sc24 Summer Camp

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.

A Prompt Driven Adventure

  Burnout Lesson 3-1-2024
7-3-2024 Update: I believe I've over estimated how many prompts I can answer for the month of July. Deciding to digitally draw and paint my own images takes much longer than I expected. At this point I am going to settle with myself to finish 8 prompts, maybe 16. 24 is out of the question. Since its my first year to fulfill the challenge I won't fuss with myself too much. Somehow I managed to write over 35,000 words for the December challenge while using Ai for illustrations. I continue to use illustrations for the articles where it seems appropriate. What I didn't expect was to burn out on writing articles with illustrations at the end of February. After completing a map for a challenge, I filled out the entry form incorrectly. The disqualification and failure to earn my silly (but not to me) badge that means I completed the task brought on a writing slump. I suppose that was the burnout I should have expected at the end of December. Delayed though it be. So for the Summer Camp challenge that I continue to enjoy I will be nicer to myself.
  As my summer camp story goes...
I've decided to turn my camp experience into an adventure & a little fun for myself. It will give me an opportunity to build an ancient world that is discovered along the way by two fictive characters. I'd rather relax the use of my worn out plotter tactics. Use flexibility and change the process.   Goal Setting
Instead of keeping my goal rigid I've decided to use the prompts for inspiration, and a method for discovering the world along the way.   Random Prompt Stress Test
What was the first time a civilization from your world interacted with an outside group or culture? An Unwelcome & Untimely Introduction Aftermath Decision: To challenge myself with a goal of gold. I don't want to overestimate my tenacity or the time I need to finish my camp project.



Assignment 1
Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points. I plan to build a neighboring world is destroyed by a major earthquake. The human survivors have only one option. The option to land in Airemoia. The seas between the worlds are fickle. Storms are frequent. The Airemoia natives never made an attempt to trade goods with other cultures.   The Airemoia tribes survive the worldwide catastrophe with minimal damage, but face the onslaught of population growth and cultural change that comes with the regions arrivals.

Nimnod Cavern Cathedral

Nimnod Cavern Cathedral by ROD w/Midjourney

Assignment 2
Summer Camp 2024 Pledge Agreement

Summer Camp 2024 Agreement

Summer Camp 2024 Agreement by World Anvil

Assignment 3
Organization & Categories
Since Airemoia is a new build sector, much of the preliminary organization and category work is done. Because I am not sure what prompts will interest me, I am leaving the sub-categories open to editing. Throughout June, I will add images to the map. I choose not to give up on my plan to improvise.   With tags, I shouldn’t have too much trouble finding what I am seeking. My "always" problem is not that I write at least 300 words. My consistent problem is that I need to carve out the 500 best words from the thousand words I didn’t need to write in the first place.
July Prompt Calendar
July Prompt Calendar by ROD w/Midjourney
Assignment 4

Matt Dutton and Uwigor Longears

Matt Dutton and Uwigor Longears by ROD w/Midjourney

Matt Dutton and Uwigor Longears
Prompt Scouts
  Update Meta to reflect the current state of my world and new sector. The Meta will be edited for the addition of Airemoia, a realm the residents of Crooked Mile are not aware exists. While Crooked Mile is dated 1907, only Airemoia's ghosts are still wandering the region when Matt and Uwigor (my characters) appear to them.



Assignment 1
Consider what kinds of refuge would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points. For every world or settlement I build a chapter house, tavern, or home kept by a main non-player character. It is where my characters begin their stories by sharing images. I find it much easier to guess where my character would travel than using the random process to build a world with words or polygons. For example, Ruby is an adventurer who writes what she sees. Her benefactor (me) is an introvert who writes in an loft room surrounded by cats. I would never set foot in the places and times where Ruby goes.
Assignment 2
Find a community—whether that’s our Discord server, Facebook Group, your RPG or friend group, or something else. I use the discord server frequently. It is my place to go for World Anvil and other pursuits that require learning for specific purpose.
Assignment 3
Find ways to improve styling and layout in your world. It is my plan to use less Ai and create my own vector graphics. Because I am addicted to the immediacy of imagining a Midjourney, it is going to be a challenging task. It's not that I am opposed to Ai illustrations. I chose to work on story (word building), instead of devoting time to graphics. 2d and 3d images and models kept me busy for 15 years. I ignored the complications of writing, but I miss making vector and raster art. It takes a good deal of time to create a from scratch illustration, but it is very satisfying too. I don't need to add so many images to articles.  

