
A society needs its defenders - even one as loosely organized as Astrum. For the First Realm, that duty falls to the Celestial Host... but to whom does one call when a situation has become too difficult even for a host of soldiers?

To whom does the Host call when they are, themselves, in danger?




The Sword of Paradise is a specialized title given to the Celestial (almost always an Aurali Serat ) who is considered the most formidable combatant in Astrum's Celestial Host.

This does not necessarily imply that they are the most objectively powerful - formidability is a mesh of actual power, skill, and tactical/flexible thinking. As the position also holds authority over the elite Circle of the Sword, The Sword is also expected to have some charisma and leadership capabilities.

Most significantly, of course, a person must have the willingness to serve at the potential risk of their life.

This is a given for anyone serving in the Host, but the Sword does take on far more complicated and dangerous situations than most, and therefore is at greater risk for injury or death.

Deses, née Deses Hal'thun, was the first Sword of Paradise. He was subsequently Ascended by the Seven and became the patron deity of the Host, and of Guardianship.

Valkiya Ohunaa, current holder of the Sword of Paradise title.


In order to qualify for the position, a Celestial must meet the following basic requirements:

  • Grandmaster level skill in at least one melee weapon.
  • Master level skill in at least one ranged weapon.
  • Access to Od at a Vaham rank or higher.
  • Access to either Element Affinity or Magic at a competent level.
  • A reasonable level of skill in diplomacy.
  • The ability to think through and react to scenarios and tests that may be imposed upon the candidate.
  • The ability to lead a unit through and react to scenarios and tests that may be imposed upon the candidate.
  • Note that the forementioned tests are only performed in a situation where there are multiple viable candidates.

    This is not normally the case as there has, more often than not, been an obvious frontrunner.


    The initial choice is made by Deses with the consultation of the Host Council of the Celestial Host. Final approval is in the hands of Anakke.



    Duties & Responsibilities

    The Sword of Paradise is the leader of the Celestial Host's vanguard, the Circle of the Sword, and thus charged with maintaining the safety of Astrum from the most dangerous of potential threats - and doing so in a proactive way when necessary. This will often mean aggressively pursuing growing threats by marching into hostile territory. It can also mean being sent on distance missions. More a more specific breakdown of duties follows.

    Specialized Small Force Missions

    During the centuries of the Caelestise-Sura War, this primarily consisted of going into situations that, due to the physical makeup of the field or issues regarding the circumstances of the mission, could not support a large force.

    Depending on the situation, the Sword might go alone or with a select team chosen from the Circle of the Sword.

    Distance Missions

    If Astrum needs to send envoys a long distance into difficult situations, this is also the province of the Sword. This is typically the retrieval of some escaped criminal that has managed to leave Astrum and travel to Gaean or, even worse, Incaendium. Depending on the situation and the criminal (or other circumstance) involved, a mission to Gaean may not require the Sword's involvement. However, a mission to Incaendium absolutely will.

    High Danger Missions

    When a mission is considered too dangerous for the standard Aurali soldier, the Sword is called upon to bring the Circle of the Sword to manage it. With the enforced end of major Interrealm conflicts created with the construction of the Golden Cage, this is less likely to involve large battles with Demons than it once did. Instead, the focus is on criminals, rampaging Beasts and Abominations. That said, the lack of large scale attacks from Incaendium does not guarantee that smaller groups of Demons cannot come to Astrum - and they do. Depending on the severity of the threat, the Sword may be called upon.

    Fallen Blades

    The freedom and privilege afforded to the Sword of Paradise does have its appeal - particularly for those with the will and drive to achieve the skills necessary to be appointed. However, there is a downside to this, as well - those of especially willful temperament may be prone to going rogue, or even Falling. Two such cases follow.

    Zecien Anlain Fell and was exiled after a long-standing feud with the Shield of the day escalated to slaughter. In retrospect many would say there had always been an edge of darkness to him. He currently reigns as Dominus Regas of the floating island territory, Cras in Incaendium.

    And of course, there is an argument to be made that an excess of free time creates problems. Consider the Sword of Paradise who served just prior to Valkiya, Grigorius Bieloskytes. He went to Incaendium on a distance mission and promptly began to spend all of his copious free time there. Eventually he became a key player in the Endless War. After Falling, he moved there permanently.


    The Sword of Paradise enjoys a high status, substantial compensation and easy access to those even more highly placed than themselves. Additionally, they have a great deal of time off to do as they like, provided they maintain contact with Astrum, simply the primary duties of the Sword are not often called upon.

    While they are not directly in the line of command alongside normal commanders, the Sword of Paradise technically outranks all standard Celestial Host officers and can take control of any normal unit when needed. They can also take command of the Circle of the Stare or Circle of the Shield with permission from either their commanders or the Host Council.


    Cessation of Service

    If a Sword wishes to step down, they are permitted to do so provided there is another Celestial who can adequately fill the position. For this reason, many Swords will target their most talented subordinates for special training and attention - essentially grooming a potential successor to be ready to step in should the time come. Indeed, the most common reason for a Sword to cease their service is simply resignation.

    A Sword can also be removed from their position by the Host Council if they are deemed unable or unwilling to perform their duties.

    A Fallen Celestial cannot be permitted to retain the title, and will be removed from duty.

    Obviously, death causes a cessation of service as well.

    The final, and least likely, cause for the end of service is Ascension. Indeed, this has only happened once, when Deses was Ascended by the word of the Seven and became the patron deity of his former colleagues.


    Since the end of Interrealm wars, many see the Sword as a ceremonial title. This is incorrect. While it is true that they are often found performing ceremonial duties such as attending celebrations or handing out commendations, etc, the truth is danger has not passed as long as there are monsters, marauders and abominations in the world.

    That being the case, though the Sword's duties are minimal most of the time, their presence instills confidence in the population that if, for example, a great ancient dragon were to descend on a city, there will always be someone ready and capable of facing that threat.