Clearing the Mind's Eye Prana Spell in CREATION | World Anvil

Clearing the Mind's Eye Prana

Nothing can withstand the Solar's purity, not even the darkest shadow. By gazing at the target, the Solar perceives the purity of their soul, allowing her to determine if any other manipulation is at work.   To recognize if the target is influenced by magic (natural or unnatural), the Solar makes a Investigation roll (Investigation + Perception/Investigation). If the Solar rolls more successes than the Target's permanent essence, he knows immediately how the target it influenced.   Once the Solar knows the nature of the mental influence, she can perform a ritual to break her target free, depending on the permanent Essence of the manipulator.  
If the Solar using Clearing the Mind's Eye Prana has more permanent Essence than the caster of this mental influence, the Solar can reflexively spend the appropriate amount of Willpower to free her target in one single dramatic action.  
If the caster of the inflence ha smore permanent Essence than the Solar, the Solar can choose to perform a longer ritual to cleanse her target's mind. By interacting with the target, the Solar rolls once an hour until she has more success than the manipulator's permanent Essence. For every hour in this ritual, the Solar gains a +2 internal Penalty.  
  • 1 Willpower for Charm/Emerald/Shadowland Cirlce Sorcery
  • 2 Willpower for Sapphire/Underworld Circle Sorcery
  • 3 Willpower for Adamant/Void Circle Sorcery

  • Discovery

    This charm was discovered by Kagami, No Man's Child in RY 830.  
    In RY 831, one of the Kagami's reflections intended to use this charm.   While being below the requirement to use this charm and play the necessary cost, the Reflection sacrificed one permanent Essence to cleance his target of powerful unnatural mental influence.
    Main User:
    Kagami, No Man's Child
    4m (1-3 WP)
    Minimum Ability:
    Integrity 5
    Essence 4
    Combo-OK, Social
    Prerequisite charms:
    All previous
    Dale Luna's Chosen


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