Beacon - FGP714 Vehicle in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Beacon - FGP714

A light combat vessel designed to operate as a short-medium ranged picket and scout ship, monitoring systems near or adjacent to its home base and delaying incursions with its fighter complement and single high-volume torpedo volley.   HIMS Beacon is a hull donated to the voidwalker project after a series of shipyard-level minor miscalibrations rendered it impossible for a rookie pilot or navigator to operate. Awakened to produce the Void Walker Atiiche.   Strengths and weaknesses:
--Powerful anti-shipping armament but does not carry heavy missile reloads
--Agrav based manoeuvring offers relatively poor thrust/weight ratio, but is reactionless and offers unmatched vectoring of 'thrust' for evasion
--Point defence systems are relatively long ranged and capable of servicing a large number of incoming contacts
--Protection against particle weapons is notably lacking

Power Generation

3 x Muon-initialised gravithermal fusion reactors with integrated capacitor banks and reserve power storage


3 x Primary gravimetric motive units, mounted outboard in 120/100 m cantilever pylons (abreast and ventral)
3 x Manoeuvring gravitmetric motive units, mounted outboard in 100 m cantilever pylons (abreast and ventral)
1 x intermediate-scale Lwyd Rift drive, with 1 x small-scale backup drive in storage

Weapons & Armament

1x2 x 90cm rail missile launchers (coilgun-assisted missile projectors in turreted twin mounts, medium-long range and carrying kinetic, canister or bomb-pumped laser (BPL) warheads)
92 x Duel-purpose light laser turrets (short-med range, pulsed fire, variable wavelength energy weapons)
11 x independent fire director turrets (dedicated sensor systems mounted alongside laser turret batteries for acquisition and monitoring, not armed)
64 x 600 cm heavy rail missile in 4 external, optionally disposable launch platforms (pods)

Armor and defense

92 x Duel-purpose light laser turrets (as described above)
3 x 'Hardlight' holographic energy shield projectors (spends photonic energy to absorb lasers or disintegrate particles)
Gravimetric Lattice Plating armour (heat-resistant ceramic armour containing particles of gravity-altering cavorite, excellent vs kinetics but is depleted by energy weapons)


Standard sensors - Passive and active broad-field EMdar optimised for infrared, microwave and radio wavelengths
Active sensors - 2 x Graviresistometric samplers (monitors gravity wells and mass shadow distortions with considerable accuracy, but with nearly no field of view)

Additional & auxiliary systems

34 x Outboad docking points amidships for Rupeean shipping crates.
1 x Shuttle landing bay and cargo-handling for general goods (mounted ventral forward).

Hangars & docked vessels

2x6 x Hangar bays, optimised for Assiim heavy fighters of any possible class. The bays can also double as workshop space for repair and examination (mounted as dorsal superstructure).
6 x Outboard docking ports for spare strike craft
1 x Athwartship landing/handling pad for large-volume cargo handling and overflow storage of orphaned strike craft.
Borderer-class missile frigate
Owning Organization
357 m
Complement / Crew
1 Void Walker, a skeleton crew of approx. 50 specialists for data handling, damage control and encouraging words


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