Helm, the Watcher Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Helm, the Watcher

My vigilance is eternal.   -Helm
  Helm is the epitome of the watcher, the guard, the guardian, and has in years past been greatly venerated by those who need to remain watchful for evil at their doorsteps. He has long been seen as a cold and focused deity who impartially took the role of defender and sometimes also enforcer.   Helm is difficult to understand and is often viewed as emotionless, heartless, and devoted only to his duty or goal. While he is devoted to the point of obsession, he is not heartless, but merely a stern disciplinarian. He is fond of children and has been known to be most uncharacteristically lenient (for Helm) when dealing with small infractions by them or on their behalf.  


Helm is depicted as a stern and disciplined god who is wholly dedicated to his duty of protecting the innocent and upholding the law. He is often depicted as wearing a full suit of armor with a prominent helm that obscures his face. This helmet has only small eye slits and is said to be impervious to all forms of attack.   His holy symbol is that of an eye on a piece of armor, stating that he is a watchful defender.  

Holy Days

Shieldmeet which occurs every 1st of Ghidorah. On this day, his worshipers come together to celebrate their faith and reaffirm their commitment to Helm's code of conduct.  


Followers of Helm are typically drawn from the ranks of guards, soldiers, and law keepers, as well as those who value security and order. They are expected to uphold the law at all times and are often seen as humorless and unbending.  

Order of the Gauntlet

Helm has many followers who join the the Order of the Gauntlet, who fight side by side the followers of Tyr and Heironeous. This is a group of individuals who are dedicated to upholding the values of law and good, and who strive to protect the innocent and punish those who would do harm. They are named after the gauntlet, which is a symbol of strength and protection, and they are known for their courage, their devotion, and their unyielding sense of justice.  

Helm's code

  • Be vigilant in the defense of others
  • Be unwavering in your adherence to the law.
  • Be quick to respond to danger.
  • Be merciful to those who have shown true remorse.
  • the Watcher
  • the Vigilant One
  • the Guardian
  • Judgement
  • Justice
  • Light
  • Protection


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