Nexus Flame - Session 3 Report in CREATION | World Anvil
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Nexus Flame - Session 3

General Summary

At the Hall of Mercenaries, Amina is eager to engage Auroponte, but still to hesitant to speak.
Eventually she reveals that she is searching for the Mines of Arakthul , which has been bought by her family centuries ago. Following the guidance of an ivory book, she has "narrowed" its location down to "somewhere south of Nexus". On one of the pages, the image of a Solar Exalted was carved and filled with gold leaves. The figure is depiced with bow and arrow, and some other occult geomancy diagrams Auroponte does not understand.

Later during the meeting, 4 soldiers of House Pattarague arrived at the hall to retreave Anima. They were clearly out for trouble, and showed their distain for Auroponte's status as "Anathema" openly. Auroponte implied that they were traitors for wanting to ally with the realm. The tension was high, but fortunately neither parties rose to violence.

As as she was leaving, Auroponte said on a whim "Amina, I have business to finish. And you can come with me!". Making a hard decision between following Auroponte or her family, Amina chose Auroponte. Together they rode for Castle Beon of the Errand Knights, as Auroponte was still determinated to find her Lord Commander.

On their way, Auroponte and Amin talked much about the nature of Solars and what Auroponte wants from the world. She wants to be a military leader with her own army, because Creation has many enemies and it is her divine duty to protect Creation. They tried to analyze the book together, with little success. Anima tells Auroponte, that the elders sealed the mine for some reason, that supposedly an ancient evil dwells there that even her entire house could not handle it.
Auroponte deducted that because the book is made in late Usurpation, perhaps early Shogunate, that the evil must have been there since the end of the First Age. After touching the book, she saw the entrance of that place and the evil within called out to her. Further deduction made Auroponte believe that it's indeed an entity thousands of years old, probably dating back to the First Age, and that is was either demonic or necrotic, but has existed for so long, its very nature has changed from one to the other.
The entrance she saw in her vision, she claims to have read about it in a military report in the achieves of Castle Beon. She aims to find more clue there.

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Character(s) interacted with

Amina Patarague
Report Date
18 Jun 2021
Primary Location

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