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The city of Pamona was built atop a towering fjord. Its allure is matched by the backdrop of huddled mountains which have helped shape the city to what it is today. The waterfall behind the castle reverses its flow every full moon, running up the side of the cliff rather than down. The trade resources these hills brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built in various round shapes and sizes.   The outer walls of Pamona are 15 feet high and form a somewhat half perimeter outline around the city. They are made of thick basic stonework and masonry. The southern gate has a 15-foot-wide portcullis that is being held aloft by large chains. Two pairs of Dragonsguard flank each side of the entry gate, keeping a silent watch. Outside the southern walls are fields where crop workers harvest various vegetables and crops. Closer to the walls the fields give way to ramshackle communities of tent cities and hovel towns. The architecture and buildings are designed to rise and seems to curve towards the streets.   Dragonsguard roam the city in pairs, flanking the city entrance, and protecting Pretosia Grove.


Humans (30%),  Dragonborn (15)%,  Dwarves (10%),  Elves (10%),  Halflings (8%),  Gnomes (5%), Tabaxi (7%), Tieflings (5%), Genasi (4%), Aasimar (3%), Loxodon (3%), Leonin (3%), Kenku (3%),

Industry & Trade

Fishing, mining, and tropical farming are popular exports of Pamona. The working class is made up of farmers, shopkeeps, fisherman, and miners.


Pretosia Grove

A private, high-end area of the capital. Most houses have a gate around them, each with its own yard and personal space. Several families live in the area.

Mountainbraid Family: A long line of mountain dwarves and distant cousins to the Hillhead family.
Yelmaris Family: An Elven/Human family, the Elven side is originally from Velaris while the human side is descendants from Odrana.
Kerrhylon Family: A family of blue Dragonborns, most of them heavily involved in the military and political areas of Pamona.
Ryvilwim Family: A gnome clan that own most of Z'edral's salt mines.
Sunguide Family: A pride of Leonins, immigrating from Wahnia in early 8E.

Ortauzia Street

The marketplace and surrounding area of Pamona, covering a wide range of consumer needs, including but not limited to weapons, alcohol, or baked goods.
Misthollow Alehouse: A tavern run by Serla Skendar.
Bladeback Smithy: A blacksmith run by Jonas Bladeback.
Vinarium de Vinum: A winery run by Sharian Traxina.
Esh Almar'a (The Venus Nest): A brothel run by Luliwa.
Shattermaul Smith: A blacksmith/fletcher run by Eddris Torlen.
Goblin Goods & Ganders: A general goods store run by Fran Boarbait.
The Watering Hole: A tavern run by Lio Zissad.
Bread & Butter Bakery: A bakery run by Esyl Jamaerah.
The Naughty Lion: A tavern run by Virkas Armin.
Gertrude's Trinkets: A magic shop run by Gertrude Glun.
The Mad Comet: An odds & ends shop run by Nina Carceli.
Sadar House: A carpenter run by Ka.
The Chromatic Steamhouse: A bathhouse run by Ninness, The Dark.


Large water vats (for storing fresh water), a postal office, exchange centers (gems, money exchanges),

Guilds and Factions

Knights of the Five-Thorned Rose - A religious guild of followers of Tiamat. Heavily Dragonborn.
Wolf's Bane - a hunting guild for the city. They procure meats from beasts, but also protect the outer open areas of Pamona.
Grave Champions - A troup of Gladiators that regularly puts on shows at Balaur Stadium, but also travel across the Empire putting on shows.
The Free Defiants - an underground rebellion against the Empire, made up of various Empire citizens. Karus Sagebrow is considered the leader.
Blind's Brigade - also known as Pamona's black market of criminals, dealing in shady business, but only for some coin. They have a small hand in the city's orphanage, hiring children as pickpockets.

Points of interest

Hearth of The Avaricious: Located near the entrance of the city, this shrine to Tiamat is a stone building with a five-headed dragon on top. It is slightly weathered due to lack of upkeep. It's interior has a large stone dragon's head in the center with five claw marks surrounding it. The Hearth is overseen by three individuals, one overseeing the inside as the appointed herald while the other two are keepers who watch outside of the entry leading into the temple. The herald is an elderly human named Maria Drake.

The Chromatic Halls: A large castle on the middle isle of Pamona. It overlooks the fjord and mountains on one side, and the entire city form another. This building compiles Dutchess Khouzila throne room and housing, the courts, and the prison that sits below the building. The court system is known as The Chromatic Court.

Casmark Docks: A large set of docks and ports for the boats leaving and entering Pamona. While they are fully functioning docks, they do offer a number of classes and experience in relation to skills aquired while working on the boats, including rope making, carpentry, and sail making.

Balaur Stadium: a battle arena hosting multiple events throughout the year including staged gladiator fights, guild wars, and military training sessions.

Gemsteinar: A trading post where customers can trade gems for cash, exchange silver/copper for gold, gold for platinum. There is a 10% processing fee of the total value to use their services. It is run by a Tabaxi named Jade, of the Sand, with an stone golem standing guard for ne'er-do-wells.

  Eden's Home: an orphanage in the city with a wide range of races amongst the children. The children are overseen by a staff of Dwarf and Gnome women.

Tea Bags & Beans Cafe: A brew shop owned by Fira de Bolbac, an aasimar women described as "intimidating but alluring". They have specialty teas made from leaves from all over the Empire, and infuse them with magic ingredients to advance their effects. In 13E, 28Y, the owners worked with a research team to develop new magical infusions.

The Sewers: The sewer system in Pamona runs underneath the city, all leading towards the docks. They drain into a sewage vessel that transports the sewage to treatment plants in the desert.


Travelers often come to Pamona to see the unique architecture, and the castle built on the edge of the fjord.


A mountainous desert area
Large city
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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