Kagami, No Man's Child Character in CREATION | World Anvil

Kagami, No Man's Child


Lady Cynis Faleen Akane Kagami Iselsi (a.k.a. No Man's Child)

Kagami is a Night Caste Solar Exalted, born under the name Cynis Faleen Akane Kagami.   After her exaltation at the age of 23, Kagami took on many personalities and aliases to achieve her goal. In RY 830, Kagami became the official mistress of Mnemon Aki and followed him to Imperial City, where she continued her spy work and eventually became ally to Mnemon herself. In the same year, Kagami briefly joined the Realm's secret police, the All Seeing Eye.   During the War for the Throne, Kagami mediate between The Roseblack and Mnemon, the two favorite contenders, trying to prevent the realm's civil war. Kagami eventually sided with Mnemon, believing Mnemon to be the stronger Empress, when the wars for the fate of Creation inevitably arrive. Kagami is present during the Return of the Scarlet Empress.   After fleeing the Blessed Isle with Mnemon, Kagami joined the Righteous Orphanage Rebellion. With its help, she was instrumental in the Fall of Anon Eyoya and later the destruction of City of the Lost as her Reflection Argus. Kagami was manipulated to be the driving force that led to the Lotus Massacre.   Currently, Kagami remains in Sky Temple City to organize a summit between all champions of Creation. Her Reflection Tepet Yu-Ahn acts as her remote agent to spy on the Shield of Black and the Scarlett Empress.  


As a Solar Exalted from the realm, Kagami has not given up on her home. She once tried to free the people of the Scarlet Empire from the indoctrination of the Immaculate Order, and later vowed to infiltrate the All Seeing Eye and destroy it from the inside.   After her alliance with Mnemon, Kagami has learned of the true identity of the Scarlet Empress. This revelation has changed Kagami's goal. Now she has only one singular purpose.  
Defeat the Bride of Hell and stop the Reclamation

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Blessed with ethereal beauty and grace, Kagami might be counted among the most dazzling of mortal dancers. Fluid and agile, Kagami hides all her powers behind innocent finesse. Her body is a work of art, a carefully crafted mirage aimed to entrance and confuse.  


Kagami's outstanding physical merits were early discovered. Knowing how to use her looks to her advantage, Kagami takes great care to invent many images for herself, suitable for each situation. During a noble event, she is the elegant scion of a great house, dressed in long flowing gowns and donned with elaborate jewels. When she moves quietly at night, she can be a common thief or a hooded assassin, hiding her noble birth completely.   Knowing that her appearance is one of her many weapons, Kagami grooms herself carefully. Her long auburn hair and pale rosy skin are the trademark of rich upbringing. Her gowns as Cynis Kagami are made from the finest silk, and she would never be seen wearing ornament of low quality. As a scion of House Cynis, Kagami has come to prefer the color green for her raiment.   In times of war, she wears her armor openly, shaped like a small golden bustier in the style of the eastern warrior queens.  
How I look is a consequence of circumstance.
— Kagami

Martial Abilities

Peril and strife are unavoidable on the path that Kagami walks. Disguised as dance trainings or tea ceremonies, Kagami has trained in subtle combat suited for social gathering. Versed in unarmed combat, rope dart and chakrams, Kagami still prefers to solve problems with words. When she fights, she rarely leaves any traces behind.  
Unarmed, this style focuses on poison and subterfuge. It is essential for the terrestrial masters of this style to never leave a trace.   With Birdsong Over Water, she can attack a target's inner essence without leaving a trace, as if she was never there. Charms like The Dragon Succumbs allows her to poison a target and be well away when the target dies days later.   This terrestrial style represent how Kagami is, elusive and illusive.
When subterfuge fails, Kagami reverts to this Immaculate fighting style, aiming to disable her opponent without killing them.   With Air Dragon Sight Kagami can never be surprised by unexpected attacks. Her favorite is the Breath-Seizing Technique, giving her the ability to truly be breathtaking by robbing the air from her foe's lungs.   Kagami has not mastered this style yet, but she aims to.

