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Session 16 - Oops, There Are Vampires Now

General Summary

(Simon har dårlig nett)  
  • The fight continues
    • Richard tries to Command the vampire, but fails. He then Channels Divinity to regain a spell slot
    • Ariah says something about not letting this happen again, and silvery wings sprout from her back, she flies forward and grapples the vampire, tearing him away from Damia
      • Her eyes glow, but both her eyes and wings become darker as she flies forward
    • The vampire breaks free
    • Jonathan casts Dissonant Whispers on the vampire, making him flee. Ariah and Damia gets opportunity attacks
      • Damia CRITS! ... for 3 dmg
      • Ariah misses
    • Damia Reduces the vampire and then gives the bones to Richard
    • Richard fails to Command him again
    • Ariah shoots him for 3 dmg... And tells Richard to give her the bones to fly away with
  • We bravely run away towards the church on the other side of town (chase scene: 15 rounds needed)
    • Richard runs ahead without giving Ariah the bones
    • Jonathan falls over a corpse and loses some speed
    • Damia has to shoulder through a fleeing crowd, but manages fine
    • Some guards shoot at Ariah before recognizing her and apologizing
    • Jonathan has to dodge a glass pane being carried in the street
    • Damia has to dodge a wagon full of glass, but crit fails and breaks glass. She catapults herself over it
    • The wagon drives towards Richard, who hits his shoulder
    • The wagon jumps on a ramp and hits Ariah in the air
    • She tries to carry Jonathan but is mistaken for a gull
    • The vampire catches up with both Damia and Jonathan, but doesn't seem interested in them
    • Damia crashes into some barrels, then fails miserably at a Ray of Frost
    • Richard continues to charge ahead, unhindered by obstacles
    • Ariah dodges some birds then casts Toll the Dead on the vampire
    • Damia gets renewed motivation from lagging behind (and getting inspired by Jonathan) and charges ahead
    • Ariah flies higher and continues to Toll the Dead
    • The vampire is starting to be confused by where Richard went
    • Jonathan confuses the vampire with sparks, while Damia slows him down with Ray of Frost
    • Richard intimidates his way through a fight between guards and a vampire, but gets exhausted from running for so long
    • Ariah flies in another direction to confuse the vampire
    • It works and the vampire starts attacking the vampire instead, saying "Where is your friend? I need those bones. Tell me where they are"
    • Jonathan uses Dissonant Whispers to get the vampire to run towards Ariah
    • The vampire doesn't see anyone anymore, so the chase is over. Ariah stays behind to keep the vampire busy, while Damia and Jonathan go towards the church to help Richard
  • Damia tells Lady Wachter about the vampire outbreak and that Izek Strazni is still outside the city
  • Ariah chases the vampire and duel it out from the air
    • The vampire keeps missing, but isn't affected much by Ariah's Toll the Deads
    • Ariah lands on a roof as her wings fade, giving her cover from the arrows
    • Finally an arrow hits Ariah
    • It is becoming clear that killing this vampire would take too long and be risky, so Ariah hides on the rooftop and starts heading towards the church
  • Richard reaches the church as a grey mist meteor crashes into the belltower and silences the bells
    • He tries to barricade the door as soon as he gets inside
    • It is too quiet in here
    • He hears sounds from above
    • Jonathan reaches the church before the door is finished being barricaded and manages to convince Richard to let him and Damia in
    • There are dead people on the ground and something is coming down the stairs by the altar
    • Richard throws Jonathan the bones and tells him to get behind him
    • There's a hole in the roof, and all the benches are now rubble
    • A well-dressed man is holding Father Lucian in the air
    • Strahd talks to Lucien "Lets get this over with before the bones arrive"
    • As he is about to crush Father Lucian's head, Richard jumps out "Ey yo, what's up"
    • Richard denies having the bones, but asks Strahd to help him with the vampires attacking the town
    • Strahd knows his name, and as a response to Richard playing dumb, Strahd tears off Father Lucian's head
    • "I suggest you give me the bones"
    • Ariah arrives outside the barricaded doors
    • Strahd walks slowly closer, calling the bones a traitor
    • Jonathan opens a window for Ariah
    • Strahd turns into mist leaves and comes back with Yeska the Altar Boy, to give Richard more incentive
    • He will call the attack off is Richard gives him the bones
    • Richard asks Strahd why he needs the bones, but Strahd says that he already knows


Prevent Strahd from killing the kid. Potentially by giving him the bones to save the kid and calling off the attack on the city.   Jonathan is considering using Charm Person. Jonathan can also use his ability (with a 2nd lvl spell slot) to fabricate fake bones
Report Date
25 Jan 2023


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