Cosy Capers & Tails

Muddy Thumbs Hand Sketch and Scratch Digital (Self Fulfillment)
Lily Bit Hiding in her Kitchen
Lily Bit Hiding in her Kitchen by Ann Dickerson
But starting a new world ofCozy Capers and Tails will provide opportunities to escape the gray world of 1900s soft horror, give me another option to answer prompts that don't seem to fit into the gas lamp era, and it will furnish an art studio to work in and about. M y prompt responses will be public, but the world will work as my private studio until I feel comfortable publishing it.   I find it difficult to write with less words, while providing more details in an easy to read format. I will be working on that during summer camp. My goal is to write no more than 600 words for any prompt answer.
Assignment 4
If you’re a CSS wizard, maybe take the time now to give it a polish!
A CSS wizard I am not. More of a CSS hack I be, so I will take a look through the CSS closet in Discord. That closet is a blessing for writers who once used the earliest versions of HTML and left the cause when CSS started being used. I can pick it out from the source, but writing it on my own is another issue. I don't mind borrowing with permission.   Mid Week 2 Update - Getting Started with New World - Working on Meta Planning to work out initial details while writing the meta. At this point I only know that I won't be limiting my cats to capers that concern dark scary stories (although one or two might find their way into Lily Bit's journal). I am going to create my own images.




Assignment 1
Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.
Since I am working in two very different worlds - one cozy/light (Muddy Thumbs) and one soft horror/dark (Airemoia), it is going to be both a challenge and rest to move from one to the other answering prompts. Humor is the refreshing part of working with my cat inspired mysteries. Only their cat parents feet will be seen, but her voice will be heard along with their translated responses. Time period recent history.   I expect to find humor in the Black Ichor story too. Matt and his uncle Uwigor look for satrical oddities wherever they go. They hide their fear through of what they find in a world with a smart remark or story. Time period antiquities.
Assignment 2
Create a bank of inspirations! Quotes, music, description of experiences and shower thoughts, etc.
  • Heard: Uwigor Longears, "Matt, I've been listening to a lot of big band music. If it is true that our experiences are influenced by what we daydream, our first stops should take us to mid 20th century. Many a good B movie monster could be seen during that time".

  • Smelled: barley beer being made.

  • Touched: Dry thread and cold metal needles.

  • Saw: Wood piled in layers between trees.

  • Taste: Grape jelly with stale bread.

Assignment 3
Find art and pictures that inspire you, and grab a map if you don't have one (and need one). Getting Started with my favorite crutch - a map. This is a brand new map, a bit unusual for my feline inspired mysteries (tales based on my own cat adventures seen and imagined by their bed baskets and catio perches). While they aren't allowed to wander far and near, they can dream wide and do. My next task is to find non-player characters to fill their real life roles. They've already added in their two cents worth of opinion about this process. Auditions are coming soon. Not too fussy, not too cute, not too ornery and not too silly. Their capers will require smart felines.
Muddy Thumbs Catio Agency
Assignment 4
Check your inspirations again. Are they still relevant? Can you find any that better represent the current state of your project? My own cats are inspire me for images and short cozy mystery stories. They don't always behave, but they make us laugh and keep us sane. I decided to use a relaxed painting style for the "actors." So far the only actor who showed up is Captain Socks. A tuxedo cat who resembles his counterpart. I am creating vectors so I can pose them in different ways for different scenes.

Captain Socks

Captain Socks by Ann Dickerson aka ROD



Assignment 1
Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.
During this prep I've changed my mind several times about Muddy Thumbs objectives. I definitely abandoned cutesy for ornery, grumpy, and wild when it came to feline dispositions. I am still not sure where my world building will take their stories. The idea of short stories sounds good for the time being. Only the world building matters to me now.   What best for me? Sticking to the no more than 600 words for any article written. Short stories will be whatever fits (setting lifted from world build, dialogue that makes sense, and brief but colorful descriptions).
Assignment 2
If you like special tea when you write, stock up for a month. Tidy your office, make a “do not disturb” sign, and think about any other last-minute strategies to optimize your writing space and time!
I am able to work with little interruption. I should tidy up though. A tea drinker I've become since I lost my privilege to drink coffee. I was a coffee addict, who missed it very much. My favorite black tea is still Twinings Extra Strong. I appreciate that I can drink several cups of strong tea during the day.
Assignment 3
Review your world homepage to hook potential readers!
It's risky. Gifs are weighty. Unexpected animation is not always welcome, much like music or audio that interrupts reading can be annoying, but I am going to add a little where it shouldn't bring too much attention to it. Particularly in the lighter hearted Muddy Thumbs (scale/resolution).

Cat Walk Test

Cat Walk by Ann Dickerson aka ROD

Assignment 4
Take a look at your author profile and pillar articles on your world and polish them!
Matt Dutton's Crooked Mile adventure is surrounded by completed and in-progress articles that are part of a long running project. I am hoping that my summer camp experience will rejuvenate my interest in continuning with the pursuit. The Muddy Thumbs world is new. It is going to take some work to establish pillars. It's theme is light and silly, but it is my desire to include a few articles about the seriousness of treating rescue cats and the attempt to domesticate them with nothing but love. I am not sure how going from light to dark and back again will work out. Lily Bit has a perfectly awful history based on a suspected true story. As for me (bio) there is nothing much else to say at my age.  

Cover image: Summer Camp 2024 Banner - Nimnod by Ruby O'Degee w/Midjourney & World Anvil


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