You smell of regret, and desperation, and sorrow. The disappointment...burns.
— Nar-Narolis, whispered into the mind of a rare survivor before their escape.


One of the legendary Great Beasts, Nar-Narolis is a monstrous force known to ravage vast swathes of land, devouring entire villages - houses and all - if left to wear itself out. It disappears for swathes of time just as vast... but silence should never be mistaken for absence, as it will appear again without warning and immediately lay waste to the area around it.

A Brief History of Encounters

The Nar-Narolis appears in Astrum, causing rampant destruction until it is driven out by a group of Deities.

The Nar-Narolis appears in Gaean and is defeated by the first Chosen, killing him in the process of the battle.

The Nar-Narolis is subdued by an alliance of Demon Lords, lead by Laelea Kanete, the Imperator of the time.

A Cave Expedition Ends in Tragedy when a group of young demons stumble across the recovering Nar-Narolis.

An alliance of Amayan Archdemon houses subdue the Nar-Narolis in a mission attended by Samael Asther and Astaroth Dracothis.

A Brief History

Nar-Narolis originally manifested inside Astrum. As it was unclear what the thing was or how to stop it, it took several days of battle and the destruction of three Fey villages before Anakke led several younger Dei in an ultimately successful attempt to drive it off.

Once it had traveled out of Astrum, it wandered through Gaean in a weakened state. There, it began to gather strength, devouring a forest and a small settlement nearby, before the first of the Chosen of Gaean (see Birth & Death of the World came forward and led a charge against it. Ultimately the Nar-Narolis was severely injured, but not until it killed and consumed the vast majority of the the combatants, including their leader, the Chosen.

Since then, it has continued to reside inside Incaendium, occasionaly showing itself to feed. However, its last major appearance was approximately 3,000 years ago when a large alliance of Amayan Archdemonic Houses (including future Imperator Samael Asther, then Legat Regas of Amaya.


Nar-Narolis has no normal habitat -- or at least none known. It has been encountered in forests, in cities, and in the darkness of cave systems. That said, when injured, it is to cave systems that it is most likely to retreat.


The Nar-Narolis appears as a hole in anything, filled with sharp teeth that resemble those of a shark. This hole extends from one side of the object targeted to the other, meaning that it can be a hole with a single row of teeth (for example if it appears in a sheet of paper or flat board)... but it can also appear as, essentially, a tunnel full of teeth. If Nar-Narolis appears in the ground, it manifests as a seemingly bottomless pit full of teeth.

It has no known body aside from the hole and the teeth. It can also appear at various sizes - though it prefers to manifest in a larger form so that it can devour things more effectively.

It may surprise some to know that Nar-Narolis is both verbal and rather articulate. That said, it rarely actually speaks, and when it does its dark, raspy voice is somewhat disembodied, lingering in the area but not coming directly from the mouth. It is quite cryptic in its way of speaking.

It has no scent.


Not unlike other Great Beasts, Nar-Narolis goes inactive for years or even decades or centuries at a time. It's unclear where it is when it is dormant - or, indeed, if it is anywhere in particular. Once, a group of cave explorers stumbled on it "sleeping," but it was quite injured at the time and so may not have been able to disappear as effectively as usual... though it's also possible that it just buries itself too deep into cave systems or forests to be located easily.

Upon waking, Nar-Narolis will manifest, preferably near some center of life such as a village or a colony of animals and begin devouring everything in the area. This includes people, animals, plants, even some inorganic material such as stones or dirt.

It will continue to travel from place to place destroying everything in its wake until falls back into dormancy in its own time (about 6 to 12 weeks) or is trapped or depleted of energy and forced to retreat.


As with any Great Beast, Nar-Narolis is both highly intelligent and immensely strong. However, in this case, those abilities are somewhat less obvious given that Nar-Narolis does not have an obvious body.


Due to its unique nature, Nar-Narolis moves in one of two ways:

Moving across surfaces: This entails sliding across a surface as though being pulled. When it moves in this way, the entirety of it moves at once - a tunnel simply moves across the stone side of a mountain, for example, leaving the stone behind it untouched as it moves. It can also slide onto a new surface that is in contact with the first - for example it could slide from the floor to a wall.

Leaping Across Spaces: With this movement style, Nar-Narolis disappears from its original location and reappears in another place. The other place could be... anywhere within several miles, making it quite difficult to corner or catch up to.

Calling Prey

Being a creature incapable of grabbing prey or hunting normally, Nar-Narolis nonetheless has several ways of obtaining what it craves.

The Calling: this is the primary means through which Nar-Narolis obtains living prey, particularly when manifesting in a larger form. It emits a call that settles in nearby animals, mortals, celestials or demons as a compulsion to travel to the Nar-Narolis's location. Once there, they feel a strong desire to enter the tunnel or hole, which of course is their doom.

The Induction: As with the Calling, Nar-Narolis broadcasts a compulsion for living beings to gather items and animals and bring them to the Nar-Narolis's location, at which point they are compelled to throw those things into its maw.

The Sacrifice: This is the primary means through which Nar-Narolis obtains living prey when in a smaller form. It calls to nearby living beings, as in the Call and Induction... however, when nearby they begin to hack off smaller parts of their body and toss them into the hole.

Shows of Force

The Mouth Itself: The hole that is Nar-Narolis moves not unlike a monstrous mouth, rending and grinding anything that steps into its space, leaving only bits of blood and flesh, splinters of wood or crushed pebbles behind. There is no known substance that cannot be crushed by the teeth of the Nar-Narolis.

Rending Bite!: Nar-Narolis projects the effect of its teeth outward - essentially redirecting the effect of their movement to another target. This essentially means it can bite someone in half from a distance - the pieces of the bitten creature or object disappear as though swallowed despite never having been in physical contact with it.

Siphoning: The Nar-Narolis "inhales" and the force of its breath is not unlike intense stormwinds dragging everything nearer until they are sucked into the hole and torn to shreds by the teeth within. The intensity of the suction experienced is greater - and faster - the closer something comes to the actual Beast.

Pressure Manipulation: This may be a psionic ability, or it may simply be a unique ability. Either way, Nar-Narolis can increase the pressure in an area or around a target. This is not unlke being sucked into the depths of the ocean. It typically uses this ability to incapacitate attackers.


Near Invulnerability: Frankly. Nar-Narolis has no body, which makes it remarkably difficult to damage. Indeed, it can only be hurt from within the hole itself. This means that if it can close its mouth, it becomes impossible to damage until such time as it opens again. In other words, in order to fight it, its mouth must be held open, and attackers must go into said mouth without being devoured.


Communication: As previously mentioned, Nar-Narolis can speak, though it generally chooses not to. It can also communicate telepathically; it is unknown whether it communicates this way more often than it speaks, as it is exceedingly rare for those it contacts to survive.


Status Quo

Currently, Nar-Narolis is inactive, having gone into hiding after its tussel with an alliance of Amayan archdemons in 28,972Y.

Threat Assessment:

With impressive abilities and a keenly intelligent mind (though it's unclear where the mind is stored since it has no head), Nar-Narolis woudl easily be a Vallus+ level threat. However, its durability and near imperviousness to harm makes it infinitely more dangerous.

Nar-Narolis can be considered a Vis level threat.