Specialized Equipment

STONE OF MARTIAL FREEDOM   This hearthstone was discovered in the ancient Manse of Kagami's previous incarnation, Rha Ô.   Once worn by it's user, this stone removes all limitations for the user to practice martial art while in armor. It also removes all mobility penalty or fatigue values.   Additionally, the stone can store the user's weapon, acting as a gateway to Elsewhere. It can store up to 5 dots of artifact and 5 dots of mundane weapons. For the expense of one mote, the user can reflexively draw her weapon from the stone and return the current weapon back to the stone.
SPELL-CAPTURING ROPE DART:   Among all of Mnemon's treasures, Kagami felt drawn to this one. This artifact was crafted in the high first age and infused with the magical properties of a Spell-Capturing-Robe.   Once attuned, this weapon can also store up to the User's permanent Essence in spells. Upon the user's will, it can be instantly released, hitting with the power when this spell was fist casted. once a spell is released, it is used and needs to be recaptured. 
WINGS OF THE SKY FOLK:   This artifact made from orichalcum and blue jade is the ultimate sign of Sky Temple City's blessing.   In a ritual, this scarab is placed upon the user's back. Once it has fused with the wearer's spine, wings of Essence sprout from them, taking the shape according to the user's will.   From there on, they become part of the Blessed. The wings are strong enough to take the Blessed to the sky with ease. It depends on the Blessed own physical strength to carry heavy items and other person with them. If the Blessed is physically harmed, the wings will reflect their user's condition.
  • Everyman's Armor (Second Age Wonder)
  • Spell-Capturing Rope Dart (orichalcum)
  • Chakrams (exceptionally made)
  • Wings of the Sky Folk (artifact)
  • Stone of Martial Freedom (hearthstone)
  • Personal Assistant (First Age Wonder)
  • Amulet of Fate (Starmetal)
  • Bracelet of Waterwalking (enchanted)

  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Early Life

    Born into a main branch of the Great House of Cynis by Cynis Akane and Ragara Kiyoshi, Kagami grew up in wealth and luxury. Surrounded by Dragon Blooded and mortal siblings, cousins, and elders, Kagami excelled at etiquette and socializing from an early age.   Her childhood is relative eventless. As the dutiful daughter of a noble parents, Kagami learned all her lessons obediently and dutifully. The indoctrination of the Realm has made Kagami naive and dedicated to their glorious realm, willing to do anything to contribute to the greatest Empire on earth.   From adolescence, Kagami started to take part in the political gatherings often held by the Cynis Household. Later, when her family suspected that the dragons will not smile upon Kagami, she was sent to boarding school in the Pangu Prefecture, living with her uncle Cynis Hakota. Under the mentorship of her uncle, whom she grew close with, Kagami learned many administrative, social and economical skills. She has also been instructed in the realm's politics.   As an young adult, Kagami officially became a part of her uncles slave trade business, acting as his assistant and proxy. Starting there, Kagami quickly became disillusioned and jaded. She slowly lost faith in the Thousand Scales and found the endless schemes and plots of the Dragon Blooded to be disheartening. She realized that the only way to survive in this vile pit of vipers is to learn the game and play it better than anyone else.  
      Unbeknownst to all, Cynis Hakota, brother of Kagami's Mother Akane, and son to the legendary Cynis Faleen, was in truth Iselsi Denabu, a double spy of the All Seeing Eye.   It is unknown when he has betrayed the All Seeing Eye and became a part of the Brotherhood of Hesiesh's Fire. Sometimes in those years, Denabu took over Hakota's identity and became a Dragon Blooded merchant of the House Cynis. In those years, he sired Kagami with an unknown woman and brought the child back to the Cynis Household, to be raised as Akane and Kiyoshi's daughter.   It is suspected that Kagami was to become of spy of House Iselsi and work for the All Seeing Eye, like all members of her blood family. But considering Denabu's identity as double spy, it cannot be said with certainty what he has intended for his daughter.   It is also unknown whether Akane and Kiyoshi are privy to his plans. Or if they truly had a daughter now exchanged with Kagami.


