The Holy Order of Light.
The Holy Order of Light connects all faithful worshipers of The White Lady through Church and prayer across the known world. The Order conducts itself by rules presented in The White Book and enforces them with "Dred-Light Clerics" who dedicate their lives to destroying evil. Followers of the Order of Light seek to live good lives while questing to locate and destroy evil wherever it may reside. The Holy Order of Light dates the early 4th age of man with The White Lady placing faith in her bravest Clerics to serve as Dred-Lights. This mission is commonly known as "The Dred-Light Oath" and it is taken only by the most loyal of Clerics on the path of Light.Size and Scope.
The Holy Order of Light operates iacross all of Cruul, but is equally deared and welcomed welcomed within most good aligned cultures or societies. The Order has endless wealth and reach within the southern kingdom of Hamar that funds them abroad as well. All Dred-Lights act as authority officers of good wherever they walk, with the majority of them policing the lands of Hamar as servants of law.Activities.
The Holy Order of light is diligent in the following activities in all human lands.- Seeking out and destroying evil.
- Settling legal disputes.
- Donating to the needy.
- Enforcing the Lawful will of The White Lady.
- Delivering judgement.
- Defending all Good aligned creatures.
- Benefiting the Kingdom of Hamar. through actions of good alignment.
- Following orders of the Church without question.
Religious, Holy Order
Notable Members