
It goes without saying that a royal court is, by its nature, concerned with the business of flattering the royalty of the area. A satellite cannot fulfill its purpose unless it is orbiting a central body, after all. That said, the tenor and atmosphere of the court can vary great depending on what that royal body is like.

All told, the culture of Incaendium in general, and Amaya in specific, is fairly described as brutal... but not always in the most obvious ways. Physical violence is less common than one might assume, based on Amaya's hawkish track record.

Even so, it is in the vicinity of Amaya's Dominus Regas that the true cruelty of Amaya's upper echelon reveals itself.


The King and his Court

The Crimson Court is the social, cultural and political center of Amaya, and it circles around the Dominus Regas - currently Samael Asther.

Being so focused around the whims and tastes of the monarch, the cultural landscape of the Court can vary drastically with the changing of the leadership. For example, in the hands of the previous Dominus Regas, the infamous Gorgo Asther, the court was a dark affair - courtiers wore armor for both practical and image-conscious reasons. There were few celebrations beyond nearly mandatory affairs such as Luto's Gambit, and even those were relatively stripped down. There was also a great deal more physical violence than there tends to be these days - some of which originated with Gorgo himself.

The current Court could not be more different. Samael is known for his decadence and self-indulgence, and he will take any opportunity to engage in either. This means that the Crimson Court as it stands today is a lively, constantly moving affair full of parties and lavish dinners within the upper echelon of society, or even the ring just outside of that. Celebrations are extravagant, long-lasting and often extend out of the Court proper and to the citizenry as a whole.

Samael is, in short, very generous... as tyrants go.


All right! Note to self: Just because you're in the Crimson Court (aka you're a "courtier") does not mean you are a "Player." There are the people who are just here to have a good time, and then there are the people who are here to Be Someone, and that second group is the one with the metaphorical boardgames and all that. Also, a lot of scheming and planning.

But you can be one without being the other! This is really good news for me, because technically I'm a courtier just because I'm here, but I wouldn't know where to even start machinating and I'm pretty sure that would get me killed.

The main court is kind of... fine? A lot of brownnosing and petty stuff but not a lot of physical knives in backs - just the metaphorical ones.

I can deal with that! The Game, though, that's a whole other box of cats.


People of the Court

The Inner Circle

Dominus Regas Samael Asther, the single most important opinion one can encounter in Court.

Astaroth Dracothis, Head of the Crimson Legion and Samael's Lifelong best friend.

Isis Asther, Samael's mother and longtime adviser.

To be considered a member of the Crimson Court as a whole is as simple as being physically present in the parts of Ruavine that surround the Crimson Palace (or, of course, living within the Palace itself). This means that "Members" of the Crimson Court - courtiers - include everything from the barely acknowledged maci suv to the most celebrated Virfortus... not to mention any member of the aristocracy or middle classes that manages to find a place to stay in the relevant vicinity.

Before arriving at Court, one must understand and accept that status can be extremely fluid, as it relies on the favor or disfavor of the Dominus Regas, and Samael is known to be both fickle and erratic.

The most favored courtiers are typically the scions of high-ranked families, very elevated servants (such as Beelzebub), members of Samael's hari suum basa, accomplished scholar and heroes, or officers in the Crimson Legion. It may also include the children of families from outside of Ruavine or even Amaya seeking to curry favor either for themselves or their families.

In many cases, the fortune of the family associated with the courtier in question may rise and fall with the courtier - however this is not guaranteed. For example, if a family that has fallen out of favor sends their most charming son or daughter to court to win favor back... Samael may decide that he likes the son or daughter, but hasn't forgiven the family. In this case, he would adjust their official title (see: Status & Hierarchy) to reflect their elevation, but their family would remain as it was.

While it is wholly possible to live and enjoy oneself within the Crimson Court by simply keeping their head down and avoiding falling from grace, those with greater ambitions must also be willing to take on additional risks. And it should be known that, while not an exact 1-for-1 ratio, the correlation between successful courtiers and Players of the Blood Game is, indeed, extremely high.

But more on that in a moment.

Vying for Favor

In its current iteration, the Crimson Court revolves primarily around social circles and general networking. That being the case, it is imperative that those who wish to advance take into account those things that will tend to garner respect, or at least attention, both among peers and above those at the level to which one aspires.

Incaendium as a whole is extremely class stratified, with higher status strongly correlated with higher ranks in powers (across any Ability Spheres). Indeed, a more powerful member of a low-ranked family may be considered to be of elevated status based on that alone.