    With the Realm's tension increasingly shifting towards a civil war, Kagami became more and more frustrated with her own inability to do more to save her home. The pressure of not being enough yet believing herself to be capable of more came to a breaking point when Kagami was 23 years old.   She suffered from insomnia and was completely unable to find any respite. Kagami tried to remedy that by turning to her work, music and revelries, yet none of them proved useful to sooth her raging restlessness.   One night when the world slept and Kagami tossed and turned in her bed, epiphany came to her. Sol Invictus' subtle voice reached her mind, opening her eyes and giving clarity to all her questions.   Kagami's Exaltation was a quiet one. Shrouded in silence and mist, she rose in a dark shadow of smoke. She welcomed the truth Sol Invictus granted to her, the history about the Solar Exalted, their triumphs and failures, and their fall. Kagami accepted all these as her doctrine, believing in the natural order of things and most of all, the Mandate of Heaven.   Her newfound clarity has showed her what she already knew. Her home is foul, based on lies and treachery. The moral decay of the Dragon Blooded will plunge the world into war. In reverence of her new patron, Kagami took an oath. She dedicated her life to the protection of his domain and the cleansing of the world from corruption.  
    RHA Ô, THE SHADOWJUDGE:   With her Exaltation, Kagami spiritually reconnected with her past life. Although she cannot actively recall any of them, the influence of her First Age Incarnation Rha Ô was felt immediately.   Being a damaged and tortured man, Rha Ô influenced Kagami to be more and more withdrawn, to the point Kagami sought nothing but solitude. Infused with many of Rha Ô's skills, Kagami suddenly saw the world much clearer and the more she saw, the less she wanted to be part of it.   Just like Rha Ô, Kagami too had become an excellent liar. And just like Rha Ô, Kagami started to hide herself behind multiple layers of facades.

    Gender Identity





    Born the first daughter to Akane and Kiyoshi, high hopes were on Kagami. With all her three elder brothers already exalted, Kagami had no doubt about her own bright and exalted future. She was given the very best education, focusing on dance, music and trade, expecting her to one day become a renowned courtier.   All of Kagami's tutors agree that Kagami was made for socializing. Beautiful and elegant, she excelled at etiquette and fine arts. Her natural charm made her the born entertainer, playing any part given to her to perfection. Her skills in poetry and language also made her very welcome among the more learned crowd.   In her late adolescence, Kagami started practicing martial arts at her uncle Hakota's behest. She choose the more visually pleasing styles, training in them as advanced technique of dancing. Only after her Exaltation did Kagami train in earnest, knowing that all Solars must be warriors.  
    THE MASTER AND THE STUDENT   Kagami's first real master in Martial Art was the mysterious god-blooded Jade Fox. Under her mentorship, Kagami entered the rumored White Veil Society, a group of subtle martial artists who fight without anyone noticing.   Through her master, Kagami met the Master of Gentle Touch and his student Sweet Dreams, both of them long standing rivals of Jade Fox. After Kagami and her master won a secret White Veil tournament, the Master of Gentle Touch retaliated by stealing a manuscript by their mutual master from Jade Fox and poisoning her in the process.   Knowing that she has only a few days left to live, Jade Fox entrusted all that she knew to Kagami. Bound by her duty as a Solar, Kagami was not present when her master died. Indebted to her master by pugilist laws, Kagami later avenged Jade Fox by defeating and poisoning Master of Gentle Touch and Sweet dreams with the very same technique he stole from Jade Fox.   Kagami buried Jade Fox on a hill above Blind Love, the town where they lived, trained and where she died.
      Kagami's second Master in Martial Art is the legendary Seli, the untouchable, a former high enlightened grandmaster of the Immaculate Faith and the sworn brother of Kagami's biological father, Denabu.   After the Return of the Scarlet Empress, Kagami was introduced to the brotherhood of her late father. Now understanding that her skills in subterfuge and the terrestrial White Veil Style are no longer enough to defeat her foes, Kagami sought Seli out, kneeling before him and begging him for his teachings.   Laying her intentions bare before Seli, she was accepted as his student.  
    I must be true with you, Master. I train not to walk the path of the Imperfect Lotus, nor will I dedicate myself to the pursuit of the untouched petals. I train because it is a tool for me. A means to an end. I am a Solar Exalted of the Night, the path given to me is a dark one. And in darkness, I must walk.   Yet I will be truthful to you, Master. As much as I can, this I will vow. I will respect you, obey you and always hold you in honor. I will learn what you are willing to teach and I will harken to all words you can spare for me. And I promise, I will neve use the skills you have taught me to bring shame upon you or me.   But, I must ask you to understand that ultimately, my allegiances is to Sol Invictus and Creation.
    — Kagami, no man's child

