Rescue Rangers 7/9/24

General Summary

Blark, using Perry, was able to scout the nearby Sword Mountains for evidence of a Roc nest. After several hours Perry came rushing back to report that there was a nest nearby and newly hatched were in danger. Blark, wasting no time gathered the Goblins of the Crimson Guard and rushed to the scene leaving behind a message to his allies.   Kjata and Dr Hamato came rushing to aid, grabbing two draft horses and had them travel at a fast pace. Cal, seeing his new-found allies rushing out of Phandalin on horseback, mounted up his family horse to catch them.    The fragmented group came together inside a narrow pass of the Sword Mountains where they faced many dangerous challenges of geographical nature. Thanks to Hamatos use of the block and tackle he was able to rig a pully system to safetly move the horses along the narrow pass.   Upon nearing the Roc nest on cliffside, Blark spun together an temporary shelter for the horses and left the goblins behind to care for them.    The party came to the Roc nest and noticed only one newly hatched Roc remained, the others resting inside the belly of a gargantuan boa nearby. The four jumped into action and began combat with the boa. After several moments Kjata was swallowed whole and currently resides in the belly of the beast.
Report Date
02 Jul 2024
Secondary Location


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