The third leg of the four ability systems, and the most common of the four. Where the Celestials are drawn to the internal harmony promoted by Od, and the Demons are attuned to the chaos embodied by Void Energy, and physiological abilities spurn mortals almost entirely, the Elements will bless anyone without prejudice.
— "Power: A Treatise on the Existence and Interaction of the Four Systems" by Oriana Tansea

Elements and Elementalists

Elements are the building blocks of matter and energy in Empirica Sin, making them perhaps the most fundamental of the primary forces in this world. However, while all things and people contain these elements, some are more attuned to them than others, and more attuned to certain variations than others as well.

For those with little to no affinity, elements are simply a part of them - present but affecting the functioning of no one or nothing outside their own body. However, those with a more powerful elemental alignment demonstrate the ability to manipulate, or in some cases even produce, those elements. Unlike the other primary forces of the world, Void and Od, Elements have no particular leaning toward one species or another, making them the primary and most common supranormal abilities among Mortals.


Elemental Spheres

Primary Spheres

Primary Spheres refers to the five basic elements one might have an affinity to. Elementalists are attuned to Aether at rate of 5%, with all other spheres appearing equally for a rate of 23.75% each. See Prevalence below for more information on commonality.


The element of heat and flame. While the simpler applications of Fire Affinity can be very practical (heating food, lighting lanterns and torches), higher levels are famous for their massive offensive and destructive abilities. Fire affinity elementalists are in high demand for adventurers and military units or mercenary bands for this reason.
Notable users: Samael Asther, Grigorius Bieloskytes, Astaroth Dracothis, Beelzebub


A deceptively low-key element that reveals its strength at higher levels. Earth manipulation includes foliage and stone - it shares custody of magma with fire, though Earth elementalists can manipulat magma more directly. Earth elementalists are in high demand in construction and farming industries. At the highest levels, they are capable of turning barren earth fertile.
Notable Users: Samael Asther, Maelis Kodester, Blossom, Gorgo Asther


Generally, air elementalists are not considered to be offensively powerful, but this is a mistake, as they possess some of the most directly dangerous abilities, such as long-range suffocation, or summoning powerful wind storms. They are also effective defensive units as they can blow back attackers, throw arrows off-course or snuff out fire. Their ability to command the wind makes them in demand sailors, as well.
Notable Users: Leviael Kythien


Associated with water, ice and (at higher affinities) other fluids (e.g. Blood). Water-users are rarely perceived as especially dangerous as water is associated with calm and the giving of life. However, it can also be used offensively, for example by drowning people on land or summoning floods. Water users are popular to employ as companions when going on long trips, as sailors, and in farming or cooking.
Notable Users: Dagon, Isis Asther, Beelzebub


The rarest and most versatile of the elements, Aether is the element that is all elements. A person who is attuned to Aether has control of all elemental fields at the same level of ability. Powerful aether users are nearly non-existent with most topping out at Vaham. A high tier Aether user is likely to be one of the most powerful and versatile beings in Empirica Sin.
Notable Users: Mastema Amarandos


For those lucky enough to have power over two spheres, there may be an interaction that produces access to a demi-sphere. This is rare and, while it can happen to anyone with access to multiple spheres, it happens most often in those of exceptional power. More information on having multiple spheres of influence, how and how commonly this happens can be found below.

Any two affinities might produce an interesting and rare demi-sphere. Some of the known examples follow:



Production and manipulations of metals of all kinds. At the highest levels, metal-users can create detailed, intricate items or even create unnaturally tough or flexible (or both) metals for clothing or similar applications.
Notable Users: Samael Asther


Creation and manipulation of magma/lava and associated substances such as volcanic rock.
Notable Users: Samael Asther



One of the most purely offensive abilities, it has nonetheless proven useful for medics in reviving the fallen.
Notable Users: Astaroth Dracothis


The creation and manipulation of smoke and similar air toxins. This is deceptively dangerous ability.
Notable Users: Open Question.



Creation and manipulation of plantlife. Includes slowing or speeding growth, controlling the movement of vines, etc.
Notable Users: Blossom


The creation and manipulation of toxins and similar chemicals. This may also include immunity or resistance to those same substances.
Notable Users: Open Question.



Creation and manipulation of ice and associated substances such as hail or snow.
Notable Users: Open Question.

Water Vapor

The creation and manipulation of water vapor in various forms such as steam or mist.
Notable Users: Open Question.


