Aegis of Unconquered Might
The Aegis of Unconquered Might is one of the four Fulcrums of Aegis of Unconquered Might, representing his virtue of Temperance.
While in the hands of Sol Invictus, this artifact has powerful effects on the most high. While holding it, The Unconquered Sun cannot engage in the following behavior withotu willful suppression of his nature:laying, cheating, breaking a promise or otherwise exhibiting deliberate deception or dishonorable conduct, even in trivial matters. spending time indulging in personal pleasure or gratification to the detriment of carrying out his responsibilities declaring anyone a creature of darkness out of annoyance or private dislike rather than because of the offender poses a true threat to Creation
The Unconquered Sun
The Unconquered Sun
Item type
Unique Artifact
Raw materials & Components
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