All of that said, even power is not absolute as a determiner of status. While a person's strength and the traditional strength of their family line may provide a default - a starting point - ultimately the Dominus Regas is able to dictate specifics at will. Yes, in Amaya, even aristocratic titles, wealth or influence cannot protect one from the consequences of their behavior... and its effect on the Dominus Regas.

Given the values of Demons, this may seem strange, but there is a certain logic to it: the Dominus Regas of a region is almost certainly the single most powerful being in that region, and their alteration of a status is therefore to be respected until such a time as they are toppled. This is the logic behind the elevated status, for example, of a Dominus Regas' consort.

While this is true of all areas of Incaendium, it can be considered even more significant in Amaya, as the Dominus Regas of Amaya is also the Imperator of Incaendium, which means that his whims have a high possibility of creating consequences that extend past the Amayan territory. He is also temperamental, making the situation even more challenging to navigate.

That being said, it is not impossible to do well even dealing with Samael or his cohorts! It is just a matter of coming to understand the way of the Court - how it behaves, and what it values - because what the Court values is, by its very nature, wrapped around what the Inner Circle values.

The Outer Circle

Cain Amortus, Samael's former consort. Extremely influential despite their separation.

Asmodeus Zanedine. Samael's favorite hari suum for the past hundred years.

Leviael Kythien, Samael's handler and security expert; Head of Sentry.


What the Court Loves

Decadence. Luxury. Beauty. Self-indulgence. The rapture of fine art and fine food. These are the things that make the Crimson Court what it is. While Gorgo's court was, in a word, austere, Samael's love for opulance has shaped the world around him, emphasizing art, culture and, of course, hedonism. A few points that do and do not please the culture of the court follow.

The Expelled

Eamon Asther, Samael's son. Left court for a "short" period after an argument with his father.

Mastema Amarandos, a former Wisemen. Recently returned from exile after a failed coup.

Grigorius Bieloskytes, a former Wisemen who somehow ended up a hari suum. Or did he?

Azrael, a former favorite; imprisoned once discovered to be a spy for Astrum.

Art & Architecture

Since Samael's rise to power, his focus on aesthetics - visual and otherwise - has proven to be a shaping force in the ongoing evolution of Amaya, and Ruavine in particular. He has invested immeasurable quantities of Aline into beautification of the city and expanding the cultural centers. He plays patron to numerous artists, writers and musicians, and routinely holds (sometimes quite racy) plays for himself and his favored few.

An understanding of the history and significance of the arts and/or an appreciation for the beauty of the city's architecture is well-appreciated by the Dominus Regas and his circle - a talent in any of those areas is even moreso.


A hedonist must, of course, enjoy all there is to offer from life. This includes indulgence in even the most basic of life experiences... such as meals. Food in the Crimson Court is varied, extravagant... and often made with a touch of magic. What is the flavor of starlight? The sweetness of honeyed obsidian? There are meats marinated in honeysuckle and the essence of fire, and alcohols aged for a thousand years that still maintain their peak flavor.

As is to be expected for those who live at the peak of extraordinary luxury while also having extraordinary magical abilities, much of the more common fare loses its appeal as they seek ever more niche and complicated flavors and recipes. The ability to think up new ideas is what brought the former maci suv, Beelzebub, to the heights of society. That being the case, someone who comes to court with an interesting edible or drinkable offering is at an advantage here.

Aesthetics of Beauty

It should go without saying, but one of the most reliable ways to gain attention at Court is to be "beautiful." That said, the specifics of what that means varies greatly depending on everything from a person's inherent charisma to the current trends. Generally speaking, "beauty" in the most basic, physical, form is mostly self-explanatory - symmetrical features, radiant skin and the like. However, in a world of Cubae and Aurali - not to mention the occasional shapeshifter - physical beauty alone is not always terribly interesting to people .

Instead, presentation and presence rule the day. What is the person wearing? How well-made are the clothes and do they fit the current fashions without looking as though they were designed to fit the current trends? What does the person's presence feel like? Are they confident, do they have a large personality?

And... what is their clothing made of?

Materials can be important because the Demons' fixation on strength has given birth to a cultural quirk wherein a person displays their power by integrating their elements, their magic, etc into their outfit - and the more difficult to maintain consistently that touch of power is, the more impressed others will be.

