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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eshonai has an Eladrin father and a Wood Elf mother. It is noticable at a glance that Eshonai is not human by her frame. She is tall, thin and wispy.

Apparel & Accessories

Eshonai wears a blue sun dress that hangs past her knees and has a cat and flower print on it. She has a patchwork scale breastplate that goes over the breast of her dress. Missing scales with flowers stuffed in for decoration and trinkets and noisemakers hanging from it. She carries a backpack, a longsword on her hip, and a bow on her back.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

1. Made a skull whistle for Max 2. Made a spore print for Malcolm 3. Made a dream catcher for Rin

Mental Trauma

Chased a poor gnome until he fell off a roof.

Morality & Philosophy

"The leaf lives its appointed time, and does not struggle against the wind that carries it away. The leaf does no harm, and finally falls to nourish new leaves. So it should be with all men. And women."


Killing and violence. Violence against others harms you When someone harms you, they harm themselves I will stop people from harming themselves and others

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: rainbows pretty flowers sea shells a nice walk a good book having a pedicure wearing pretty jewellery songs around the campfire Singing loudly to music Finding the right song to match my mood Making memories wine! lounging around making an awesome gift for someone gazing upon an amazing sunrise or sunset finding a butterfly baking stuff people like listening to birbs! gazing up at the stars walking through a bazaar making something I’m pleased with writing in my diary bubble baths foraging time by myself to do whatever I want with remembering a good dream happy endings bright coloured pens visiting favourite places from times past mint scents citrus scents roast dinners doggos! fresh sheets with pretty patterns fairys finding ways to celebrate the seasons talking and laughing with friends making up elaborate stories late at night hot sand and cool water walking barefoot on grass listening to and watching rain random acts of kindness walking in the woods being warm having childlike fun cute baby animals when I find solution to problems Dislikes: the daggerford guild council

She/Her Happy go lucky, out of touch, pacifist elf girl. Who wants to see all that life has to offer.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
90, not quite an adult elf yet
Long, blonde, a little unkempt, sometimes flowers in it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 Feet 2 Inches
110 Pounds
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Primordial, Sylvan

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Eshonai's Goals

1. Get Xayah Home. 2. Investigate, Expose, and Stop the cult that is killing people and hunting my friends. 3. Fix the very bad curse effecting the land. 4. Have fun travelling with new family 4. Help the Wood Elves of the Misty Forest 5. Make a gift for Reverie 6. Make a gift for Reinard 7. Weave something for Drusilia with the weavers kit she gave me    

Entry 16

Dear Diary,   Eleint is over! Whatever that means. I suppose it means there is a really great festival happening in the town of Beliard! It was so fun! I arm wrestled for the first time too! I think I did good, but I lost my match. My opponent was soooo nice. He was this cute little gnome named Orlan and he was stronger than he looked. Max bought us all drinks and we ate and played music and it was so much fun. It reminded me of being back at home... just for a little bit. Then it was time for everyone to go to sleep and I was left with the homesick feeling inside.   I finally decided to do something about these bad people that are attacking us everywhere we go. I don't know what I can do, but I'm going to try to do something. I'm going to start with learning about them and finding out everything I can. I started by returning Malcolms book with a note inside and having a chat with him that night. He told me a lot about these people, apparently they're called the Order of the Talon and they have a symbol of some sort that looks like this: Φ Malcolm was very sweet and tried to find non violent ways for me to get involved. I'm not sure this can be resolved using the Way of the Leaf though... But I won't just just sit by and watch more people I care about be hurt and killed. We agreed to learn and track this order for now and we'll keep it a secret between us.   Lastly we finally arrived at the High Forest! I hope we can put this whole curse thing to rest and go back to happy things!

