The Ribbed Shafters- 12/19/23

General Summary

In this session, the Crimson Guard, including Doctor Hamato and Blark, embarked on a mission to transport lumber from an abandoned logging camp in Neverwinter Wood. They encountered several challenges, including a broken wagon wheel, attacks by winter wolves and a displacer beast, and an ambush by a gang known as the Ribbed Shafters. The natural balance of the forest was noted to be disturbed, and they discovered that orcs had hired the gang to steal the lumber. Despite the setbacks, the party managed to fend off the attackers and continue their journey.

Date and Location

Date of the session: 12/19/2023
Locations: Phandalin, Triboar Trail, Neverwinter Wood




Session Overview

Journey Begins

    • The party, along with 9 Crimson Guard soldiers, started their mission from Phandalin, meeting Gared Ironbark for guidance.
Encounters in the Wood
    • Observations of unusual animal behavior in Neverwinter Wood.
    • Combat with winter wolves and a displacer beast.
    • Ambush by the Ribbed Shafters and the subsequent parley and retreat.


Key Events

    • Breakdown of Kjata's wagon leading to a split in the group.
    • Gared Ironbark's refusal to return to the camp and his request for the retrieval of his journal.
    • Encounters with hostile creatures and the Ribbed Shafters gang.


Character Highlights

    • Doctor Hamato's strategic handling of the ambush and disarming of snares.
    • Blark's intuitive sensing of the forest's imbalance and his diplomatic approach to ending the ambush.


Challenges and Combat

    • Battle with winter wolves and a displacer beast.
    • Surviving and resolving the ambush by the Ribbed Shafters.


Loot and Rewards

    • Metal Wagon Wheel Snares x4


Cliffhangers and Unsolved Mysteries

    • The purpose behind the orcs' need for the lumber and their connection to the Ribbed Shafters.
    • Gared Ironbark's journal and its contents.



"As Blark calmly approached the wounded leader of the Ribbed Shafters, his words not only halted the arrows but also pierced the tension in the air, demonstrating that sometimes the mightiest weapon in a warrior's arsenal is mercy and diplomacy."

Report Date
21 Dec 2023


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