that take on animal form, usually that of a more mundane ape or bird. It is unknown if they can also take on humanoid form, but they are not known to have done this. They usually do this to hide themselves, or wait in ambush.   As with other fey, they have a wide variety of strange powers. Their howls can deafen those near them, and they can make a series of ape-like hooting sounds capable of creating confusion in mortal creatures that can hear them. They can also create illusions that can capitalize on this sense of confusion that they create.
Fly, My Pretties! Fly!   Original descriptions of the xiao vary wildly. The two most popular are of an ape with long arms and a leapord-print hide, and a four-winged bird.   They are sometimes referred to as a "flying ape/monkey", but this is the result of a mistranslation. I used the image anyway for the sake of simplicity.

Ecology and Habitats

Xiao try to stay away from civilization, much preferring forested environments that allow them to climb and fly as much as they would like. Still, they can't stay away from people forever, and so are normally found relatively close to humanoids, especially smaller communities, towns and villages.   They typically lair near the treetops, mostly creating nests from woven branches. The nest of one xiao might look wildly different from another. Some might be open like a bird's nest while others might be almost impossibly intricate. Still others barely seem big enough for the creature.


Xiao are creatures of pure chaos. They hate peace and quiet and do everything in their power to see it ruined. When things are quiet, they are loud. When etiquette is called for, they are rude. When things are in their proper place, they can't help but see them mixed around in a manner that seems mad to a mortal mind.   They way xiao treat one another can vary practically moment to moment. Sometimes, they fight each other on sight. Other times, they can cooperate during surprisingly long and intricate plots. No matter what, there is no order to their behavior, and even the briefest semblance of order is in service to a greater chaos.
Average Height
5 - 6 ft.
Average Weight
200 - 300 lbs.
Geographic Distribution

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