The Exalted Species in CREATION | World Anvil
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The Exalted

An Exalted is a mortal person imbued with the power of a god or Element. The Exaltation of a mortal is based on the merit of their character and potential. The Exaltation does not discriminate between gender, species, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or social class.  
Celestial Exalted:
Solar, Lunar and Sidereal Exalted
Terrestrial Exalted:
Dragon Blooded
Creature of Darkness:
Abyssal and Infernal Exalted    

Solar Exalted:

Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, Sol Invictus, Lord of Heaven
As representations of the light of the Sun, they are each attuned to one of the phase of the sun in each day. Their natural magical material is Orichalcum, purified gold smelted in the molten Lava at the elemental pole of Fire.   Solars are chosen from the most honorable and righteous of mortals, each having in them the potential for greatness and perfection. By the Mandate of Heaven, Solars are the divine sovereigns of Creation.  
The Dawn Caste:
Warriors and generials of the Sun, these heroes lead the Sun's Army into battle against all enemies of Creation. Their mission is to protect the people of the mortal realm and defeat any who dare to threaten their world.  
The Zenith Caste:
As Priests of the Sun, they symbolize absolute resolve and dedication. Zenith possess iron wills, never to be corrupted, never to be tempted. Their mission is to spread the light of the Unconquered Sun by faith and law, making sure darkness has no place to thrive.  
The Twilight Caste:
There are the scholars of the world. Their intellect is unrivaled, making them the builders of the world. Be it in architecture, craftsmanship or magic, their mission is to understand everything and bring prosperity to the world through their work.  
The Night Caste:
Even in the night, the light of the Sun cannot be forgotten. These are the ones walking unseen, in darkness and utter silence. They are the bravest of the chosen, seeking opponents behind enemy lines. They are the ultimate weapon against corruption, be it in the wicked Creatures of Darkness or among their own brethren. Nothing escapes the night's gaze.  
The Eclipse Caste:
Even hidden, the sun's light will not diminish. These Solars are the ambassadors of Creation, bringing the sun's righteousness to the even most remote corners of the world. Their sharp wit and mind are unchallenged, given them the power to solutions and force alliances in the more dire of circumstances.  

The Queen of Thunder

In the High First age, the Unconquered Sun paid chief attention to his Zenith Priests. They are his favorites, his Kings of Kings and Queens of Queens. Zenith was the caste to lead all castes, the first among equals.   In the Golden Age, the Zenith Priestess Queen Meela, leader of the Solar Deliberative wore the legendary Crown of Thunder, a gift from the Lord of Heaven and made by his own hand.

Lunar Exalted:

Chosen of Luna, the silver Mother
Unlike their Solar Mates, Lunars are much more individual. In their mission upon creation, they were however united, acting as guardians and warriors. Bound to their Solar Mates by oldest of magic, they serve as companions and consorts, always loyal and filled with dedication.   Like the ever changing moon, Lunars manifest their caste after the Exaltation, choosing the phase of the moon that suits them the most. They are shapeshifters and shamens, attuned to nature and the very land of Creation. Their natural magical material is Moonsilver, fluent and durable, just like the nature of the Moon.  
The Fullmoon:
Carrying the primal instinct of their totem animal, these Lunars are the perfect generals of their Solar's army. Their goal is to fight and protect, making them even more capable than some of the Solars.  
The Waxing Moon(first age):
These are the priests among the Lunars. Often blessed with incredible beauty, they als make the best courtiers. They support their Solars with both their remarkble grace and their affinity for illusions.  
The Half Moon (first age):
Deception and strategy are their most formidable weapons. Just like their caste, they are capable of seeing the light and the dark side of everything, making them the best advisors to their mates.  
The Waning Moon (first age):
Not everyone is made for glory. These Lunars excel at trickery and spycraft. Hidden mostly in shadows, they empower the art of shapeshifting to reach their goals.  
The No Moon:
Conceal in a lightless night, these Lunars dedicate themselves to the understanding of secrets and hidden lore. They are the scholars and loremasters among the Luanrs. The most powerful sorcerers of the second age can be found in their midst.  
The Changing Moon:
Like the many phases of the moon, these lunars possess many forms and abilities. After the Shuttering, the knowledge of spycraft, strategy and priesthood were lost. What remained was combined into this new caste. In the second age, most Changing Moons follow their own hearts, using deception and shapeshifting to achieve their goals.  

The Shuttering

After the usurpation, many of the Lunars fled into the Wyld-twisted regions at the edge of the world. Influenced by the chaotic energy of the wyld, they began to change, breaking their castes and merging them into one. When the Lunars eventually developed moonsilver tattoos to stabilize themselves against the mutating energy of the wyld, three of their five castes were broken and disappeared.

