Hextor, The Warmonger Character in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Hextor, The Warmonger

Hextor is the arch-foe of Heironeous, his brother and fellow god of war. His priests are highly militaristic and are oppressive to those who serve under them and merciless to their foes.  


Hextor is often depicted as a hideous, gray skinned, six-armed humanoid bearing two large tusks jutting from its lower jaw. His symbol is that of a longsword in order to hide his true symbol, the upside down cross.  

Holy Days



Congregations of Hextorians can be found in secret all over Alacrya. However in the Kingdom of Maribor, Hextor's church is the official state religion. They believe that only the harshness of Hextor's order can create a truly powerful kingdom, and that these ends justify the means. They believe slavery is a necessary evil, the rock upon which civilization is built.  

Hextorian Teachings

  • The world is a harsh, unforgiving place.
  • The strong should rule the weak.
  • Strength is the only reward worth having.
  • Cruelty and mercilessness are necessary tools.
  • The Warmonger
  • Peace's Bane
  • Father Killer
  • The Chaos Warrior
  • Conquest
  • War


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