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    In RY 830, Kagami briefly joined the All Seeing Eye. She went through several tests and trials, which included spy work to eradicate a demonic cult, martial contests and a long and elaborate survival test, aimed to gauge the contender's skill at adapting to different situations. However, soon after she joined with the Realm's most formidable spy network, her status as Anathema was revealed (with no relation to the All Seeing Eye). Kagami escaped by feigning her own destruction.   In the same year, Kagami successfully infiltrated the Scarlet Court, gaining Mnemon as ally. Mediating between Roseblack and Mnemon, Kagami played no small part to delay the Realm's Civil war. Kagami couldn't prevent the war in the end, and not staying idle, she fought valiantly in the Battle of Dragon's Mouth. Later in the same night, Kagami was present in the throne room when the Scarlet Empress returned. That Kagami could escape the Empress' wrath could be counted as a success.   After the Empress' return, Kagami became part of the Righteous Orphanage Rebellion. With the aid of the rebellion, Kagami discovered the base of the infamous Lintha Pirares. She infiltrated their underwater refuge alone and discovered temple and birthplace of Uras the Forsaken. Summoning reinforcement from the Rebellion, Kagami and her team destroyed Anon Eyoya. During its fall, Kagami dueled the deadliest pirate in the west, Captain Sakur the Terror of the Sea. Though she claimed his life, the price was high.   During the prelude to the Lotus Massacre, Kagami prevented the death of several high ranking Sidereal Exalted and was the very fist Solar to reenter Yu-Shan since the Fall of the Solar Exalted during the Usurpation and the end of the High First Age.   Just one week later, Kagami set out to find two lost Solars where she stumbled upon the City of the Lost. There, she found Gideon Battlemaster and Khareen the Raksha touched. With combined might, Kagami and her allies rescued the Laurel of Entwining Mercy from the clutches of demons and brought down a monster called Goliath. In the fal of Goliath, the ciry was crushed beneath him and destroyed.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    If asked, Kagami's single greatest failure was the Lotus Massacre.  
    Her gaze rests on Creation and beyond. This world will fall. When the land heals and the warning is spoken, Heaven shall burn. Yet none shall see it.
    — Uras the Forsaken/Haiyun
      Believing the prophecy spoken by Uras the Forsaken, who was revealed as the twisted reincarnation of Haiyun, the circle mate of Kagami's previous incarnation, Kagami is convinced that she has a great destiny to prevent this calamity.   Terrified for the fate of the world and frustrated that none would listen to her, Kagami recklessly put herself in danger to bring this prophecy to the Agents of Fate. After her success at Anon Eoya, Kagami finally urged Mnemon to use her status as the First Among Equals to bring this Prophecy to Heaven for her. Together, they attacked and breached the Realm's Academy for Sorcery, the Heptagram, where Mnemon spoke this prophecy out loud.   Immediately as Kagami had hoped, the Five Score Fellowship took council together in Yu-Shan. During this event, the Infernal's trap snap shut and all Agents of Fate were murdered, safe for a select few who had escaped the carnage.

