Ragnarok Character in CREATION | World Anvil



Prince , the Devour without Purpose

Ragnarok is a Dusk Caste Abyssal Exalted. He was born as Arfalas of Valka, eldest son to King Undvic Of Valka and a mysterious woman called Lady Forlorn. Before his death and rebirnt as a Deathknight, Arfalas was the crown prince of Valka.   Manipulated into fighting his own twin brother Marlekyle of Valka, Arfalas held back in the duel and was killed. His body and soul were delivered to the Deathlord known as The Bishop as tirbut, where Arfalas was offered his second breath. Secuded by the Bishop's promises, Arfalas renounced his mortal fate and name and accepted the Dark Exaltation   For next ten years, he has been a slave to the Deathlord's will, committing countless atrocities in his master's name, earning himself the title Devour without Purpose   In RY 830, Raganarok regained his senses and immediately fled from his master. Currently, Ragnarok has been reunited with his brother. Together with his sworn Deathknight brothers Ghost of Revenge, Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight and Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth, he seeks a path of redemption.  


Before his fall, Arfalas was the noblest knights within The Hundred Kingdoms. With memories of who he was, and that of his previous incarnation, a glorious warrior king fighting for honor and virtue, Ragnarok desires to become that again.   His Exaltation was the fruit of careful schemes and decades of manipulation. However, Ragnarok still believes that even those who do harm to others deserve mercy and forgiveness, if they sincerely ask for it.  
Find Abyssal Redemption and become a noble knight again.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Ragnarok was the elder twin born to King Undvic of Valka by the mysterious woman called Lady Forlorn. Being the elder of the twins, Prince Arfalas was the unchallenged heir to the throne, with his twin brother expected to be his right hand and spare.   King Undvic believed early on that his sons will have great destinies. Determinate to see his sons fulfill his dreams, the boys were put through rigorous training regimes since childhood. Lacking in fatherly love and kept at a distance from their mother, Arfalas never bonded with his parents, instead diverting all his attention to his younger twin Marlekyle. Arfalas disliked the companionship of others and would tolerate no competitors for his brother's attention.   In their adolescence, Arfalas became designated and withdrawn. He was under enormous pressure to live up to the expectation. His days will filled with lessons in politics, warfare and governing of his future state. Prince Arfalas was dutiful in learning all of them, knowing the responsibility on his shoulders. Both princes were discouraged from exploring anything outside their royal duties. However that does not stop Arfalas from developing interest in music and songs. He secretly mastered the harp.   In early adolescence, Arfalas and Marlekyle became lovers. It was the sole source of happiness for Arfalas in his youth.   Starting age 18, both sons were often sent out on military campaigns to subdue smaller neighbouring kingdoms. Both princes displayed cold hearted efficiency as it was expected of them. At age 20, they were sent to unite the lands on the east side of Mount Megalapa. The distance between their conquest and Valka showed Arfalas a life outside their father's influence. Arfalas would later describe this time as the happiest in his life.   Under his encouragement, both princes developed thoughts of disloyalty and explored other philosophies. It was in this time, Arfalas started to suspect their father's schemes.  

Dark Exaltation

  In RY 821, Arfalas and his brother returned to court to discover their father firmly in the grasp of two strangers, the Royal Sorcerer Tsevatan and the mysterious Green Lady. Arfalas immediately suspected the woman of ill-intent when she started to single him out and manipulate him through long mentorship. Upon learning their father's obsession with necromancy, Arfalas tried to confront the necromancer Tsevatan. His attempt to "punch his teeth out" was stopped by the royal guards.   Arfalas later suggested to his brother that they should rid their home of these two mongrels. Despite all his doubts, Arfalas still believed that King Undvic would renounce the dark magic once he saw the truth. Marlekyle suggested regicide.   Out of honor and a false sense of chivalry, Arfalas approached the Green Lady, giving her once change to flee before he kills her. The next day, they were summoned to the King, where Arfalas immediately realized his own mistake. He was singled out by his father, using words he had heard from the Greeen Lady before to drive a wedge between him and Marlekyle. Marlekyle fell for the taunts and attacked the King. Out of pure instinct, Arfalas stepped into his brother's way.   He was surprised that Marlekyle's anger would turn on him. Knowing himself to be stronger, Arfalas willingly didn't commit all his strength. Only a moment of mercy, of love, and his brother's blade stabbed him through the heart. Arfalas remembers falling into Marlekyle's arms, wishing him love and happiness, and most of all, peace.   Yet the sweet death was not for him. Arfalas was not allowed to leave. Caught in the moment of death, the Bishop came to him.  
Everything that is yours was stolen from you. Life is cruel and meaningless. All that you have aspired to become, only dust in the black night's wind when the sweet death comes for you.   Yet there is purpose for you. You have yet to serve, for glory, for vengeance, for freedom and immortality.   Accept my gift and breath again, warrior of blood. You can be my champion and free those who suffered as you did. Be my blade and bring them the sweet peace of death. You can be as gracious as me, a merciful monster, to silence all their screams.   And then, you can have peace too
— The Bishop
  Arfalas but only wanted to see his brother again. So, he renounced his mortal fate, renounced his name and birth, and rose again as Abyssal Exalted.   Henceforth, he was known as Ragnarok, the Devour without Purpose.




