The Story

Thousands of years ago, Amaya was held in the grip of a cruel tyrant - a Dominus Regas who thrived on destruction and pain. Desperate to escape their lord's iron grip, the people send a delegate to a nearby territory where two Archdemon houses had been at war over leadership for some time.

Once there, they implored the head of one of the Houses to help the to overthrow cruel Dominus Regas. The Head of this new house accepted, and travelled to Amaya in the guise of a pleasure visit.

The Cruel Lord, despite his despotism, was not a man without understanding of hospitality... and his new guests were extremely influential as the co-royal house of their neighboring land. Therefore, to accommodate his guests, the Cruel Lord arranged a great festival - plays and music, punctuated by daily feasts with every meal.

A perfect opportunity for the Honored Guest to strike.

For a week, the Honored Guest played along with the Cruel Lord, sharing his meals and earning his trust.

On the final day, the celebration was to be closed with a gladitorial event followed by a final feast. As part of the gladitorial event, ceremonial combat would take place between the Cruel Lord and the Honored Guest - a showing of trust and respect.

All proceeded according to plan... until the last moments of the ceremonial match. At that time, the Honored Guest began to escalate the battle, eventually pushing the shocked Cruel Lord into a genuine conflict. The match may have been more difficult for the Honored Guest to win, but the Cruel Lord was both slightly intoxicated and taken offguard... and so the Cruel Lord fell, and the Honored Guest came to rule Amaya as Dominus Regas - the first of the Asther kings.


The World

Historical Basis

The Myth of the Guest's Uprising is based in historical fact, but it is unclear where truth and myth diverge. What is known is that the first Asther Lord came to Amaya as a guest, and stayed for one week, at the end of which he slew his host and became the Dominus Regas of Amaya.



The Myth is very well known in Incaendium in general, but of course most prominent in Amaya. It can be considered a local legend that spread over time.


Cultual Impact

This myth, and the historical event that it is wrapped around, is the basis for the Luto's Gambit holiday - a seven day festival held dicennially with events that echo the festival held by the Cruel Lord (with some deviation to suit the tastes of the current Dominus Regas.