Matnum Organization in Crudal | World Anvil


The Matnum Empire is the oldest and biggest kingdom in all of Crudal, dominating their world with their immense power.


Supreme Sovereign

The ruler of all of Matnum, the emperor or the empress of this great empire. They are adressed as Imperial Majesty, Imperial Sovereign, or Imperial Emperor/Empress.

Emperor/Empress Consort

The spouse of the Emperor or Empress. They are adressed similarly to their spouse, but they are not called the Imperial Sovereign.

Crown Prince/Princess

The heir to the Matnum Empire. Typically the eldest child of the Emperor/Empress, but a younger child could be chosen if the Emperor/Empress deems their eldest child to be unable to fullfill the roll.

Princes and Princesses

The children of the Emperor/Empress.

Imperial Council

A group of the Emperor/Empresses most trusted advisors and high ranking officials, They help the Emperor/Empress to make decisions about the Empire, especially when the Emperor/Empress is unable to make decisions or they are away. They are meant to carry out the will of their Supreme Sovereign. All offices of the Imperial Council are filled by people that the Emperor/Empress chooses, or they are appointed by other members of the council depending on the circumstances.
Supreme Regis
The highest ranking memeber of the Imperial council, the Supreme Regis is the acting Emperor/Empress while the Emperor/Empress is out of comission or away for any reason. This role is typically filled by the crown prince or princess if they're old enough. Otherwise the role is typically filled by a sibling or other family member. The Supreme Regis is always elected by the Supreme Sovereign Emperor/Empress.
The Chancellor is the Chief Advisor of the Matnum Empire and is essentially third in command. The Chancellor acts as an advisor to both the Emperor/Empress and the Supreme Regis, but mainly the Supreme Regis since it is the Supreme Regis' job to advise the Supreme Sovereign. While the Emperor/Empress and the Supreme Regis are busy running the empire, the Chancellor is in charge of running the Imperial Council while the Regis and Sovereign are away. The Chancellor is in charge of all the official documents of the empire and the council, they work almost as a secretary for the empire.
Minister of War
The Imperial Council member responsible for the military affairs of the Empire. The Minister of War is in charge of the the Empire's armed forces, preparing Matnum incase of war. Theyre one of the people who have the final say on if the Empire goes to war. In times of war, they're in charge of deciding on military strategyies and acting as Commander-in-Chief. They're in charge of everything related to the army and has final say on such matters.
Master of Spies
The Master of Spies is incharge of overseeing the inner workings of the palace, and protecting the Imperial Family. The Master of Spies helps to maintain control and preventing dissent and rebellions. They're incharge of a huge network of spies to help protect the royal family and the Empire's court.
Grand Vizier
The Grand Vizier is in charge of the legislation and policies of the Empire, they make sure that the laws and policies the council implements are upheld. They're also incharge of the civil infastructre of Matnum, including things like the construction of new cities, roads, and other public amenities. It is up to the Grand Vizier to oversee the economy and prosperity of the empire, essentially working as a treasurer. On top of that, the Grand Vizier is in charge of the public image of the empire, with things like social welfare, the justice system, public relations, and cultural patronage.
Minister of Enlightenment
The Minister of Enlightenment is in charge of of the public image of the empire, much like the Grand Vizier, but the Minister of Enlightenment gets to focus entirely on this job. The Minister of Enlightenment is in charge of planning the social events of the palace, encouraging the cultural identity of the empire, propaganda, and the Empire's diplomacy.
High Inquisitor
The High Inquisitor is in charge of the Bureaucratic Apparatus, Enforcers, and Agents of Matnum. They ensure that the commoners of the Empire remain loyal to their Supreme Sovereign. If someone where to betray the Empire, they're in charge of that persons interrogation, torture, and punishment. They investiage all matters revolving around law enforcment in the Empire. They investigate Heresy, carry out public punishments, ilfiltrating oposing groups of the Empire such as rebellions, and reporting back to the Emperor/Empress about such matters.

Nobel Houses

Powerful and influencial families that hold positions in the government, military, and economy. Most of the time, they tend to be the one that hold positions in the Imperial Council.

