Grinning Bastards Organization in CREATION | World Anvil

Grinning Bastards

The Grinning Bastards are a mercenary company based in Nexus.   The bastards have the faulest of reputation, for there is no despicable crime the Bastards wouldn't accept, when the money is right. From murder to petty theft, blackmail to crushing a party, the bastards are up for just anything.   It is suspected that the Bastards extort many lowly brothels, gambling dens, wine sinks and secret fighting pits for their stable income.   The Grinning Bastards are especially despised by the Errand Knights.  


The Grinning Bastards have no policy but coin. They care about nothing by getting paid. Often, they spend the coin on the same day, and extort more on the next.   Anyone who has the guts to do vile things for money is welcomed by the bastards. It is often said that once a man becomes a bastard, he leaves all his virtues at the door.   The Bastards call themself that for the bloody grin they put on their victims' faces. A red smile, fromm ear to ear.  

"As long as you you pay."

Nexus Base Map Image
Illicit, Gang
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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