    Mental Trauma

    Kagami is undoubtedly full of emotional scars.   The Lotus Massacre deeply marked her. Kagami is now plagued by heavy guilt and remorse, for being the one who had doomed an entire class of Exalted. She blames herself for being too trustful of Haiyun and too confident in her own great destiny.   She is tormented by the mistakes she had made and cannot forgive herself for her failures. The Fall of Stars, as some call this event has changed Kagami. She is now even more bitter than before, more sinister and perhaps even more broken.  
    THE LOST 32   After Kagami first returned to her domain Sky Temple City, she has reconnected with her past lives, most notably the First Age Solar, Rha Ô. Although she has learned much by looking inward, she has also started to remember their deaths.   Being one of the very few Solars souls never captured during the Usurpation, Kagami kept reincarnating, all throughout the Shogunate and the Second Age. And in almost every single one of her lives, she had been hunted and murdered.   In some of her lives, she was but a child, who was lured into the woods to be brutally strangled before she can rise to power. In others, she rose high enough to leave her mark on the world, only to be brought down by schemes and treachery. In every single one of them, she died an agonizing death, plotted and planned by the Sidereal Exalted.   Thirty two lives Kagami has counted. Thirty two lives lost at the hands of Chejob Kejak, probably the only person Kagami truly and utterly hates.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Iron in conviction, fluid in actions. This is how best to describe Kagami.   Being a spy, Kagami has accepted the fact that no honor or glory would ever come to her work. If she did her work well, no one will ever know of it. Believing that, Kagami has resigned herself to be a nameless hero.   Without the bounds of honor or glory, or even wealth or riches, Kagami is unhindered in anything and everything she does. She does not keep to any moral standards made by men and only adhers to the doctrine of Sol Invictus. Her cornerstones are his virtues, Compassion, Conviction, Valor and Temperance. Yet she sees herself divorced from his teachings of compassion, when it comes to the darker side of her missions.   Kagami believes that the Night Castes were chosen for their ability to endure darkness while her peers walk in the light. Thus, they were selected to do work that no honorable bright hero can do.  


    Kagami is nothing if not complex.   She is a very dutiful person. For her, nothing will and can ever exceeds the important of her work to rid the world of corruption, one of the primal tasks given to the Night Castes. Because of this, she can almost never hold any relationship for long.   In her work as a spy, Kagami has created many different Identities for herself. Depending on the need, she becomes someone else. Because of this, Kagami spends more time as someone else than herself, to the point that her real person is reserved and silent, almost plain. When angered, Kagami can be arrogant and harsh, demanding from others what she demands of herself. She can also be judgmental, often disappointed by her peers.   She struggles often with her identities. The influence of her past lives are strong on her, to the point that she herself sometimes vanishes and Rha Ô takes her place. Other times, she has problem identifying which part of her was real, switching between demeanor of her several identities, using their crafted image to solve her problems. This makes interaction with the real Kagami frustrating and confusing.   With her monumental task driving her, Kagami sees everyone she encounters as an asset. She has never made a friend simply for the sake of friendship. In her mind, everyone is useful, in every way imaginable. However, Kagami is free of evil intend, never thinking of treachery or betrayal for personal gain. Because she has so little substance outside her work, she does not have any desire for material wealth or power that does not benefit her mission.   The only thing Kagami is known to indulge in at large quantity is alcohol and sex, and her forbidden taste for Games of Chance. Kagami does not know what truly makes her happy and she doesn't believe that she'll ever find out, until this war is over.  


    Kagami is fiercely devout towards the Unconquered Sun. She prays to him daily in silence. In all her work and being, she truly, utterly believes in his vision of the world. She considers him the highest instance of justice and virtues, and through her, his will was made manifest.   Everything that deviates from the truth of Sol Invictus is vile to Kagami. She despises corruption, for Sol Invictus is the embodiment of all that stands against it. So when she slays enemies in his name, she sacrifices their lives to him in tribute.   Even after Kagami has learned of Sol Invictus' absence, she continues his will. She believes that one day, her work will redeem the betrayal by the Fallen Solars of the First Age onto their Patron, who has thus turned his face from the world.  


