It may seem counter to the intention of this work to talk about something as mundane as a person's natural physiology. When a porcupine pricks the fingers of someone seeking to grab it, is that a special ability? When a cat bears its claws, do we refer to that as part of an ability sphere? No. However, I thought it was relevant to tackle the question of the different physiological features of Empirican people. While it is true that these abilities are simply the way the bodies of residents work, the disparity between the capabilities of, for example, an average human and those of an average Nephilor are substantial enough to warrant inclusion.
— "Power: A Treatise on the Existence and Interaction of the Four Systems" by Oriana Tansea ]

Physiological Abilities

While considered one of the four ability spheres, Physiological abilities are unique because they are really just a way of quantifying the physical abilities native to a person's body. This can vary immensely due to the different species and subspecies of Empirica Sin's residents. That said, Demons are considered the most physically powerful of the three metaraces, followed by Celestials and then Mortals. That said there is a great deal of variation between subraces, and even more variation within specific subraces. This is especially true within subraces like Archdemons, Dei. Brightbloods and Cambions, where individuals may have little to nothing in common with one another.


Attributes and Abilities

Basic attributes include Physical Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, Damage Tolerance - all tangible beings have these abilities to some degree as they are simply inherent to having bodies.

Additionally, there are special abilities. These are still inherent to the body of those who possess them, but they are not universal and are instead specific to a person or species.




Fey are among the races with significant person-by-person variation, so what follows is even more generalized than usual.
Strongest Attributes: Speed, Agility
Weak Attributes: Damage Tolerance, Physical Strength
Special Abilities: Flight (via wings)


Aurali are general all-rounders with balanced physical abilities.
Strongest Attributes: All-rounder
Weak Attributes: All-rounder
Special Abilities: Flight (via wings)

Aurali Serat

Aurali Serata are similar to Aurali in that they are strong across the board. However, as they are significantly stronger than Aurali on the whole, trends begin to emerge.
Strongest Attributes: Strength, Speed, Endurance
Weak Attributes: Agility, Damage Tolerance
Special Abilities: Flight (via wings), Enhanced healing speed.


The Dei, in both Deiva and Deity form, are extremely variable. It's safe to assume that they are high-rank all-rounders as a starting point, with their divine sphere and general power rankings altering things from there.
Strongest Attributes: Varies
Weak Attributes: Varies
Special Abilities: Varies



Humans are among the physically weakest species in Empirica Sin, with limited abilities to advance or improve their physical capabilities outside the use of Psionics or Magic to enhance themselves.
Strongest Attributes: N/A
Weak Attributes: They're all pretty bad.
Special Abilities: None


Like all mortals, Brightbloods have relatively low basic physical abilities, at least in comparison to Celestials and Demons. That said, as descendents of Celestials they do have a small advantage over humans in certain areas.
Strongest Attributes: Agility, Speed
Weak Attributes: N/A
Special Abilities: None


The Demon-descended equivalent of the Brightbloods, Cambions are generally comparable to normal humans, but with a slight advantage in certain areas where their demonic forefathers also excelled
Strongest Attributes: Strength, Damage Tolerance
Weak Attributes: N/A
Special Abilities: None


This offshoot of the Cambion race is a bit more specialized, with more particular leanings. Like all mortals, their baseline is not especially high... but they do veer more closely than other mortal races to the edges of demonic abilities..
Strongest Attributes: Speed, Agility,
Weak Attributes: Damage Tolerance
Special Abilities: As they age they develop a number of prehensile tentacle-like limbs.




One of the two most variable demon races, so it does vary a good deal from person to person. However, it can be assumed that all archdemons are physically above average at minimum.
Strongest Attributes: Varies
Weak Attributes: Varies
Special Abilities: Varies


Baetolori have no physical bodies of their own and thus have no basic physical characteristics. Their physical power is based on the host they choose to support them.
Strongest Attributes: None
Weak Attributes: All
Special Abilities: None


Cubae demons are not typically built for physical strength, but they are generally quick. This varies somewhat by subset of Cubae, of course, with Herusin being the most physically powerful as a rule.
Strongest Attributes: Speed
Weak Attributes: Strength
Special Abilities: Flight (via wings), retractable talons, herusin only: shapechange into a pseudo-draconic form.


As variable as archdemons but without the assumption of high physical rankings.
Strongest Attributes: varies
Weak Attributes: varies
Special Abilities: varies


Djinn have significant variance, but this is largely based on their elemental affinity. Earth Djinn will tend to be especially durable, air is often more agile, water is quick and fire is strong.
Strongest Attributes: By elemental affinity
Weak Attributes: By elemental affinity.
Special Abilities: By elemental affinity.


Drereccas are generally not especially strong but, in keeping with their physical nature, tend to be fast and agile.
Strongest Attributes: Speed, agility
Weak Attributes: Strength, damage tolerance
Special Abilities: Claws, exceptionally long jump (particularly given their relative weakness)


The majority of the time, Gallu demons are among the least physical Demons as they tend to lean more intro their magical nature. However, their Rend forms are exceptionally powerful.
Strongest Attributes: (normal) N/A (rend) strength, speed, endurance, damage tolerance
Weak Attributes: (Rend) Agility
Special Abilities: (Rend) Armored skin, razor sharp blades jutting off of body, quick healing


A fairly basic Demon variant with stone-like bodies and physical abilities in line with that.
Strongest Attributes: Strength, Endurance, Damage Absorption
Weak Attributes: Agility
Special Abilities: Armored skin, (some) flight via wings


Maero are sea creatures with two forms they switch between at will. Due to the conditions underwater, they tend to be physically robust.
Strongest Attributes: Strength, damage tolerance, endurance, (underwater) speed,
Weak Attributes: N/A
Special Abilities: Shape-shifting between their Marine and humanoid forms


Standing at a minimum of 10 feet, Nephilor are physical powerhouses.
Strongest Attributes: Strength, Damage tolerance
Weak Attributes: Agility, Speed
Special Abilities: N/A

Special Ability Examples

The range of special abilities that one could have is endless - it really just refers to anything a body can naturally do without using magic, psionics or bending elements. As Celestials, Demons and even some mortals have unique physiologies those abilities can certainly seem magical despite their mundane nature. Some obvious examples follow.

Natural Functions

People who heal unusually quickly or regrow limbs, for example. This could also include things like extraordinary senses, armored skin, etc.

Shape Alteration

This includes very specific small and changes (e.g. many demons can grow or withdraw things like claws, wings or horns), larger but limited changes (e.g. Maero switching between their marine and land-dwelling forms), or much larger and more comprehensive (such as someone who can change into any animal).