Simply showing up with a scarf of Watersilk will inspire respect, for example, and Samael himself typically flexes his rare power over metals to create pseudo-armored clothing in impudent denial of physics. This tendency is covered in greater detail in Fashion in the Crimson Court.


Accomplishments and Expertise

It may be evident by now that, despite the somewhat savage impression he tends to leave, the Dominus Regas is actually quite an urbane person. He respects knowledge and expertise - even more than that, though, he respects intelligence and intellectual curiosity. He is pleased to sponsor a number of Quaesitors in their research of any number of things from the great Beasts of Amaya to the evolution of the Common tongue and more.

Showing an intense interest in something - anything - above and beyond casual curiosity will often gain the attention of the Inner Circle -- and may even result in substantial financial gain or career opportunities if one's ideas are interesting enough to those who make these decisions.


And, of course... Power

It is the universal language of Incaendium and it is no different in Ruavine. For Demons, power- physical, psionic, mental or magical - is the most reliable means of gaining respect and catching the interest of the elite. For this reason, families will often send their most talented child to court as representatives of the family. Families will also tend to choose their Legat by an assessment of relative power rather than birth order, gender, or even actual ability to lead.

All of that said, an excess of power in the vicinity of the Inner Circle can be dangerous. Though Samael is not prone to feeling threatened, one should always remember that he gained the majority of his strength through repeated Exedis, and so did most of his friends.


Life In The Court

Social Expectations

Within the Crimson Court, as with most of Incaendium, there are few limitations of decency, but also very little pressure to act against one's personal desires (unless, of course, one is a Player. But more on that later). Generally speaking, the Court is an accepting environment, more due to apathy with regards to what a person might be doing than anything else.

That said, there are some restrictions that are common to all of Amaya, or even all of Incaendium as a whole. And some are more relevant than others simply due to the proximity to power.

Class Hierarchy

Incaendium in general is brutally hierarchical, with various levels of upward mobility possible or impossible as determined by each individual culture. Amaya is no different - and indeed is more restrictive than some - but, that said, for most people it would be simple enough to pretend that isn't the case. There aren't a great many high ranking demons, after all, and if you are in an average city or town, there is unlikely to be more than one or two people of such high status that their presence interferes with the common citizen's day to day freedoms. There may even be none at all.

This is not possible when one enters Court. It is the hub of power in Amaya. Even for someone of relatively high status it will be impossible to avoid encountering much more elevated individuals. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind the rules of interacting across class lines by respecting and showing deference to high status persons. For those who are dissatisfied with this, there is always the option of seeking advancement either through focusing on gaining physical power or by focusing on gaining social power, specifically by joining the Blood Game.


Naming Quirks

Trends and Fashions in Naming

Actual names are no different than they are anywhere else in Amaya and, for the most part, no different than anywhere else in Incaendium. This means a mixture of native style names that use the syllabic patterns of the Zozun language - short and sharp and staccato - mixed with names taken from or influenced by Astrum or Gaean.

Many of the upper echelon of Amaya specifically use names strongly influenced by Common parlance, and thus by the cultural influence of the Aedvectis - a result of a naming fashion several thousand years ago.

Younger courtiers, however, are more inclined to the use of native names... or names chosen specifically to mock the Astrumi Naming Laws.

The Copious Use of Epithets

Epithets are extremely common in the Crimson Court - increasingly so the closer one moves toward Samael's inner circle. These names will often focus on a blend of physical characterstics and abilities or feats the person in question is known to have, e.g. a redheaded Nephilor might be known as "The Red Giant." These names can also be somewhat abstract - as with one of Samael Asther's various epithets, "The Firstborn," which is itself a truncation of an earlier epithet, "The Firstborn Son of Lust and Pride" - a reference to his descent from Gorgo Asther and Isis Asther.


Wait. One More Thing...

And then there is the Blood Game.

The Existential Horror of the Blood Game

The Game

"The Blood Game" is not a literal game. It is, instead, a term coined by Astaroth Dracothis to describe the constant vying for the attention and approval of the Dominus Regas among both high-ranking courtiers and those aspiring to one day be high-ranking courtiers.

How this differs from the main body of the Court, which also attempts to please the Dominus Regas, is simple: those known as Players, are more dedicated - or more afraid - and thus more devoted to gaining and maintaining status than any normal courtier.

This can make for brutal behavior - dramatic fallings out of friendships, physical fights, even worse... but this must all be done within the confines of the de facto rules of the Game, which are more restrictive, more proscriptive, and infinitely more cruel than the tendencies of the larger Court.

