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Neutral Good Cute Lil Elf Girl (Far Traveller)
Ranger 3
28 / 28 HP

She/Her Happy go lucky, out of touch, pacifist elf girl. Who wants to see all that life has to offer.

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Mon 29th Nov 2021 12:49

Eshonai's Goals

by Eshonai

1. Get Xayah Home.
2. Investigate, Expose, and Stop the cult that is killing people and hunting my friends.
3. Fix the very bad curse effecting the land.
4. Have fun travelling with new family
4. Help the Wood Elves of the Misty Forest
5. Make a gift for Reverie
6. Make a gift for Reinard
7. Weave something for Drusilia with the weavers kit she gave me

Eshonai's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Entry 13
    26 Oct 2021 12:44:55
  2. Entry 14
    26 Oct 2021 12:45:15
  3. Entry 15
    08 Nov 2021 09:35:48
  4. Entry 16
    27 Nov 2021 06:56:51
  5. Eshonai's Goals
    29 Nov 2021 12:49:52

The major events and journals in Eshonai's history, from the beginning to today.

Entry 16

Dear Diary, Eleint is over! Whatever that means. I suppose it means there is a really great festival happening in the town of Beliard! It was so fun! I arm wrestled for the first time too! I think I did good, but I lost my match. My opponent was soooo ...

06:56 pm - 27.11.2021

Entry 15

Dear Diary, My uncle used to say "A bad day only lasts 24 hours". It's a little silly but that always helped put my problems into perspective. But after yesterday I think this bad day will last more than 24 hours. Everything went awful at the guild ha...

09:28 pm - 08.11.2021

So if anyone is wondering how the tabs work on here: To add an image to your Gallery post an image in your stream. To add an event to your history timeline, post an achievement in your stream. You can also make them private if you want to add something and not notify everyone, or hide it after you do.

01:00 am - 28.10.2021

The sword I carry? I can't say I'm fond of it. It really doesn't have a good use. I tried to chop wood with it once and almost cut my own leg off. Let's just agree that we don't need these things and maybe we can sell them for something practical. Like a fancy suit! Or a big fuzzy bear! .... A bear in a suit!!!!

01:09 am - 26.10.2021

Entry 14

Dear Diary, Those council guys are jerks! We tried to talk with them, we really did! But after they saw Max they all pulled out weapons and started threatening us. I felt really bad for them. I think they thought they looked scary waving their weapons ...

12:42 am - 26.10.2021

Entry 13

Dear Diary, Today my friends and I snuck into a guild hall! It's so exciting! We probably shouldn't be here, but we have good intentions. We're going to speak with the council and stop all those loggers from getting hurt and the elves home from being ...

12:15 am - 26.10.2021

Eshonai's Goals

1. Get Xayah Home. 2. Fix the very bad curse effecting the land. 3. Have fun travelling with new family 4. Help the Wood Elves of the Misty Forest 5. Make a gift for Reverie 6. Make a gift for Reinard 7. Weave something for Drusilia with the weavers...

11:59 pm - 25.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eshonai.

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Other Characters by OhMyGoogles