The Sidereal Exalted:

Agents of the five Maidens of Destiny
Fate works in mysterious ways. Unlike their celestial brethren, the Exaltation of a Sidereal is always predestined. Their only mission is fulfull the endless task of ensuring fate works as it is supposed to. Gazing into the Loom of Fate, these agents make sure nothing can ever spin out of balance. Their calling is often interrupted by those who work essence, taking fate into their own hands.   Their natural magical material is Starmetal.  
The Chosen of Journey:
Following Mercury, these agents are fluent and ever in motion. They whisper wanderlust into mortal's heart or stay their feet when they reach too far. They direct the build bridges, repair roads and direct the flow of the world, making sure everything arrives at the right places in the right time.  
The Chosen of Serenity:
With Venus as their patroness, these chosen bring joy to the world. They cure ill children from sickness when it's not yet their time, bless farmlands for a village when lives should continue and lead lovers to each other when their match was made in heaven.  
The Chosen of Battles:
Following Mars, these warriors incite conflict when it is due. When battle is demanded by fate, these are the ones to make sure it happens. When strategy is required to ensure one side's victory, these are the ones to ask. Conflict is their business, be it large or small.  
The Chosen of Secrets:
Even magic is with the grasp of fate. Taught by Jupiter, they are entrusted with the safekeeping of secrets and the learning of new lore. They share what they know only when fate decided it is time to share. Otherwise, mystery surround them and their lips are sealed.  
The Chosen of Ending:
Many fear the bringers of change and death. Under the guidance of Saturn, they make sure things end when it is supposed to end. Be it manipulation or assassination, nothing may prevail when fate demands otherwise.    

The Dragon Blooded

Descendents and blood of the Elemental Dragons
Originally created as soldiers and administrators, these Terrestrial Exalted are the lowest of the Exalted. Tasked not with divine mission, they are free to follow their own hearts and elements. There are no special requirement of each of the Elements, for they all exist to serve.   In the Second Age of Sorrow, their Elements are nothing but a representation of their elevated rights. Though many still try to emulate their Elemental Dragon forebearers, it remains more a social expectation, rather than divine dogma.   The natural magical materials are the five different colors of Jade, each representing one of the elements.    

The Abyssal Exalted:

Chosen of Void, Deathnights of the Underworld Court, Servants of the Neverborn
When a mortal dies, he can exchange his fate for a second breath, should the Dark Exaltation be offered to them. Chosen by void is to suffer eternally. Existing between life and death, their only purpose is to serve the will of their Neverborn gods and ensure Creation's destruction.   Made from Solar Souls, these fallen heroes are a dark mirror image of their former glory. Their unnatural magical material is Soulsteel, forged from the ore of the Underworld and infused with the tormented souls of mortaqls.  
The Dust Caste:
They are the blades that shall slay Creation. To kill, to destroy, to devour, that is their purpose. In their Master's plan, these Deathknights will lead the Army of the Dead that will raze mortal cities to the ground.  
The Midnight Caste:
As the leaders of the death cults, they are to bring humanity to its knees by spreading the doctrine of the dead. Reincarnation is a lie, life after death is the only truth they shall follow. Making mortals worship the souls of the dead, these priests tie Creation's essen to the nature of the Underworld. They trap souls within their realms, breaking the eternal circle.  
The Daybreak Caste:
Wars cannot be won by swords alone. As masters of craft, they create the most terrifying machines of war. Their necromancy makes sure the Army of the Dead never run out of soldiers. Their studies in the dark arts is what will destroy what the Dusk Caste cannot slay.  
The Day Caste:
Even during day, the Creature of Darknes smust be feared. When everyone believes themselves safe, these unholy assassins strike. Unknown by all, these Deathknights are to make sure that once Creation is slain, all Deathknights will give themselves to the void as well. Should anyone falter, the Day's dagger is already waiting.  
The Moonshadow Caste:
Why kill them when they can kill themselves? These Deathknights are masters of manipulation and corruption, making mortals forsake all hope and seek out death themselves. At the end, they shall even persuade the most steadfast to accept the blissful touch of Void, ending all life in Creation and Underworld alike.    

The Infernal Exalted:

Chosen of the Yozis, Lords of Hell
Much like their Solar Counterparts, Infernal each fulfill a role within the Society of Hell. Chosen for the same qualities as their glorious former self, the Infernals are to make Creation into a new Demon Realm after the wishes of their cruel Masters.   Being created in the second age, the Infernals have no natural or unnatural magical materials. Their arms and armor are fashioned from other magical materials, tainted with the vitriol of hell.  
The Slayer:
Having Malfeas as their direct master, these Infermals shrive among chaos and war. Just like Malfeas, the Leader of the Primordial Army, these Slayers lead hordes of demons into battle.  
The Malefactor:
Being the speakers of Law, they are create the blasphemous world the Yozis wished. Like their Mother Cecelyn, the endless desert, they are ruthless and will devour anyone who dares to disobey their word.  
The Defiler:
Following the doctrines of She Who Lives In Her Name, they believe that Creation is fundamentally flawed and needs to be remade. If they cannot reshape Creation to fit their mother's imaginations, they will simply tear it down and build anew.  
The Scourge:
Unlike the others, the followers of Adorjan lack coherence and purpose. Changing from one moment to the nest, these Infernals are the ultimate embodiment of chaos and corruption.  
The Fiend:
Just as their patron The Ebon Dragon was created as a shadow of everything and the counterpart of the Unconquered Sun, the Fiends defy everything that has order or purpose. They use their power to achieve selfish goals, shrouding their lives behind false diplomacy. They spread disunity and chaos wherever they roam, bringing all and everything around them to devour itself.  
All Celetrial Exalted souls are immortal. Once the Exalt dies, the souls of the Celestrial return to Heaven to be prepared for their reincarnation. The souls of the Dragon Blooded merge into the circle of reincarnation automatically and memories cannot be recalled in the next life.   The Souls of the Deathknights and Infernals return to their masters after death.  
500-3000 years

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