    Kagami has invented many Charactres to suit her needs. Some were faces she wore only once and then discarded, others have gained renown in their own rights.  
    The very first guise Kagami has crafted for herself. Appearing as an androgynous figure with an undistinctive voice, no one knows if Westwind was male for female. And that was by design.   Westwind mainly operated in Blind Love, a spy, assassin, thief and the occasionally vigilante. Kagami created this character shortly after her Exaltation, using Westwind as training and a tool to gain information on her rivals.   Westwind was once hired by Cynis Akane to spy on her own daughter, Kagami.  
    After Kagami was exposed as an Anathema, she needed a new identity. Carefully crafted with the help of Mnemon, this Dragon Blooded was added to the genealogy of the Great House of Mnemon.   Most of Kagami's work during the War for the Throne was under this guise, including the Battle of Dragon's Mouth. It was also under this guise she entered the Rebellion.   Until she returned from the Anon Eoya, no one within the Rebellion knew that Kagami was still alive. For in all this time, she was Adrian.  
    The most long living and most controversial of all Kagami's identities is Argus. First casually created to be used as runner, Argus worked his way to fame.   To many who were involved, it was Argus, not Kagami, who passed on the messages between Houses Mnemon and Tepet, Roseblack's House.   Later, Kagami chose the identity Argus to form her very first Reflection. Autonom and completely detached from Kagami, Argus went rogue and ventured into the south of Creation where he made many friendships of his own. He developed an independent personality and even defied Kagami's will and created his own Motivation.   As this new born thing, Argus truly lived a life apart from Kagami. He laughed and loved, schemed and struggled, and never once did he accept order from Kagami. However, in his core he was born off Kagami and when he died, his memories were returned to her. With all the consequences of his actions.  
    The strongest and most influential of Kagami's Reflections is this Air Dragon Blooded. Crafted with great effort and unpowered with all of Kagami's convictions and ability, Tepet Yu-Ahn is her eyes and ears and hands within the The Realm.   Yu-Ahn's mission is simple, spy on Roseblack and report back daily. Although Yu-Ahn is obedient to Kagami, she too is starting to develop her own personality. She has now joined a Sisterhood with Roseblack, the Shield of Black and has become a prominent figure in House Tepet.   Through Kagami's ever improving skills in deception, both mundane and magical, none knows that Yu-Ahn is not a Dragon Blooded. Although Yu-Ahn has revealed to potential allies that she might not be loyal to the Scarlet Empress, none knows who she really is.


