Errand Knights Organization in CREATION | World Anvil

Errand Knights

The Errand Knights are a mercenary company based in Nexus.   Founded half a century ago, the Knight are largely respected within the sphere of influence of the Scavenger Lands. The members of this company are dedicated to honor, serving according to their moral codex.   They are known to refuse work on moral basis and are famed for never breaking the contracts they have accepted.


Honor is everything to those who would join the Errand Knights. There is honor in every man. All those who wish to embrace it, reclaim it or just to find it are welcomed by this noble brotherhood, given they can wield a sword.  
  • Do no harm to the innocent.
  • Do not stay idle in the face of injustice.
  • Do not turn your back upon a foe.
  • Protect the honor of your fellow knight.
  • Obey those placed in higher command.
  • Persevere to the end in any enterprise begun.
  • Live by honor and for glory.
  • Keeping to their code, the Knights never accept a quest that contradicts their codex. Because of this, the knights are far from the richest company stationed within Nexus.   However, their reputation makes them trusted and worthy allies in the eyes of many powerful organizations. Known to never haven broken an contract, the Errand knights hold many long term contracts, such as guarding the valuable trade routes of Nexus.   Once accepted into the Errand Knights, a member stays a knight for life. While in Service, all members are expected to conduct themselves strictly according to the codex.


    A mix of the Legions of Lookshy and the Knight Errants of the Hundred Kingdoms, the Knights are a military organization.    Lead by the Lord Commander Elriv von Ross, the knights are separated into officers and soldiers. Furthermore, they are divided into Knights, squires, servants and support, with the knights and squires taking up 9/10th of the company's headcount.  
    Divided 2/3rd to 1/3rd, these two groups make up the main fighting force of the company.   Each knight is given one squire, often a recruit, to train and educate. Once the squire has proven themselves, he or she is "knighted" and formally accepted into the ranks of the Errand Knight, from where the knight can progress in rank and take on his/her own squire.
    Only 1/10th of the company's forces are not utilized on the battlefield.   Among these numbers are the several the healers, the scribes, the cooks and the treasurer. Many of them are the family members of high ranking Knights, working and administrating the company's needs from the Errand House in Nexus or their stronghold Castle Beon.


    Anyone who can wield a sword and has honor in his heart can joint the Errand Knights. Other than their moral kin in the Hundred Kingdoms, this company does not turn down female recruits. Those who come to knock on the Knights' doors can often than not be put into three categories.  
    Young men and woman looking for glory and fame, with a steady pay. Often second sons of minor nobles from the Hundred Kingdoms, younger children from large merchant families or exiles from the realm or its satrapies.  
    Not every man who fights can live with what he has done. A sizable portion of the Knights are made up of veterans of war, who has committed various crimes in the past, either for dishonorable reasons or in service of another.  
    The Scavenger Lands can be cruel to those who are born less fortunate. Most squires or younger recruits in the Knights' ranks are orphans gathered on various missions or the abandoned children on Nexus' merciless streets.  
    Although generally welcoming to all those who seek a honest life, the Errand Knights do not accept condemned criminals on principle. Those who has committed wanton violence or are otherwise morally questionable deeds are also not welcome.   For former members of other companies or syndicates, a proof of loyalty is required. Often than not, it consists an unpaid test period as a squire. If it can be managed, they are welcomed into the ranks once a Knight is ready to vouch for them.

    Military Strength

    As in RY 830, the Errand Knight can boast the proud numbers of 5000 active members within the Scavenger Lands, with another 1000 on distant missions across Creation and another 2000 in reserve.   Very rarely are all knights enlisted for a single contract.    


    Errand Knights do not fight for honor alone. As a mercenary company, they name high prices for their services.   As knighthood within the company does not come with any elevation to nobility or lands and titles, the Knights are paid well for their service. Even the squires are paid, albeit only a small portion of what a knight would receive.   While in service, a knight can opt to borrow arms and armor, mount and other necessities from the company, at a fixed amount substracted from his wage.


    As a Nexus-based company, the Knight's main place of business is their compound located next to the Mercenary Square.   Along several great trade routes, the Errand Knight have established long term operation centers such as camps, fortifications or other housings.   The most notable of all is the old fortification called Castle Beon. Gifted to the Errand Knights by a grateful lord, this fort is only half a day's ride away from Nexus. It is mainly used as their headquarter. New recruits are also sent here to train in mass combat. Furthermore, the castle holds the record room of the Errand Knights, as well as their armory and treasury.  


  • The Errand Knights despises the Grinning Bastards
  • The company graciously accepts donations from trusted allies.
  • Auroponte regularly visits the company house in Nexus with generous gifts
  • the company house is located across the Mercenary Hall
  • "There is honor in every man."

    Founding Date
    RY 777
    Military, Mercenary Group
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Controlled Territories
    Notable Members
    Notable Members:
    Auroponte Dii, Flame of Nexus


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