Strahd's Tactics

Go check out u/guildsbounty's post: My Notes on Running Strahd Like an Unholy Terror - Seriously. A lot of this page is either short hand or direct wording from his post.   Strahd is a smart, strong, experienced war general. Most importantly, he is a bored prisoner that has complete control over the valley. Treat him like a god. In the end, hopefully, Strahd's (DM's) arrogance will be his downfall.    

Stages of Interest

  As the game progresses, Strahd will switch up his tactics to either, mess with or obliterate the party.

Stage 1: Aware

  • Party just landed in Barovia.
  • Business as normal. Coincidental encounters.
  • Vistani or other allies report anything they learn about the party.
  • Strahd isn't controlling any of his minions.
  • Stage 2: Interested

  • The party has done something intriguing to get Strahd's attention.
  • Spies will try to steal party loot or personal effects to boost Scrying potential. Randomly call for wisdom saves.
  • If PC isolated, Strahd will interview them.
  • Strahd observes party in combat. Either invisible or hidden.
  • SIDE QUEST: A Delightful Dinner With The Devil
  • Will try to plan a mole.
  • Stage 3: Active Interference

  • More intelligent enemies and mixed units.
  • Strahd will pick fights.
  • Psychological warfare to sow distrust & paranoia.
  • Examples:
  • Gives PCs quest to do something good.
  • Charms and bites players who are alone.
  • Charm PC or ally or a pre-established Rary's Telepathic Bond to get them to do something suspicious or harmful. Can charm as bat.
  • Use seeming to 'replace' someone/something(s).
  • Use seeming on PC to make them look like monster.
  • Disguise/alter self to replace PC.
  • Send PC money with a note, thanking them for some obscure 'service'.
  • Stage 4: Break them

    Turn it up to 11...
  • Try to make a PC dislike another. Charm them to attack them.
  • Make note of what worked in Stage 3 and double down.
  • Creative combat tactics:
  • Dominate someone the PCs like and force them to attack the party.
  • Offer to let someone leave if they bring Ireena, Sunsword, Tome of Strahd, etc.
  • Give them cursed armor that has Nystul's Magic Aura to hide its true nature. Activate it during the final battle.
  • Spread rumors to lead PCs to cursed items.
  • Manipulate non-evil PC to setting the Assassin in the magic mirror located in Baron Vargas Vallakovich's on another player.
  • Inform the Revenants at Argynvostholt that the PCs are aiming to kill Strahd. They will track the party down.
  • Use Dream to mess with PCs.
  • If the PCs have experience with Strahd replacing people, use Suggestion to get an NPC to act strange. Maybe the PC's paranoia kicks in and they kill a friendly.
  • Use Seeming to make innocents look like monsters.
  • Spread copious amounts of misinformation throughout the valley. Sunsword is cursed, overusing the holy symbol of ravenkind will turn you into a raven, players converse with vampire spawns, cult in Village of Krezk, etc..
  • Stage 5: Obliterate

    Its War Time
  • If a player can be corrupted, do it, if they refuse, kill them.
  • Attrition-style warfare. Attacks have a goal: Kill that character, aquire that item, destroy that location, etc.
  • Kill PCs' network of allies. In front of them if possible.
  • If there is a mole, it strikes.
  • Destroy their base of operations.
  • Avoids frontlines in fights.
  • Kill allies and turn them into vampire spawns (they scream and curse the party for their fate).
  • if PCs are 'friends' with one of Strahd's minions, precision-strike betrayal. Attack in sleep, poison, whatever hurts most.