CPB 'Spectre' powered armor Item in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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CPB 'Spectre' powered armor

CPB powered armor (codename 'Spectre') was an advanced armor system contemporary to the SRN Brilliant Ember. No working instances were known to still exist until the reactivation of the aforementioned destroyer from museum status and its subsequent conversion into a Void Walker, which revealed a respectable inventory of them in pristine shape in one of the ship's minor armories.

Notable Traits

The armor's design puts an emphasis on evasion and functional flexibility, opting for a versatile construction and feature set instead of the more common specialized approach.   It sports advanced target acquisition and tracking, as well as a sophisticated fire control system that the integrated machine gun chambered in 7.5mm Nikai links into directly.   The machine gun is attached to a swivel mount and can be set to either fire over the operator's shoulder independently of their movement or snap to either forearm and roughly follow its motion. The former is fully automated and the latter supports digital aim assistance, though it can be disabled if manual aiming is required.   The primary armor of the 'Spectre' is integrated, and consists of numerous Mirage AVS composite armor plates, a technology that was lost during the turmoil following the founding of the Terran Empire. Mirage provides CPB armor with limited semi-active visual stealth.   The CPB features a internal life support system rated for both vacuum and extreme planetary environments, coupled with minor user strength amplification mostly aimed at making the armor feel weightless and the user feel no change in ability even in high gravity, as well as basic thruster suites for maneuvering in microgravity or making assisted jumps under light gravity.   The armor has a large, flat data port on the back, allowing it to interface with any compatible machinery and directly tap into its software and tacnet for convenience. The socket's design has a large margin of error, meant to simplify and idiot-proof the connection.   Unlike contemporary Shanti designs with similar roles, 'Spectre' cannot be equipped with energy shields.
Powered armor
Integrated armaments
Single 7.5mm MG on a mechanized swivel mount
Stealth capabilities
Basic visual stealth (Mirage AVS)
Place of origin
Shanti Province
Void Walkers Project (Brilliant Ember)


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