Downtime Activities in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Downtime Activities

Downtime activities are tasks that usually take a set of Downtime Session to complete. These tasks can include creating magic items, feat training, or working at a job. A character selects a downtime activity from among those available and pays the cost of that activity in time and money. The DM, then follows the rules for the activity to resolve it, informing the player of the results and any complications that ensue.  

Downtime Session

Time your characters find to make progress on downtime activities. Some tasks ask you to complete a # of downtime session(s) to complete them. In such cases 1 downtime session is complete with 8 hours of progress. You can only complete 1 downtime session in a single day, but can break up the downtime session in increments of 1 hour over several days.   Keep track of your progress on your character sheet for your DM to check, once you finish inform your DM.  

Magic Item Crafting

You can work towards creating a magic item. See the complete rules in Magic Item Crafting Rules.  

Feat Training

You can spend downtime training to learn a new feat. It takes 30 days and you must not have learned a feat this level. You can learn a maximum number of feats equal to your half your character level (rounded up).   This doesn't count feats gained through gifts, boons, deals, and other "not learned" methods.  

Legendary Feats

“All Right Then, Keep Your Secrets”- Frodo Baggins


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