Mirage AVS system Technology / Science in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Mirage AVS system

The Mirage Active Visual Stealth system is a dynamic EM stealth technology. Armor built with it gradually attunes the visual properties of each plate's outer layers to its surroundings, over time resulting in a target that can easily be overlooked from a distance. The process is automatic and requires marginal amounts of power to initiate, but it takes too long for the effects to set in for the technology to be usable in active infiltration and similar operations.   Specifications and blueprints of Mirage were lost during the transition of Shanti into a province of the Terran Empire.
Access & availability
Lost technology
Used in
CPB 'Spectre' powered armor
OMB 'Chameleon' combat uniform
Core idea inspired by the "CSS" material from the science fiction book series Algorytm Wojny by Michał Cholewa; no infringement intended.


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