Cryptic Book of the Haunted

Black Ichor Scenarios include "soft" horror text and graphics.
It may not be suitable for children or the skittery to read.
Opinion of the writer: PG-13 material.
The Circle Way to Decipher Cryptic Passages
Crooked Mile Chapter Records
Phenomena, Arcane Languages & Artifacts

The Lightkeeper Lending Library in Crooked Mile is a busy place. Residents frequently borrow pulp fiction novels, Six Year War histories and legal reference books. They can easily access the card catalog at the center of the library. Two volunteer librarians, interns from the Briarbank College Annex , are knowledgeable about information that residents specifically need.   There is a locked door behind the stacks. It is opened with a password known to only a few community leaders and investigators from the Crooked Mile Circle. While most arcane original Books of the Haunted are sealed away in the Lighthouse keep, copies are kept in the Lending Library for the Chapter’s convenience. Persons who can neither read nor write cryptic languages studied the by secret society investigators find it too confusing to read the tomes.   The cryptic language glossaries and cross overs are kept in the Crooked Mile Circle Lighthouse. Because of recent disturbances and attempted break-ins, the glossaries are kept in a veiled compartment between the lantern room and the watch room. Anyone choosing to access the compartment must know how to decipher the cryptic passage written on the fractalated glass.   If an investigator needs any help find a challenging spell book or grimoire, the best person to call is Dr. Dr. Elizabeth Ogden. She is a professor at the Annex and she is well traveled. As a founder of the Crooked Mile Circle, she is also secret society expert. Before choosing a chapter, Lizzie interviews candidates for fit. It is far less embarrassing to get cultural matters out of the way.   The most recent copies of newspapers, including the @Gazette are housed in the Lending Library, but the Cryptic Book of the Haunted does not suggest using the paper for research into paranormal or unexplained phenomena.
Locked Book of the Haunted

Book of the Dead

Book of the Dead by ROD w/Midjourney

Lighthouse Keep

Lighthouse Cryptic Keep

Lighthouse Cryptic Keep by ROD w/Midjourney

Cover image: DKL Black Roses Banner by ROD w/Midjourney
This article has no secrets.


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