Nexus Settlement in CREATION | World Anvil


On a peninsular jutting out between the Gray and Yellow Rivers where they join to become the Yanaze stands the renowned city of Nexus, called various epithets as positive as the Threshold Jewels and as negative as the River Harlot's Legs. 
It is the largest city in the east and one of the most populous cities anywhere. Almost a million people shelter behind its walls, despite its dubrious reputation. For, in addition to being a wealthy and cosmopolitan trading port, Nexus is also a poisonous stew of disease and home to the most brutal and unforgiving oligarchy in Creation.


Nexus is the biggest City in the Scavenger Lands and the most diverse in all of Creation. Every race, every species, even gods and Fair Folk can be found in Nexus. 

Most of Nexus' citizens are traders, craftsmen and entertainers, selling their work in Nexus' Small Market. They make up the bulk of Nexus' inhabitants.

Another considerable portion of Nexus' people are the mercenaries. As the biggest export City for soldiers, Nexus houses hundreds of thousands of fighting men and woman in vast indeferent quality and stlye. 

No one really know how many people live in the Firewonder District or the undergroup tunnels of the city. Those numbers are lost, or were never counted. They too contribute the Nexus' large population.


Nexus' ruling body had always been the "Council of Entities", a group of 9 divided into different positions to overseen the day to day of the City. In the past, their will and laws were enforced by the mysterious entity known as the Emissary, who is by legend as old as the city itself.

In RY 830, the Emissary has official claimed Nexus as his own, starting a over-night one man coup. It was enough to reduce the Council of Entities to mere puppets, down doing the Emissary's will.

Even under the new rule, Nexus has kept its Dogma since its founding:
No taxes shall be raise, save by the Council.

None shall obstruct trade.
None shall bring an army into Nexus.
No one shall commit wanton violance.
None may falsely claim the Council's name or sanction.
None shall harbor a fugitive from the Council's wrath.


Nexus Base Map Image


  • Nexus
Founding Date
Shogunate Era
Alternative Name(s)
Threshold Jewele
1 Million +
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Auroponte Dii
Character | Jul 20, 2021

Dawn Caste Solar based in Nexus, aiming to build her own army against the Realm.

Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol.1 - The Scavenger Lands


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