As a prince, Arfalas was trined in all traditional fighting styles of the Hundred Kingdoms. He was versed in mounted and single combat. After proven himself, Arfalas was knighted at the age of 17.   As a Deaknight, Ragnarok was taken apart and trained again. He was taught to fight viciously on foot, swinging his large Soulsteel Grand Daiklave. In the 10 years he spent as Deathknight, Ragnarok also mastered the Dark Messiah Style.   His past as a crown prince has taught him all he needed to know about chivalry and the governing of state. As Deathknight, Ragnarok was instructed in the fundamentals of occult. Always interested in book, Ragnarok has spent a considerable portion of his time studying tomes about the nature of Solars and Abyssals.  
THE INNER LIGHT:   This tome has been a rumor since the first age. Found in the Library of Losha, it was eventually discovered in the possession of the Dearthknigt Silent Wanderer in Fallen Starlight. To gain this tome and deepen his study of the lore on life and death, Ragnarok once broke into the Temple of Tears, the residence of Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth and his husband, Starlight.   Unfortunately, Ragnarok was captured by the Deathknights before he could read this tome. Sacrificing himself, so his Lunar Mate Dale could fleewith their prize, Ragnarok remained behind. Fate would have it that Lord Mask and Starlight would later become Ragnarok's sworn brothers.

Mental Trauma

All those who had went through it agree, nothing can be more traumatic than death. For all accounts, Arfalas is dead.   Yet Ragnarok still walks the earth. He is neither alive, nor truly dead. His heart beat, yet Creation does not want him. He is cold as a corpse, yet the Underworld rejects him. He belongs no where, safe perhaps the haunted darkness of the Shadowlands.   Being enchanted or dominated by the Bishop for nearly ten years, much of Ragnarok's memories are warped. Others he cannot remember. Inside his head, everything turns into dark rotten mist, twisted and entangled, never leaving, but never clear. He suffers from nightmares, where he sometimes remembers the tears and screams of his victims. Sometimes wakes in the night, trembling, the Bishop's voice his in his head.   Because of the betrayal by his own father, and to some decree his own lover and brother as well, Ragnarok is mistrustful of strangers. It takes him a long time to warm up to those around him, and even longer until he calls them friends. For this reason, he has never let anyone touch him. Those who did rarely survive.

Morality & Philosophy

Once, Ragnarok believed in his royal prorogative and his divine right to rule.   However after 10 years in darkness, he has started to question everything he once knew. He still hold onto ancient customs out of habit, but he does not truly care about them anymore. He has seen death and what comes after. He has realized how pointless it is to fight for something as shallow as wealth, status or even power. It all turns to dust when death comes.   Yet another side of him admires the struggle of mortals, how they scramble and thrive for something more. Those pointless things is what separates him from the truly living, for those struggles and pain give them passion and meaning.   He is constantly debating these things on the inside, struggling between wanting to believe in the possibility 0f redemption, although he has been shown that death is the answer to everything.  
As part of his road to redemption, Ragnarok has taken an oath of honor.  
  • Never to kill unless it is necessary
  • Help wherever he can
  • Never to bring necrotic essen into creation


    Raganrok is complicated. His heart is noble and true, never disloyal or unfaithful to his friends. However he is void on the inside, never feeling too much for anyone else. He is very dutiful, protecting and helping because he has to, because it is the right thing to do.   Having more and more of his memories back, remembering who he was before his death, Ragnarok tries to act and be normal. He relies on his skills, his confidence and his natural charm to achieve his goals. He hides himself behind a crafted projection of nobility and casual friendliness, to appear as human has possible.   Ragnarok is defined by his love for his brother, both as kin and husband. He is fully committed to his brother, the love for Marlekyle being one of his driving force since youth. After meeting his Deathknights brethren, Ragnarok has started to understand the concept of companionshio and for the first time turly enjoys the contact with others.


    Family Ties


    Marlekyle of Valka

    Younger Twin (Vital)

    Towards Ragnarok




    Elder Twin (Vital)

    Towards Marlekyle of Valka



    Marlekyle of Valka

    Lover (Vital)

    Towards Ragnarok




    Lover (Vital)

    Towards Marlekyle of Valka




  • Ragnarok is very proficient with the harp
  • he has a great singing voice
  • At the event of the Brave fourty-nine, Ragnarok lost an eye
  • Ragnarok is very jealous of the Knights of Arfalea
  • Ragnarok once went by the Alias Malkurion
  • ... I have purpose now!
    — Ragnarok
    Divine Classification
    Abyssal Exalted
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Prince of Valka
    Date of Birth
    10th of Ascending Wood
    Date of Death
    5th of Resplendent Water
    798 RY 821 RY 23 years old
    Kingdom of Valka
    Marlekyle of Valka (Younger Twin)
    Arfalas of Valka
    pale blue
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    ashen white
    Aligned Organization
    Marlekyle of Valka
    Character | Jul 23, 2021

    Zenith Caste Solar Exalted, Ruler of Arfalea and the Hundred Kingdoms

    Settlement | Jul 18, 2021

    Capital of the Hundred Kingdoms, ruled by Prince Marlekyle



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