Prince Japhthia, Strategos of Opal

Foolish is the man who angers the Strategos of Opal, but despite how easy a man he is to fear, he is also predictable.   Any chance for saber-rattling he will grab, and any chance to put his flag, metaphorically or not, over an enemy's corpse, he will gladly take. And only his subordinates' competence stand between him and abject failure.   For the Opal Court's sake, their competence has been frightening of late, bringing in new blood, such as Shivering Solstice and Long Night. Sapphire-Rose of Dusk's Countless Imagined Stars in Bloom, Anarch-Panjundrum of the Opal Court of the stars in Splendor as well, has been impressive, but she has been the power behind the throne ever since the The Eastern and The Western Tears of Ketu.   A keen strategist, he's been leaving so much to his surbordinates, his own legend has been weakened by their presence, at least among the true followers of the virtue of valour among the Raksha.   Today I am to enter his dreams and kill him. I am told it will be easy, and that he will never be able to recover, that I, and I alone, can give him the true death. But to be careful, because he could kill me, instead.   As usual, they are lying to me.   As usual, I should say, they do not give me the whole truth.   Bringing a Raksha into the Dream only makes them killable if we are close enough to Ketu for his aura to diminish their Shaping abilities. Only he has this power, although the hannya are similarly capable of dealing them true death, it's because they consume the Raksha they eat, turning them into their own kind of Wyld-matter. In the wyld, one can only serve one mind.
— Dream-journal of Life is but a Dream of a Dream


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