Demispheres Beyond Two Affinities

Some believe that even more power and/or rare demispheres could be possible for those who have access to three or more affinities. That said, no one is known to have done this. With the rarity of both powerful aether users and elementalists who achieve three spheres, the idea is likely to remain theorycraft for the foreseeable future..

Essential Information

Elemental sphere affinity is generally seen as a 'simpler' supranormal ability than void or od manipulation - and as mentioned before, it is certainly the most common. However, However, even within this fairly straightforward ability there are unique variations that affect the overall effectiveness and versatility of an Elementalist. Additionally, while it is more common, it is still not universal.



While it is true that all species have equal access to elemental abilities, all specific individuals are not necessarily equal in potential or ability. The prevalence of specific talent levels breaks down as follows:

Ability Prevalence Comments
Palen 42% No ability to manipulate, or inaccessible ability. About 20% can develop some level of affinity with training.
Enop 15% A low level of ability capable of small/simple manifestations, e.g. lighting a candle, repairing bent metal. No production.
Modu 25% The most common level of ability for those who have the ability to begin with. Capable of small but more complicated tasks (e.g. creating a fork from raw metal) or larger but simple tasks (e.g. lighting a furnace). No production.
Dumen 12% The first rank capable of independent element production. Do small production tasks, such as producing enough water for house plants or a small garden.
Vaham 4% The highest rank (naturally) achievable by most species under normal circumstances. Larger and more complicated ability in production and manipulation, e.g. producing metal and shaping it into sword, forming a set of plate mail armor.
Vallus 1% An extremely unusual level of ability typically acheivable only through Exedis or Ascension. Capable of a high level of production and manipulation and substantial complications. e.g. forming a full set of flexible metal armor, burning down a several houses, creating storms sufficient to damage a small area. These are generally considered the most powerful Elementalists in the world.
Vis negligible A level of ability so extreme as to resemble the ability displayed by Dei with a connection to that elemental Sphere (e.g. water-related deities). Generally, only a Dei of the specific element will naturally have this level of ability but it can be achieved through Exedis. Celestials typically will not reach this ability without being the aforementioned deity.

The Vis level of elemental affinity is the only exception to the even distribution (in terms of percentage), as there are a number of deities who are literally element-related gods. Once they are removed from the equation, the proportionate distribution holds true.

These ranks are generalized and represent a range of abilities - not all Vallus are equal, but all are stronger than the strongest Vaham and weaker than the weakes Vis.


Multiple Affinities

While the vast majority of Elementalists have access to only one Elemental Sphere, there are special talents who can naturally access two spheres. Furthermore, additional spheres may develop if the Elementalist makes use of Exedis or Ascension. Naturally occuring multiple sphere access has no relationship to the strength of the affinity - a person could easily have substandard power over both air and water, for example. However, if additional spheres are acquired through external means, additional spheres are most likely to develop in those who already have a high level of ability.

Affinities % Elementalists % Population Comments
One 84% 48.72% One affinity Modu are the most common kind of Elementalist at 21% of the population - about 210,000,000 people total.
Two 13% .58% Two affinity Modu constitute 3.25% of the population, or about 32,500,000 people.
Three+ 3% 1.75% Three affinity Modu are .75% of the population; about 7,500,000 people.

Bear in mind that these are rough estimates, and not always strictly accurate. This is especially the case with Three+ affinities as that .005% encompasses any number of spheres from three and up. Also, it is common for those with multiple spheres to have different levels of ability between them.

There has never been a record of a person accessing more than two spheres naturally. Aside from those who advance beyond their natural limits with Exedis and Ascension, most elementalists who were suspected of 3+ sphere access have turned out to be Aether aligned, which amounts to the same thing in a more unified form.


Elemental abilities typically have no visual marker unto themselves - no glow around the elementalist's hands, for example. However, it is generally evident what they're doing simply by the nature of their actions - if they're throwing firebolts from their hands, then the fire is visible. If they're moving ground around, the movement is discernible to the naked eye. Regardless of whether the abiltiies are immediately visible or not, energy-detecting magic or psionic skills will reveal the link between the elementalist and their actions. For example, if someone lies a lamp from across the room it may not be immediately obvious who did it, but energy detection abilities would reveal the connection.

Effect On The User

Unlike magical and psionic abilities, Elemental affinities are fairly balanced within oneself and do not affect a personality. However, channeling high levels of elemental energy can be taxing on the body. Elementalists are therefore cautioned to stay alert to the effects of the energy on their body and pull back when necessary. This is especially true for less empowered beings such as humans, debils or low level Fey.