Hill Dwarf (Dusterdor) Species in Creacia | World Anvil

Hill Dwarf (Dusterdor)


Hill Dwarves are slightly taller than their subterranean cousins, the Mountain Dwarves and Deep Dwarves, but rarely top five feet. Most adults range from three and a half to just shy of five feet tall, with the sexes being equal in stature and build. Stout torsos, broad shoulders and thick limbs define their body type, evident of their immense--and often surprising--strength. Skin color ranges from dark brown to bronze, and their hair is usually more fair than their subterranean cousins.


As their name implies, Hill Dwarves prefer rocky hills filled with ore and gems and build their halls and homes either in the hills themselves or in squat buildings of intricate stonework. Their main homeland in the Centerlands is the land of Feldorn in the Brumador Hills. They are the only Dwarves that are proud and capable farmers, cultivating their hills in immense terrace gardens fed by ingenious aqueducts. Hill Dwarves are hardy and can live almost anywhere without complaint: for millennia they have had major settlements and mines to the North of Eshia, in the foothills of Arathis to the East, and even in the desolate Sotoros Steppe of Hett and the Brownbones of the far South, where they are known as Dune Dwarves.


See Dwarves (Arenund)


Kingdom, Clan, Guild


Arenundim (Common Dwarven), Dusterdorim (Hill Dwarven), Centerlands Common - Eovoresh (90%)

Player Characters

  • +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -1 Dexterity, -1 Charisma
  • Low light vision up to 120 feet
  • Traits as listed by Pathfinder
Dwarf (Arenund)
250-400 years, mature at 40-60 years
Average Height
3.5 to 5 feet
Average Weight
120-220 lbs.
Ingla, Trader of Corevale
Farram, Axemaster of Runadune


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