Fae Species in Crudal | World Anvil


Fae are an ancient species born from union of humans and demons. They are a magical and powerful people, all born with the natural ability to harness magic. The majority of them have unique features about them such as tails, gills, fangs, or horns. Some of these traits come from their demonic ancestors, others come purely from evolution. Fae can live anywhere from 100-300 years, but most Fae die before 200 years.

Basic Information


Fae look similar to humans, other than their pointed ears and magical abilities, there isn't much difference between humans and fae. Occasionally, you'll come across a fae with other physical attributes that are different from humans. Some subspecies of fae have wings, gills, fins, and many more. Really though, there's only one or two differences between fae and humans when it comes to their physical attributes.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Fae of Matnum reproduce just like any other humanoid mammal species, sexually. Fae fetus' gestate for 9 months through pregnancy. Fae typically have fertility problems however, make it so that a couple could go years without having a single pregnancy, and at least 1/4 of the population of Matnum suffers from frequent miscariages or stillbirths.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fae take a few more years to reach adulthood, as they aren't considered to be an adult until they turn 21. This is both for cultural and biological reasons. Other than that, Fae have similar stages of life. Their adult-elder stage lasts for much longer however as fae can live up to 100-200 years. The healthiest of fae can even live to be 300.

Ecology and Habitats

Fae thrive and adapt in all habitats, but they do best in warmer/spring climates. This is why area of Matnum that have colder climates tend to be inhabitated by mostly demons rather than fae.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All fae are born with hightened senses. Their highest sense of all is that of their sense of smell. They're also born with the natural ability to produce magic, if they choose to learn how to do so. But like any other skill, some are born with more natural talent than others.
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