Military Commanders

The military plays a crucial role, with skilled commanders leading vast armies. Loyalty to the empire is paramount, and the military prowess often determines ones ascent in the hierarchy.

Bureaucratic Apparatus

A bureaucratic system enforces the Empire's laws and policies. Bureaucrats ensure the smooth functioning of the government, collecting taxes, overseeing infastructure projects, and maintaining order.

Enforcers and Agents

They act like the police of the Empire, enforcing the laws that the Imperial Council sets forth. They root out dissent, monitor loyalty, and execure the will of the Supreme Sovereign Emperor/Empress.


The working class of the Empire, typically subject to the propaganda of the Empire and forced to be subservient to those that are seen as stronger than them.


Value System

Honor and image is everything to Matnium people. They strive to give off the appearance of powerful and pride. Act like you have power, and you'll be given real power, or you'll have to take it. Those who arent strong enough are too weak to survive the empire, and are subject to being part of a subservient class. Matnum feels the same about other realms, it's eat or be eaten. The cunning and ambitious are seen as strong, as well as those gifted with magic. If they know how to use it. If anyone steps out of line, the empire will not hesitate to terrify them into submission. And nothing is more important to Matnum than its ever growing power and reign. They will apand their empire at any cost.

Art and Architecture

Matnum's Art and Architecture is meant to reflect the power the Empire strives for. The nobels of the Empire live in beautiful opulent palaces adorned with tall spires and sculptures meant to intimidate the weak. Intricate carvings adorn their palaces, depicting the acomplishments of empresses and emperors of the past and present. Portraits of authority litter the halls, depicting the Emperors and Empresses of the past and present. The architecture of Matnum is meant to show off the wealth and might of the Empire's ruling houses.
All across Matnum, enourmous monumental statues can be seen from far and wide. Every city, town, and village has a statue of their ruling Imperial Emperor/Empress. Other statues depict important moments in history such as the great acomplishments of the Empire's leaders. Regardless of the theme of these statues, they are all meant to portray power and convey a sense of control over its people.
Much of Matnum means to use a dark aesthetic, more so once Cassandra took over as Empress, hoping to portray her Epacian culture in her new Empire. Much of the architecture of Matnum is made of materials like obsidian and black marble. Blood red and gold is another popular color withing the art and architecture, with blood red and gold being the color of Empress Cassandra's dynasty. When Matnum was ruled by the Wulfric family, grey and blood red were popular colors. But black has always been prominent regardless of the ruling family. While everything was originally meant to envoke a sense of fear, all of Matnum is proud of their power, their history, their empire.
In the day of Emperor Aubron the Cruel's reign, propaganda art was very popular. Propaganda art is found through out the history of the empire, but more so during his rule. Art and architecture is more often than not used to scare the weak into submission and portray the power of the Empire, but art meant to express is popular aswell. So long as it is not talking bad about the Empire or its ruling family. Tapestries are a incredibly popular medium, and murals are popular in the larger cities. All art and architecture of Matnum still tend to conveign power, glorify authority, terrify the powerless, and show their dominance.

Culture of the City vs. the Country

Culture of the City
The cities if Matnum are large and diverse, having been enriched by the cultures of kingdoms all over Crudal. The Urban areas of Matnum thrive on trading and commerce, many of them bursting with many markets, merchants guilds, and other economic hubs. The cities love to express themselves through art, with them having many artistic gallaries and theaters that the rich and powerful frequent. The most innovative ideas sprouf from the cities of Matnum with them being hubs of artistic expression and education. Some of the worlds greatest schollars and and researchers come from the cities of this great empire. Finally, the night life of these grand cities are vibrant with many great festivals, celebrations, and other social gatherings.
Culture of the Country


Tournaments are a popular form of entertainment for the upper classes of Matnum. The tournaments can range from lots of things. Crimanals fighting each other to the death to fight for their freedom, criminals being sentenced to death, criminals fighting trained soldiers or deadly animals, or warriors fighting each other for the fun of it. For the lower classes of Matnum, they like to entertian themselves with festivals and dancing.


Weaving and other crafts are popluar among women in the upper classes. Men tend to prefer different crafts such as metal working and


Rise from the ashes

1st of Aga Year 0 - N/A

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Matnum Empire
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
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