Arfalea Settlement in CREATION | World Anvil


Capital of the Hundred Kingdoms

Build upon ancient ruins, Arfalea is now the newly founded Capital City of The Hundred Kingdoms ruled by Prince Marlekyle of Valka.   Rediscovered in RY 823, the secret reconstruction of the city took more than 5 years. In RY 830, the city has been repaired enough to be housed and held. Prince Marlekyle moved his people and court here from Castle Hadrian and summoned all his subjects to him.   To further populate the city, Arfalea's gates were opened to welcome all citizens of the Hundred Kingdoms looking for a new home.


The people of Arfalea can be generally divided into the nobility and the common folk.   
Almost every noble now living in Arfalea is also a member of the royal court. They mainly followed Marlekyle here from kingdoms he has conquered, brining much of their families and wealth into the city.  
These category take up by far the largest portion of the city's people, many of them peasants and war refugees. They streamed into the city from all corners of the Hundred Kingdoms, looking for work and a better life. As the City is still being rebuild, there is much work to be found.   Marlekyle makes sure that every single man, woman or child entering the city will contribute to the city. Those with professions much needed, such as bakers, grocers, cooks, dressmakers, tanners, builders and smiths are given permission to settle in the city sooner than others. The prince even makes sure that their women will have work, proving a large work market for them as servants of the rich and powerful.   Because of this, a large portion of the refugees waiting at the gate are housed in temporary camps outside the walls. The camp consisting of mismatched tents and huts now house thousands of people and growing every day.  
Knowing that he cannot rely on voluntary refugees and imigrants alone, Marlekyle invides specialists to his city. They make up the middle class professions, such as scrubs, scholars, healers, masons and artisans.  
As Arfalea is a state constantly at war, a considerable portion of the city consist of soldiers and knights. In the dawn of Arfalea, these men are temporarily used as city guards, patrolling the streets and dictating the prince's laws.


Arfalea is ruled by the self styled God-King Prince Marlekyle of Valka.   His court is a classic feudalistic monarchy, with Marlekyle being the ruling King, despite him still holding the title of prince. The power of law-making, judgement and tax-raising all lie in his hands, as well as the redistribution of all territory in his kingdom.   During his conquest, Marlekyle has left much of the government of his lands to the nobles who had once held it. He respects their tradition and allows them their own identity. Marlekyle makes sure that this is to be seen as a gift. They govern at his pleasure, and he expects them to be grateful.   That is not to say Arfalea does not have new laws. Since the founding of this city, Marlekyle has established many new laws and abolished others. These are proclaimed in the name of the crown across the Hundred Kingdoms by the Arfaleen Knights.


The most important task in the reconstruction of Arfalea has been dedicated to the repair of the large city walls. Knowing that his conquest has made him many enemies, Marlekyle is fully aware of the necessity of strong walls.   During the repairs, many of the old buildings atop the wall has been torn down, while new ones were added. In regular intervals, wooden watchtowers have been constructed, now manned by soldiers and knights of Marlekyle's army.   Facing the southern side, 5 large trebuchets were reassembled behind the city walls. They are capable of shooting large rocks up to 300 yards in distance. The surplus materials of the wall or old rubbles of the city have been strung up into ammunition and piled up here. Per decree of the crown, no houses may be build in 50 yards radius of the trebuchets.   Very much to the disappointment of the strategist within Marlekyle, Arfalea does not have a moat. The City gate sits directly on the main road, beneath a heavily fortified gatehouse.  


Being a reconstructed city, Arfalea follows the highly functional design of its predecessor. The main road of the city connects the gate directly with the keep. In the reconstruction, Malekyle has made sure that the road is paved and wide enough for four mounted knights to ride next to each other.   The living sections of the city are divided into three distinctive sections.  
Stretching from the riverbank in the west side of the city to the main road, this part is largely populated by the common folk. Many smaller merchants, fishermen, workmen, tanners, smiths, and prostitutes have established their homes here. It is the cheapest and most crowded parts of the city, naturally grown by all people who work with their body and hands.  
Rising from the eastern wall towards the top of the hill, this section consists of living quaters often 3-4 stories high. They are mainly occupied by the more established artisans, manufacturers, healers and scholars have their houses here. The closer one gets to the top, the more beautiful the buildings become, until they end up in luxurious townhouses, property of wealthy merchants and rich noblemen.   In this section are also many public buildings, such as a public library, a house of healing, a temple of the Sun and several orphanages and schools.  
At the top of hill stands the royal castle, built atop ancient ruins made out of white stone. It is home to Arfalea's ruler Prince Marlekyle and his court. Here, several thousands courtiers, knights, servants and guards live together behind a second strong wall and moated gate.   Inside the castle, the very ground is made out of white marble from another age, still smooth and vibrating with elegance. The throne room has been reconstructed to represent a faint shadow of the first age, with high columns and glass windows basking the halls of Sun Fort in light.  
  In the heights tower of the Sun Fort, the jewel of the Hundred Kingdoms and the greatest treasure of Prince Marlekyle is kept. A large magical room made containing much of its original structure, this is now the home to the Orbs of Archgenisis, the first age artifacts that spread the Blessing of Archgenisis over the land.   Five Pillars are made to house the ancient spheres, with the one in the middle, representing Arfalea. The other four locations in the room corresponds with fortifications Marlekyle has chosen for the other orbs, each one pillar standing on a castle painted onto the map on the floor.   This chamber has four windows looking into the four celestial directions, with one skylight above. They are sealed and covered with transparent glass. This only door into the room is sealed and locked. Day and night, six guards stand watch. Aside from Prince Marlekyle, this chamber is prohibited to anyone without his permission.


Rediscovered by Prince Marlekyle in RY 823, not many know what Arfalea was before today. Even the very name of this ancient ruin has been lost to time.   However, histories speculate that Arfalea has once been a support city for the great mage tower Himring just a day's ride away. Judging by the fundaments and it's structure, it may have been designed by the great Solar Exalted Kôl Coruatán himself.   Several ruins in the city suggest that Arfalea was most likely used as a stronghold for local warlords during the Shogunate Era. At the lastest, it was abandoned during the great contagion. During the Balurian Crusades, some Fair Folk might have also occupied this place, judging by the warped structure in the stones atop of crumbled city wall.   Marlekyle and his architects are convinced that the magic build into the Sun Fort is the only reason so much of the castle remained until today. They are also convinced that Arfalea was abandoned until today because of the evil forces that dwell in the close by Himring.


  • Arfalea is named after Prince Marlekyle's twin brother, Arfalas of Valka.
  • Arfalea was founded exactly 9 years after Marlekyle and Ragnarok's exaltation.
  • The Guild and several other slightly unseemly organizations are trying to establish themselves in the City
  • The power of the Hundred Kingdoms has become a worrying thread to the Citystates of Scavenger Lands
Marlekyle of Valka
Founding Date
830 RY 5 Resplendent Water 12:00
50000 - 100000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Marlekyle of Valka
Character | Jul 23, 2021

Zenith Caste Solar Exalted, Ruler of Arfalea and the Hundred Kingdoms

The Hundred Kingdoms
Organization | Oct 19, 2021

Political structure of Marlekyle's realm



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