Entry 15

Dear Diary,   My uncle used to say "A bad day only lasts 24 hours". It's a little silly but that always helped put my problems into perspective. But after yesterday I think this bad day will last more than 24 hours. Everything went awful at the guild hall. After that sorcerer... did what he did to Rin and Xayah I started shooting arrows at him. I... don't remember everything clearly but I remember shooting at him, and I remember the arrow exploding and him recoiling like I hurt him. I felt like I wanted to hurt him and make him stop, but then also didn't want to hurt him and I just couldn't make a decision. He kept flying around throwing lightning at everyone and the guild members ran away and some attacked us. But I was focused on the sorcerer who felt like pure evil to me. It made my skin crawl.   He flew down low enough to throw another lightning bolt at someone. And while my vision was blurred and bright, ears ringing, I knew I had to stop him. I let my bow go and pulled out that foul sword and swung with everything I had at him. Again, I'm not entirely sure what happened. It's like I can see before I struck him and after, but in the middle it's all fuzzy. When I regained my senses I was standing over him on the ground and he looked like he was unconscious but alive. I heard my friends fighting the guild members and I knew this man couldn't be allowed to hurt people anymore. And... I thought if anyone had to do it, I don't want it to be my friends. So I used that disgusting sword for the only thing it's good for and I ended that poor man's life. Malcolm ended up helping afterwards, which made me even more sad. I hate everything about today. The only good thing is that Xayah and Rin were brought back by Reverie and everyone lived.   I think the guild people went and talked to the guards or something, I'm not entirely sure what happened. We ended up in that nice Duchess' house for some reason and they gave us money for exposing some people and for killing someone? Are we mercenaries now? I think they missed the point that we were here to speak on behalf of the elves and end the conflict and any violence between the city and them. I still don't trust the rest of the guild council, even if the Duchess says they're okay. They were so quick to resort to violence and kept threatening to hurt us or kill us. I couldn't wait to leave this city and put as much distance between this town and me as possible.   The rest of the party had errands to run I guess. They got came back with some new stuff and we were on the road to help fix this curse again. I asked everyone for forgiveness for trying to protect them all the time. I think I finally understand why the Tuatha'an travel all the time and stay together. Because you can't protect everyone. You can't protect them from things that want to hurt them. And you can't protect people from hurting themselves. I don't know what to do anymore Diary. I feel like a failure. I couldn't even do something as simple as staying true to my beliefs. I couldn't even protect the people I care about. I tried to do everything and I did nothing. Whatever I do in the future, I have to do better than this Diary. My new family deserves better than me, so I need to be better than me.

Entry 14

Dear Diary,   Those council guys are jerks! We tried to talk with them, we really did! But after they saw Max they all pulled out weapons and started threatening us. I felt really bad for them. I think they thought they looked scary waving their weapons around, but I knew they only people they could hurt was themselves. For violence against others is violence against yourself and it is my duty to prevent people from hurting themselves in this way.   No one else seemed to want to talk to them so I tried to talk with them and they just yelled over me and demanded we walk in while they aimed weapons at us. Well I wasn't about to let my friends get hurt, or let them hurt themselves, so I slammed the door shut quick. They shot the door! These poor people :(   We tried to hold the door shut but they blew it open and tried to attack us. But my friends are way too cool headed. Xayah, Reverie and Rin restrained them all in those really cool vines like the dead people and even made them glow purple. We were able to convince them we wanted to talk and didn't want to hurt them.   After talking to the lady with the pretty beard I'm not so sure I understand them at all. They seemed to not listen to anything we said before attacking us and kept demanding we state our intention and listen to them. Even while they were covered in vines and waving weapons around while we held up our hands to talk. I kept introducing myself but she woudn't return the favor; why would anyone be so rude? I did like her mask though. In the end we told them we were there on behalf of King Melandroch and while they recognized the name, they didn't seem to recognize his authority. I tried mentioning that nice lady I met Duchess Morrwind but they didn't seem to recognize her authority either. They seemed to think they were the only people who mattered, in this city or any other. I really wanted to talk with them but any time I tried it felt like I just screwed it up and they yelled over me. I tried yelling over them but that didn't work either...   The lady punched me in the face too, it didn't hurt me too much, but I was sad I let it happen to her. Before I realized what was happening Xayah popped up and filled her mouth with sand! (I'm not gonna lie, that was pretty funny) Xayah can have such a temper sometimes, but she's so cute I can't be cross with her. Before I realized it everyone had their weapons out again and were trying to hurt us again. Then a bright flash of light! My muscles tense, my skin warm, ears ringing, eyes trying to focus and.... Xayah on the ground smoldering and twisted, Rin on the ground not moving or glowing anymore.... I lost my temper Diary.... And the worst part, I don't even think I'm sorry....

Entry 13

Dear Diary,   Today my friends and I snuck into a guild hall! It's so exciting! We probably shouldn't be here, but we have good intentions. We're going to speak with the council and stop all those loggers from getting hurt and the elves home from being destroyed.   Some of the others seem really intent on finding out what they have in their offices but I'm going to make sure nothing bad happens to anyone. We had to slip past a guard who was in the building. Malcolm wanted to use a fire bottle! But he remember we had some sleeping powder and I was happy to give it to him if he'd put that thing away.   We tied him up so he couldn't hurt himself and he looked so peaceful sleeping. Max took a peek inside and I think they saw him!


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