In other words, Players are exceptionally dangerous and often self-focused. They are aware going in that they will have to do things they may dislike or even find morally reprehensible... but they also enter the Game knowing that if they do not do these things - if they cannot swallow their hesitation and act - the Game will eat them... alive, if they're lucky.



Anyone who participates in the Blood Game. This includes most high ranking courtiers, and anyone of any status who is attempting to get ahead at court via the good regard of the Dominus Regas.


Any situation in which two Players are pitted against one another. This could be a natural development... or orchestrated, generally by Astaroth.


Antithesis terms used to denote a person who has risen or fallen either very quickly or very far in recent times.

Stage the Board

Consider strategies and begin to set up to enact them.


An "era" of the Blood Game. It is not a set period of time, and there is no official beginning or end; it is used to reference a time defined by certain situations or people, e.g. "Last round was dominated by Mastema and his series of matches against Kaya, but this time I'm hoping to see a new winner."

The Rules

To be clear, these rules are not codified. One does not receive a list upon their arrival in Amaya. What they are, instead, are the de facto laws used by veteran Players to ensure - or increase the odds of - their social, political and physical survival.

Of course, any person is free to do as they will, act as they will, if that is their preference...

...but outcomes are rarely positive for those who do not understand the Game.

Rule One:

Make Friends & Form Alliances

The Blood Game cannot be played in isolation, so go forth and make yourself known.

Meet your fellow courtiers and share with them your hopes and dreams. Fall in love with one another. Collaborate and strategize. Trust each other.

Get to know one another.

Do not allow your ambitions to make an island of you. Know that there are many things that cannot be done with one person alone, and that survival - physical and emotional - is easier with someone to guard your back.

Despite the first rule, never lose sight of what is most important of all: your goal. Maintain knowledge of the goal, and make moves in accordance to that goal.

Do not relinquish those precious bonds and connections. You will need them if you are to survive, and they will need you just as much.

Rule Two:

The Game Is Your Master.

However, it is imperative that you remind yourself of your intent and, if necessary, of the quirks of your particular need. The heights you wish to rise to, or the family counting on you to lift them out of poverty. Clearing your name, or making a name. Think of the face of your imagined hope as you drift off to sleep. If you seek power for yourself, then remind yourself of all the things you wish to do with it.

It should go without saying, but in case you need a reminder... The King of Crows sits at the center of your path, and the game is your labyrinthine route to finding him. Not physically, of course - he is hardly difficult to locate. No - his favor. His good will. Once you have acquired that, the world is open to you.

Be kind. Protect your friends, that they may protect you. But never forget the Game.


Rule Three:

Do Not Be a Puppet. Be the Puppeteer.

Those around you cannot be trusted - even those whom you love, and those who love you. You are all here with a common purpose, after all, and there is only but so much room at the top to spread around.

Do not hesitate to prioritize advancement over your friends, your family, your lovers, your spouses.

Do not worry about the fragile bonds you have forged with fellow players.

Thread Strings through the hands of your loved ones, and hold tight to the cross-brace.

After all, they will do the same to you.

Soon, you will have all of the wealth and power and influence to make up any slights or neglect. Then, and only then, may you share in your well-earned glory.

When the opportunity arises to score a point, do so.

It does not matter whether this hurts someone. Betray your lovers. Abandon your friends. Leave your family in the gutter. You do not know when another chance will appear, and so take hold of it with all of your strength and claim it for yourself.

This is not the time to be loyal.

Rule Four:

When Stabbing, Aim for the Back.

With Kindness.

A union may protect against outsiders, but if only one person can benefit from an opening, then that person must be you.

That said, do not forget yourself. It is always preferable to achieve your goals without doing actual damage. The Blood Game is metaphorical, after all - it does not necessitate the spilling of blood. Lethality is overrated - do not kill, if you can avoid it.

But. If you can't avoid it....

Rule Five:

Kill Your Darlings.

Do not hestitate.

Do not question.

Do not look back.

Cut your loved ones' throats before they have the chance to scream.

Playing the Game

Staging the Board

When one enters the Blood Game, it is advised that they stage the board - which is to say, determine a general approach and strategy. This will typically mean observing the actions of others and judging which Players are most likely to be open to alliances and relationship building. Typically this will be someone in the same general area of status as the new Player - someone who is looking to grow together. In some cases, it may also be a patron - someone of greater prominence who takes a liking to the new arrival and brings them into society.

