Orbs of Archgenisis Item in CREATION | World Anvil

Orbs of Archgenisis

The Orbs of Archgenisis are a set of five first age artifacts, created by the great Solar Exalted Kôl Coruatán in late first age. He infused these artifacts with ancient and potent magic. Around the Fall of Himring, the orbs were hidden and with the death of their master, their locations were lost.   In the 8th century of the second age, Prince Marlekyle of Valka stumbled upon the first of the five. He is now collecting all five, using them to profic his new realm. Marlekyle the Conqueror hold holds three of the five orbs.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Made from pure orichalcum, these orbs are of celestial beauty. Their surface are carved with geomantic symbols and charts, depicting ancient magic. When activated, the lines on the orb glow with solar essence, and can shine to a brightness that is hurtful to mortal eyes.   They are about the size of a grown man's outstreched palm and weigh no more than a sack of grain.  
During the first age, Kôl Coruatán intended to use the orbs as conduit and anchor to form a magical barrier, that can prevent all Creatures of Darkness for entering or escaping.   In the second age, the Orbs are used individually. Each of the Orb contain the Solar Spell Benediction of Archgenisis, which can bless the land of creation upon release. Each Orb needs to be activated within a grand ritual, calling down the power of the sun. They then connect to each other, and can be directed from the Chamber of Archgenisis atop the Sun Keep in Arfalea.   When dormant, the Orbs constantly give out a slow level of magic, than will in time burn through all mundane containers it is held in. While activated, the Orbs will deal aggravated damage to all creatures of Darkness. When taken by force, the Orb can obliterate a mortal's very soul.   It is suspected that the Orbs are somewhat sentient. Through ancient rules of magic, the Orbs will choose their own master and harm all those who would take the Orbs by force. However this theory is not confirmed.  

History of the Orbs

Prior to the Fall of Himring, Kôl Coruatán hid four of his five orbs. He has never revealed where he sent them, but investigation of the first age Night Castes suggest that he did not have the time to construct proper vaults for them. Most likely, they have been hastily taken away and given to Coruatán's trusted for safekeeping. After the Fall of Himrin, only one Orb remains in the white tower. All other were lost.  
In the second Age, one of such Orb was found the the vaults of Valka, in the possession of King Undvic. It is unclear when or where he found it. In RY 821, Prince Marlekyl exlated into a Zenith Cast Solar Exalted. While preparing for another campaign to subjugate the Hundred Kingdoms, Marlekyle discovered this orb in his father's vault. The possibility of the Orb's magic gave Prince Marlekyle new inspiration about the Kingdom he could build.  
THE SECOND (Himring)
Two years later, Prince Marlekyl discovers the ruins of Himring, where he finds another Orb. Vision shown by the Ghosts of Himring tell him that there are a set of five. Defeated by the ghosts, Marlekyl was not able to retrieve the second Orb.   In RY 831, the Deathknights Lord Mask, Ghost and Ragnarok arrive in the ruins of Himring. Haunted by visions, Lord Mask remembers himself to be the former Kôl Coruatán. In his memories of the first age, Lord Mask learns of the true purpose of the orbs and the role they played in his first age death. After some negotiation with the Ghost of Himring, the Orb was given into Lord Mask's care. Later lord Mask learned of Marlekyle's quest to find all five, and gifted his own orb to Malekyle.  
THE THIRD (Castle Yiffnar)
  Told by Prince Nivin and Lief, Marlekyle learned the whereabouts of the third orb. In RY 825, he turned his army north and marched on Castle Yiffnar. Queen Nitram surrendered her kingdom to Marlekyl so the possession of the third orb passted to the Cconqeror as well.   [quote] It is said by the people of the east, that the Orb was a blessing about the House of Druan. Living under the light of the Orb, they have come to worship its power. Resting in the center of their forest, the Orb has made House Druan strong, blessing their children and land with fertility for hundreds of years. Eventually, House Druan was joined by the tribe Tarnuval, where they build their society in the forest north of Mount Megalapa.   In RY 805, Rowan the Cruel of House Yiffnar sacked their city and burned Forest of Druan. He stole the Orb of Archgenisis from their alter and brought it back to Castle Yiffnar, where he kept it locked in his own vault. However, taken by force from its owner and worshippers, the Orb went dormant and did not bless Rowan's land.   When Prince Nivin Tarnuval, the last royal descended of the Druans joined Prince Marlekyl, he revealed the history and location of this orb to the Solar. Promising to avenge the slaughter of his entire kin, Prince Nivin promised the Orb to Marlekyle.  
The Location of this orb is unknown to all but one single person, King Undvic of Valka. After his son's defection from Valka, Undvic has taken further meassure to keep this orb out of his hands. Prince Marlekyle has set his eyes on the fourth orb, currently planning to march on Valka, for many reason, inlcuding the right to the Orb.
Show spoiler
The orb is hidden in a remote place called the "Arfaleen tomb", inside the empty sarcophagus of Prince Arfalas of Valka, heir to the throne. As heir, the ownership of this orb will pass to Prince Arfalas once his father is dead. However, with Prince Arfalas being Ragnorok, the Deathknight who no longer holds Arfalas' mortal destiny, the orb will pass to the next in line, Arfalas' younger brother, Prince Marlekyle the Conqueror.
The Last
No on in creation knows where this orb is.
Kôl Coruatán 
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder


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