Barthen's Provisions

Barthen's Provisions stands as the largest trading post in the bustling town of Phandalin, a cornerstone of commerce and daily life. Catering to the needs of adventurers and townsfolk alike, the shelves of Barthen's are lined with a wide array of standard goods and supplies. From the practical backpacks and sturdy bedrolls to the essential coils of rope and ready-to-go rations, Barthen's ensures that travelers and locals can find their basic necessities from sunup to sundown.


Inventory and Services

While Barthen's does not deal in weapons or armor, it is the premier location for other adventuring gear, provided the items do not exceed the cost of 25 gold pieces. Adventurers looking to equip themselves further are advised to visit the Lionshield Coster. Prices and stock are consistent with the "Adventuring Gear" list found in the Basic Rules of adventuring.


The Proprietor

The store is run by Elmar Barthen, a lean and balding human of fifty years, whose kindly demeanor has made him a beloved figure in the community. Elmar's experience and warm approach make every customer feel welcomed and well-served during their visit.


Staff and Operations

Elmar is supported by two diligent young clerks, Ander and Thistle, who are always on hand to assist. Whether it's loading and unloading wagons or attending to customers, these clerks uphold the high service standards that Barthen's Provisions is known for when Elmar is otherwise engaged.


"Equipping Phandalin's adventurers and citizens with quality supplies from dawn till dusk."

— Elmar Barthen

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