It is also important to identify potential competition - particularly those of a comparable status with whom an alliance seems unlikely. The next step would be researching the weak spots of these potential rivals and beginning to set into motion various schemes and plans to undermine them and generally impede their ability to progress. It is advised that these plans be as ruinous as possible, ideally (but not necessarily) without being lethal.

Research should also be done into a person's allies, friends and lovers. There may be a time when it best serves the courtier to pull strings and subtly (or not-so-subtly) cut the legs out from beneath a loved one, after all.

A person who can navigate the Game in this way will likely begin to rise in prominence, and may eventually catch the eye of one of the Dominus Regas's Circle - even the Inner Circle. However, it will still take a good deal of work to gain the attention of the Dominus Regas themselves.

Dealing with one of the Circle is the only time when plotting the downfall of others is unwise. A courtier is not going to pull Isis Asther out of favor regardless of what they do, after all, but gaining her favor may help to bring a person closer to the ultimate goal.

In any case, a courtier who manages to destroy (or at least suppress) their rivals and keep their loved ones trailing behind as well, will soon gain the attention of the Dragon. That is where things become more difficult.


The Dragon at the Gate

This is where one encounters Astaroth Dracothis, the Dragon of Amaya and the Puppetmaster of the Court. Astaroth is the author and founder of the Blood Game, and it is nigh impossible for a courtier to advance past a certain point without dealing with him.

Or, rather, without being dealt with by him.

Astaroth's passtime is the design and "writing" of various "plays" - essentially maneuvering people into difficult or even traumatic situations in order to see what they will do.


So, back when I was at home reading about this place, I thought the Blood Game sounded really interesting. Not like something I'd want to be doing - I'm not much of a gamer anyway - but, you know, fun to read about. And it was!

When I think about the Blood Game in real world terms, though, it's terrifying.

Imagine living in an environment where you (and everyone around you) are encouraged to get really close to people, knowing the whole time that there's a good chance that you're going to have to cut their throats. Hopefully still metaphorically, but maybe not!

How do you live like that? How do you make real connections? Can you? I know the "rules" say you should, but how real can it be when you both know you're kind of waiting for the timer to go off on that friendship or romance or anything like that?

I wonder if anyone's ever decided to choose their people over their power? They must have, right? But then what good does it do if you just get a dragon fist to the face for it?

And speaking of the Dragon guy... you meet someone and you're there wondering if Astaroth sent them to mess with your head? You, I don't know, get a party invite and you're wondering if Astaroth paid the host to invite you and burn the house down?

I don't actually want to think about it. Honestly, I'm stressed enough just sitting in the same room with him over breakfast, and we don't even sit at the same table.


This could be anything: he might manipulate courtiers into hating one another, then provoke them to the point of violence. He might elevate a loved one that the courtier had previously betrayed in order to see how the two manage with one another. He might even arrange for a courtier to meet their dream lover, only to arrange for the lover to meet their dream lover, thus manufacturing a love triangle for his own amusement.

It is known that Astaroth does these things - thus his epithet - but it is nearly impossible to work out which specific events or happenings are manipulated or created by him. Worse, even if a Player does manage to work out that a situation is engineered by Astaroth, they are likely going to be forced to go through with the "scenario" regardless - irritating Astaroth is nearly always the worst of all available options... as he is one of the three most politically powerful beings in Amaya.

Indeed, Astaroth has been known to destroy a person so thoroughly that they cannot be seen in polite society and are forced to withdraw not only from the Game, not only from Court, but from Ruavine - or even Amaya itself.

However, if a Player can win Astaroth over, then they have now reached...


The Endgame

In truth, there is no End to the Blood Game. Status can be lost as easily as it is gained and the friends a Player has managed to retain may always find it beneficial to betray them in order to advance their own position. Astaroth never stops trying to think of new ways to stave off boredom by pulling the strings of people's lives. Even winning over the Dominus Regas is no guarantee of security, as Samael is infamously capricious.

All over this fosters an environment of paranoia and anxiety and insecurity that affects even otherwise strong relationships... as even a multi-decade marriage is not exempt from the call to Kill your darlings.

This, as it turns out, is precisely the effect it is meant to have.

It is easy for those with too much power and too little to challenge it to perceive themselves as outside - above - the very world over which they hold that power. In such a condition, it may be inevitable that they find themselves dissatisfied and restless. Bored.

And when that happens, it is a simple matter to begin to see that world as nothing more than a playground for their amusement: a match between players. A contest of actors. A theater.

A game.