Silas Black Character in Curse of the Crimson Throne | World Anvil
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Silas Black

Silas Black

In memoriam. Silas Black, native of Cheliax and local assassin was killed today in the abandoned fort on the Eastern shore of Korvosa, during the early morning hours. Circumstances of the death are unknown, but Black was rumored to be affiliated with an underground group of insurgents resisting Queen Ileosa's rule. These insurgents have recently been targeted by the Grey Maidens, who have assumed responsibility for the Queen's security in recent months. There are indications that Red Mantis operatives may hav also been involved in the killing. An investigation is underway. Black was born in the City of Westcrown as a slave, but earned his freedom in the fighting pits. An avid hedonist, Black sought to emulate his deity Cayden Cailean by drinking large quantities of spirits at every opportunity. Black's remains were burned at the temple of Pharasma. Donations to the Church of Cailean can be made at any local alehouse or tavern. Black's companions ask that he be remembered in the spirt of his final words as he lay dying: Oh... fuck off.

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