    Contacts & Relations

    Kagami's heart is ever restless. In resolve, she is firm. In heart, she is fluid like water, everchanging like the wind. She seldom dwells long with one lover, and very rarely keeps long lasting friendships. However, some still need to be mentioned.  
    Most influencing of all her relationships is the one with her father, whom she has known so long under the guise of the uncle Cynis Hakota. As her uncle, he was a mentor to her and she has come to love him as such.   After her Exaltation, Kagami learned to hear all lies in words and realized that Hakota is not who he pretends to be. When he hinted that he knew of her new found power, Kagami cornered him and interogated him. By gazing into his heart, she learned of his true identity, as an Iselsi, a spy of the All Seeing Eye, a double agent for the Brotherhood and her biological father.   After all truths were revealed to each other, they became partners in crimes and enjoyed a healthy rivalry in spy craft. Kagami came to trust him as a friend and ally. She loved him also, yet never had the chance to voice it before he was killed on mission.   Month later when she visited his grave on the Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire, she finally allowed her tears to flow. Only then could Denabu's spirit pass on into the cyle of reincarnation.  
    I wish we had more time...
    — Spirit of Iselsi Denabu
    Originally, Kagami intended to use Aki has a stepping stone, a gateway to House Mnemon. After living with the Dragon Blooded Mage, Kagami has come to appreciate him for his loyalty and compassion. She did not realize her feelings for Aki, until the mage was believed dead at the Battle of Dragon Mouth.   When she was reunited with him, Kagami expressed her guilt towards him, for urging him to join this war. They shortly rekindled their romantic relationship. However, Aki soon left Kagami to find himself again. When Kagami was threated by an Infernal Exalted who claims to have Aki as his prisoner, Kagami was surprised by her own rage. She then fully realized her feelings for Aki, accepted that perhaps she does love him.  
    Aviar might be the only person alive or dead that Kagami truly trusts. A surviving Lunar from the Frist Age, Aviar exalted towards the end of the First Age. Serving Rha Ô only for a short time before the Solar's death, Aviar was later tasked with the guardianship of Sky Temple City, where he dwelled for thousands of years, awaiting Rha Ô's return.   Kagami feels guilty towards Aviar, having made him waste away his life in an abandoned city. She is also grateful for his companionship and wisdom, which she sorely needs in this Second Age of Sorrow.   Aviar and Kagami both believed themselves to have romantic desires towards each other. After Aviar's rejuvenation, they shared one night of comfort and passion with each other. Next morning, both agreed to not become lovers and never speak of this night again.  
    Magnus died long before Kagami even exalted.   It was Argus who met this northern warrior in the dream of a memory within Sanctum of the Forgotten. Through the magic of that enchanted realm, Argus shared a past with Magnus that was never real. In that dream, they were brothers in arms and later revealed to be secret lovers as well.   Escaping the war-torn reality, Argus allowed himself to like this warrior and to find comfort in his arms. And perhaps it was because Argus knew that Magnus was not real and had been dead for years, he relinquished all emotional barriers and truly loved.   Their days of passion were short. Soon, war came to this dream. During the Battle for Crystal, Argus and Magus fought side by side, honest and honorable. Yet in the critical moment of their mission, Magus was stabbed through the heart right before Argus' eyes. The cries of Argus was heard over the valley and resounded long and loud. He chased down Magnus's slayer and avenged his lover.   Later when Argus perished, he returned this memory to Kagami. Though never haven met him, Kagami accepted this love into her heart and mourned him bitterly.  
  • Mnemon Aki (male)
  • Mnemon Noboru (male)
  • Mnemon Saru (male)
  • Mnemon (female)
  • Tepet Anka (female)
  • Tepet Hea (female)
  • Whispers (female)
  • Yokura Miroke (male)
  • Magnus of Crystal (male)
  • Umesawa the Seawolf (male)
  • Aviar the Guardian (male)
  • Mnemon Kitara (female)

  • Family Ties


    Mnemon Aki


    Towards Kagami, No Man's Child



    Kagami, No Man's Child


    Towards Mnemon Aki



    Cynis Haru

    Elder Brother

    Towards Kagami, No Man's Child


    Kagami, No Man's Child

    younger Sister

    Towards Cynis Haru


    Cynis Ichiro

    Elder Brother

    Towards Kagami, No Man's Child


    Kagami, No Man's Child

    Younger Sister

    Towards Cynis Ichiro


    Cynis Nala

    Younger Sister

    Towards Kagami, No Man's Child


    Kagami, No Man's Child

    Elder Sister

    Towards Cynis Nala


    Cynis Feng

    Elder Brother

    Towards Kagami, No Man's Child


    Kagami, No Man's Child

    younger Sister

    Towards Cynis Feng



  • Kagami enjoys erotic literature
  • Kagami's favorite instrument is the Shamisen
  • Kagami's secret dream is to open a dim sum shop
  • When stressed, Kagami likes to cook and bake to calm her mind
  • Kagami has a fable for green gemstones
  • Kagami has a raven called Kra the Great
  • After Kra's death, she received a second raven from Aviar, nammed Kra the Second
  • I have duty, I am never free.
    — Kagami
    Divine Classification
    Solar Exalted
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    No Man's child
    Many Faced Shadow Judge
    Hand of the Empress
    Agent of Night
    Date of Birth
    11th Day of Ascending Fire
    Parents (Adopting)
    Cynis Haru (Elder Brother)
    Cynis Ichiro (Elder Brother)
    Cynis Nala (Younger Sister)
    Cynis Feng (Elder Brother)
    sparkly green, speckled with gold
    long auburn hair
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    fair rosy skin
    Known Languages
    High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak, Seatongue
    Mnemon Adrian
    Cynis Nanya
    Tepet Yu-Ahn
    Hulin Batsuda
    Sagasego Dehaki
      Tepet Yu-Ahn


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