The Inner Light Item in CREATION | World Anvil

The Inner Light

Long had the very existence of this book been a myth. Since the fall of the Solars in high First Age, scholars have debated about the content and location of this book.    This work by the solar sorcerer Larquen Quen focuses on the nature of life and death, an in-depth study of the Underworld and its necrotic Essence.    It is rumored that the original work was much larger than what remained into the second age. What was found today as The Inner Light is an abridged version of the original work. It has not been confirmed whether this tome is by Larquen Quen's hand or perhaps a transcript by one of his students.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

From the outside, this book looks like any other tome penned in the language of the First Age. Bound in black leather, it is relatively small in size and can easily be hidden under a clock. The pages of the book are free of any damage, safe for thoes who were done to it when the original book was torn.   The text within the book are written in unparalleled penmanship. Scripted in dark green ink speckled with gold, the letters have an enchanting effect on anyone who reads it.  
If this really is only a short part of the book, then it is a very detailed short part.   The book is separated into chapters, deatiling each the inner working of the necrotic essence and their behavior in different plains of existence.   In the last chapter, Larquen Quen further elaborates on the theories that a Solar Exalted could be corrupted by necrotic essence and be twisted into darker versions of themselves. He explains the corruption of Sol Invictus' virtues and their meaning in the Underworld. Just as the Underworld is a desolate reflection of Creation, so can dark champions exist that mirror their Solar Counterpart.   This might be the part that is so controversial that demanded the Deliberative's wrath.   Larquen Quen theorizes that existence between life and death is possible, when necrotic essence has consumed the body, yet the fires of Sol Invictus still burns within the Solar Exalted. He emphasizes on the strength of the Solar Exaltation and that it is impossible to destroy something so divine. Some may see this as a theoretical way of Abyssal Redemption.


Legend says, that the mightiest of all Solar Sorcerer Larquen Quen once traveled into the Underworld to learn its magics. After he returned, he sat down and penned this controversial work of necromancy. Back in his time, his words were sacrilege, for Larquen Quen gave importance to the Underworld none of the scholars at that time wanted to admit. For his insolence against the very nature of the world, the solar deliberative ordered this work destroyed, less it falls into the hands of some who would break the world's order for power.   Larquen Quen argued for his own work, but eventually bowed to the will of the deliberative. However, history proofs that Larquen Quen lied. In secret, he made a copy of his work, and burned it in front of the gathered witnesses.   It was suggested by scholars over the years that Larquen Quen separated his work into parts and hid them within other works of himself. Many of his theories did not survive into the second age. Only The Inner Light was discovered in the Library of Losha in RY 827 by the Sidereal Exalted named Lady Violet.   After the death of the last Losha heir Losha Tsukaza, the library was sealed. Without his wife Lady Violet's knowing, Tsukaza now a Deathknight called Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight returned to his library and stole back this invalueble tome.   In RY 830, the Lunar Dale Messenger of the Silver Pack, the Deathknight Ragnarok and their myterious Sidereal friend Black Ice Shadow broke into Temple of Tears where Starlight dwelled and stole this book from him.   Currently, Black Ice Shadow has brought this book back to Yu-Shan prior to the Lotus Massacre. It is unknown if this book survived the fall of heaven.
Larquen Quen
Item type
Book / Document


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