The Cloaked Gentlemen Organization in CREATION | World Anvil

The Cloaked Gentlemen

This esteemed burglary group from Nexus likes to call themselves theĀ League de Celestine.   Their origin is a much a mystery as their member list. Consisting of no more than ten members, they take only the best of heists and performe artworks of charm, subterfuge and vanishing acts compared to common thieves.   Rumor has it, that over half of its members are supernatural in some way, raging from Exalts to Gods to Demons or Ghosts. Or just the very best a mortal can become.   They employ a selected group of informants, artisans, vendors, fences, and other specialists to acquire what they need to do whatever that is they do. Each provider is only given a small piece of disconnected information, so the League can better hide their true nature.  
To do the best, one must be the best. And the Cloaked Gentlemen are the very best, to no small part thanks to their strict code.  
  • They always do clean jobs
  • No innocent shall be harmed on the job
  • No unnecessary violence shall be tolerated on the job
  • No corpses will be left behind on the job
  • No trace must been found after the job
  • No contract will be broken
  • And we do it all in style

    No one really knows how the Cloaked Gentlemen choose their recruit. All account are unanimous that to join this illustrious group, one must be:  
  • one of the very best in one own field
  • one must not be famous outside one's field
  • one must pass a test

  • However, it is unknown how the Gentlemen test each candidate. Nor when. The Gentlemen do things their own way and one can only hope to be good enough.  
    Once in a while, there may be an secret auction for their service. Either to pay them to stay their hand, or the lend their skills.   The sums jade, silver, or gold that exchange hands at these auctions are enormous. No one really knows what is bought or sold, and no story will be told afterwards, safe for the boasts of those who acquired their service.   Despite no knowing what exactly the Gentlemen do, or don't do, their name alone is enough to keep the business running.

    "We do it with style."

    Founding Date
    RY 821
    Guild, Thieves
    Alternative Names
    League de Celestine
    Training Level


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